
  1. 政府推进社会信用体系建设的对策取向

    The Government Advances the Social Credit System Construction the Countermeasure Orientation

  2. 电子政务与社会信用体系建设

    E - government and Construction of the Social Credit System

  3. 论政府在社会信用体系建设中的作用

    Role of Government to Play in Constructing Social Credit System

  4. 社会信用体系建设:概念、框架与路径选择

    Construction of Social Credit System : Concept , Framework and Path Selection

  5. 三阳光政府领导的社会信用体系建设必将取得成功。

    " Sunshine Government " will succeed in the social credit system construction .

  6. 当前社会信用体系建设的几个着力点

    Key Points in Establishing Credit System in Current Society

  7. 社会信用体系建设与国家开发银行商业化转型

    Construction of Social Credit System and Commercial Reform of Development Bank of China

  8. 论档案行政管理部门在社会信用体系建设中的作用

    Discussion on the roles of archive administration in the construction of social credit system

  9. 消费信贷与社会信用体系建设探讨

    Making an Inquiry About the Establishment of Our Consumer Credit and Social Credit System

  10. 网络环境下我国社会信用体系建设的研究

    Building the Social Credit System Under Internet Circumstances

  11. 近几年来,社会信用体系建设受到各界的广泛关注。

    Recent years , the society paid close attention to the social credit system .

  12. 振兴东北老工业基地,社会信用体系建设是一项十分重要的工作。

    It is important to construct credit system to rejuvenate the old northeast industrial base .

  13. 论社会信用体系建设的问题与对策

    Problems and methods on social credit system

  14. 第二部分,指出我国社会信用体系建设过程中存在的问题。

    The 2nd part is about the problems coming up in the construction of social credibility .

  15. 第四部分介绍政府在社会信用体系建设中责任的落实。

    The fourth part is the government responsibility in the construction of social credit system implementation .

  16. 第二部分是社会信用体系建设的现状及存在的问题。

    The second part is the construction of social credit system and problems of the status quo .

  17. 建立完善的信用信息服务体系是社会信用体系建设的首要问题。

    Establishing a sound credit information service system is the chief task of establishing social credit system .

  18. 要强化市场法治,加快社会信用体系建设。

    We will improve market legislation and accelerate development of a credit system for the general public .

  19. 反思金融危机需要重视社会信用体系建设。

    Through the reflection of financial crisis , we should attach importance to the construction of social credit system .

  20. 征信体系的建设是社会信用体系建设的重要环节。

    The construction of the system of ' credit investigation ' is the important link of social credit system construction .

  21. 另外,建立健全政府管理体制是我国社会信用体系建设顺利推进的重要保障。

    In addition , perfecting the government management system is the a guarantee to establish social credit system in China .

  22. 社会信用体系建设是一项系统工程,要建立全方位的信用体系,必须坚持上下结合、内外结合、各部门通力合作的原则。

    Social credit system construction is a systematic project , and it calls for cooperation principles to construct an overall credit system .

  23. 为改善信用环境,提高国家的信用管理水平,我国近年来逐渐加大了在社会信用体系建设上的力度。

    To improve credit environment and ameliorate the national credit management , china has been devoting itself in credit system construction in recent years .

  24. 当前我国市场失信惩戒机制和信息传递机制的不完善也在客观上要求政府在社会信用体系建设中发挥作用。

    In particular at present the punishment mechanism to inflict on someone breaking faith and information transmission system are both rather imperfect in China .

  25. 我国正在推进信用社区建设,《社区再投资法案》对我国社会信用体系建设具有一定的借鉴作用。

    Credit community construction are being promoted in China , so , CRA will play a reference role for China 's social credit system construction .

  26. 信用体系建设越来越受到人们的重视,尤其是企业信用体系的建设是整个社会信用体系建设的重中之重。

    Credit system gets more attention of people , especially the enterprises ' credit system , it is the key of the whole social credit system .

  27. 在中国,它有助于中央银行对整个银行体系的监管,也是整个社会信用体系建设的基础。

    In China , it helps the central bank to regulate the whole banking system , and it is also the foundation of the society 's credit system construction .

  28. 目前我国正处于市场经济转型升级时期,社会信用体系建设还处于起步阶段,还存在许多不完善的地方。

    The country is going to upgrade during the transition to market economy , the social credit system is still in its infancy , there are still many imperfections .

  29. 中国在向市场经济转轨过程中,存在严重的信用缺失,集中表现为社会信用体系建设严重滞后。

    In the process of Chinese transition to the market economy , serious deficiency in the social credit is shown as the lag in building the social credit structure .

  30. 为了使我国的社会信用体系建设有准备地、顺利地走向未来,我们还必须作艰苦的分析工作、认真的对话、甚至相当大的妥协。

    To make our social credit system built under good preparation , we have to do more hard work on analysis , careful dialogue , and even relatively much compromise .