
  • 网络social science periodical
  1. 新形势下社科期刊质量评价标准探析名栏工程建设过程中的问题及对策

    Exploration and Analysis of the Quality of the Social Science Periodical in the New Situation THE PROBLEMS IN THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE WELL-KNOWN COLUMN OF THE SOCIAL SCIENCE PERIODICALS AND THE COUNTERMEASURES

  2. 目前高校社科期刊已达1100多种,成绩突出。

    There are1100 kinds of university social science journals in China .

  3. 计算机的介入与社科期刊的发展

    Intervention of the computer and the Development of Social Science Periodicals

  4. 新疆高校社科期刊特色化办刊的思考

    Consideration about Characterization of Social Science Periodicals of Xinjiang Higher Education

  5. 对社科期刊中论文标题的思考

    The Thinking for the Title of the Paper in Social Sciences Journals

  6. 构建社科期刊评价体系的理论思考

    Theoretical thinking on establishing appraisal system of social sciences journal

  7. 社科期刊匿名审稿缘何难实行

    Why Is Peer Review Difficult in Social Science Journals

  8. 前三届国家期刊奖获奖社科期刊统计分析

    A Statistical Analysis of Social Sciences Periodicals Which Gained the National Periodical Prize

  9. 提高高校图书馆社科期刊利用率之我见

    My Opinions on the Utilization Rate of Social Science Journals in University Library

  10. 关于高校社科期刊发展问题的思考

    The Thinking about the Development of University Academic Journals

  11. 办好学术期刊繁荣社会科学&第四届全国综合类人文社科期刊高层论坛综述

    Operating Academic Journal Well and Prospering Social Sciences

  12. 因此,绍兴迫切需要增加社科期刊这种“稀缺资源”。

    So there is an urgent need for adding such " rare resources " .

  13. 对办好学术期刊若干问题的思考&在第四届全国综合类人文社科期刊高层论坛上的发言

    Reflections on Several Issues in Running Academic Journal

  14. 社科期刊篇目英译之弊论析

    The Problems in English Translations of Articles Titles in Academic Journals of Humanities and Social Sciences

  15. 提高社科期刊编辑人员素质的途径&由《旅游新报》所引发的思考

    On Ways to Improve the Quality of Journal Editors & Thoughts Provoking by New Tourism Journal

  16. 与时俱进办好社科期刊发展繁荣哲学社会科学

    Keeping pace with the times , running good periodicals of social science and developing philosophy and social science

  17. 名刊工程入选期刊评审兼具社科期刊评选的创新意义与社科学报的引导功能。

    The examination and selection of those into this project is of both innovation significance and guiding function .

  18. 社科期刊稿件的政治把关是很重要的,特别是在当前的形势下尤为重要。

    Political Censorship plays a crucial role in checking manuscripts contributed to social science journals , especially in current situation .

  19. 社科期刊的编辑人员,必须努力提高自身的政治素质、业务素质以及职业道德素质。

    Professional quality is the key quality while the professional ethics quality is the fundamental quality for social journal editors .

  20. 前者主要集中在社科期刊与科技期刊、印刷版期刊与电子版期刊、计算机识别与中文编排习惯、社科学报与社科期刊等几个关系问题的认识和理解上。

    The former involves social and scientific journals , printing , electronic edition , computer identification and Chinese editing , and so on .

  21. 图书馆馆藏核心社科期刊的确定&以广东行政职业学院图书馆为例

    Discussion on the Determination of the Core Social Science Periodicals Collected by the Library & Taking the Library of Guangdong Administrative Vocational College as the Example

  22. 社科期刊质量评价要遵循科学性、完整性、可比性、权威性四项原则和政治标准、业务标准、编辑标准、出版标准四项标准。

    The quality evaluation of the social science periodicals must follow the four principles , that is , science , integrity , comparison and authority ; and four standards .

  23. 通过对中国社科期刊的统计分析,探讨我国社科期刊生产、分布的现状和存在的问题。

    By a statistic analysis of social science periodicals in China , this paper discusses the production and distribution of social science periodicals in China , and indicates the existing problems .

  24. 对于社科期刊而言,计算机给作者以新的研究技巧,给编者以新的编辑模式,给出版者以新的发行渠道,给读者以新的阅读媒体,这一切都正在赋予期刊一个全新的面貌。

    As far as social science periodicals are concerned , the computer provides authors with new research skills , editors with new editing modes , publishers with new circulation channels and readers with new reading media , thus giving a brand-new look to periodicals .

  25. 质量是社科学术期刊研究的永恒主题;

    Quality as the perpetual point of the journal 's research ;

  26. 云南社科类期刊发展面临的问题

    On Some Problems Facing the Journals of Social Sciences in Yunnan

  27. 社科学术期刊面临的困境及改革发展之路径选择

    The dilemma and way out for the academic periodicals of social sciences

  28. 关于社科类期刊主编的基本素质

    On the Basic Quality of the Chief Editors in Social Science Journals

  29. 社科类期刊在创新型社会建设中的作用

    Social science periodical should bring into play in building innovation style society

  30. 社科学术期刊管理;社科类出版物上的数字用法

    The management of journal ; Use of Numerals in Publications of Social Sciences