
  • 网络personal information security
  1. Cookie应用与个人信息安全研究

    Research on cookie applications and personal information security

  2. 个人信息安全保护技术的发展与策略

    Development and Strategies of Personal Information Security

  3. 谷歌想要确保用户的个人信息安全。

    And Google wants to make sure your personal information is safe .

  4. 浅谈个人信息安全的防护

    On the Safe Protection of Personal Information

  5. 苹果将继续在巩固个人信息安全和隐私方面充当领导者角色。

    Apple will continue to be one of the leaders in strengthening personal information security and privacy .

  6. 用户数据泄密事件直接制约了电子商务的发展,危及用户的个人信息安全。

    User data leakage incident directly restricts thedevelopment of E-commerce , endangering the safety of users ' personal information .

  7. 因此,有必要对公民个人信息安全的刑法保护特别是《刑法修正案(七)》第7条适用的一些问题作一番探讨。

    Therefore , it is necessary to investigate and discuss the application of Criminal Law , especially Article 7 in " Criminal Law Amendment VII " .

  8. 本文运用生态系统的理论对个人信息安全问题进行了研究,在研究过程中主要运用了文献研究法、比较研究法、理论和事例相结合以及演绎类比的研究方法。

    In the process of research , I mainly used literature research method , comparative research method , combination of theory and examples , interpretation of analogical study method .

  9. 第三章是对个人信息安全基本内容的分析研究,包括什么是个人信息安全、个人信息安全存在的风险以及危害等。

    The third section analyzed and studied the basic content of personal information security , which contains what personal information security is , risks that personal information security faces and harm which personal information security problems bring .

  10. 我国公民个人信息安全保护尚处于初级阶段,刑法保护由于其本身所具备的严肃性,对现阶段侵犯信息安全行为具有较大的威慑作用。

    Security of personal information of our citizens is still in its infancy , because of its criminal law to protect itself with the seriousness of the violation of information security at this stage acts have greater deterrent .

  11. 实证研究结果表明,对初始信任影响最显著的因素依次为:个人信息安全、社区、个人信任倾向、网站声誉、感知易用性和网站相关链接。

    The results of this empirical research indicate that the most important factors of positively affecting initial trust : personal information security , community , individual trust propensity , website reputation , perceived ease of use and website connection .

  12. 在网络信息时代,个人信息安全涉及到管理、道德、法律等诸多方面,法律的滞后性使个人信息在网络环境下缺少法律的保护以及相应的制裁。

    In the IT era , the personal information security is concerned with many aspects , such as management , moral and legal , an incomplete legal system , therefore , result in the lack of personal information protection in an unbounded internet environment .

  13. 根据研究的内容范围,将论文结构划分为六个章节,首先是绪论部分,对问题的提出、个人信息安全研究的文献综述、论文创新点以及结构安排等作了介绍。

    According to the research scope of this paper , its structure is divided into five sections . First is preface which puts forward the research content and introduces the literature review of personal information safety protection , research purpose and meaning , research background and so on .

  14. 随着计算机计算能力的迅速提高,计算机的广泛普及以及Internet的迅速发展,个人信息的安全性正变得岌岌可危。

    Along with the rapid improvement of the computer 's calculation ability , the computer 's widespread popularization as well as the Internet 's rapid development , the security of the individual information varies between the beetle and the block .

  15. 前美国国家安全局(NationalSecurityAgency)官员托马斯·帕朗蒂(ThomasParenty)目前经营着一家安全咨询公司,对于如何在中国确保设备和个人信息的安全,他提出了一些建议,摘录如下。

    Thomas Parenty , a former National Security Agency official who runs a security consulting firm , offered his views on how to ensure that devices and personal information stay safe in China . Here are excerpts .

  16. 10.苹果是否认为个人信息的安全和隐私非常重要?

    Does Apple believe that personal information security and privacy are important ?

  17. 隐私和个人信息的安全,是对我们非常重要。

    The privacy and security of your personal information is very important to us .

  18. 它还拥有阻止未授权类检索个人信息的安全特性。

    It also has the security features to prevent unauthorized classes from retrieving personal information .

  19. 无论是对企业还是个人,信息安全都日益成为被广泛关注的问题,同时网络安全产品也被重视起来。

    Information security is increasingly becoming issues that whether of corporation and individual pay attention to .

  20. 以上案例说明,便携式分析仪如又一层安全屏障,对保护公司文档及机密个人信息的安全大有帮助。

    As the above scenarios show , a portable analyzer adds another layer of security that helps keeps corporate documents and sensitive personal information safe .

  21. 如何快速准确的鉴定身份,替代传统的记忆性密码,保证个人身份信息安全成为人们关注的焦点。

    Identity information security has become the attention focus . It becomes more and more important to find a new way instead of the traditional memory password .

  22. 有些人认为电子机票不存在遗忘丢失的问题,而有的人则担心在网上发送个人信息不安全或机票无法报销等问题。

    While some feel more secure without the worry of a ticket , others said they did not trust sending personal details over the Internet , or worried they would not get reimbursed .

  23. 就是消费者自身,对于其个人信息的安全保护意识也是欠缺的,这次的泄密事件波及如此之大跟我国消费者安全意识的缺乏是分不开的。

    For consumer self , their personal information safety protection consciousness is lacking , the " leak door " spread so great in China with the lack of consumer safety consciousness is not divided .

  24. 为保护公民个人的信息安全,维护公民的合法权益,预防利用公民个人信息进行犯罪,《刑法修正案(七)》增设了侵犯公民个人信息的犯罪。

    To protect the safety of citizens ' personal information , safeguard their legitimate rights and interests and prevent relevant crimes , the Amendment to the Criminal Law of PRC ( VII ) added a crime about violating citizens ' personal information .

  25. 个人计算机系统信息安全问题与对策

    Information Security and Countermeasures for Personal Computer

  26. 虽然大多数人的金融账户和个人信息并非国家安全局、联邦调查局,或外国政府的调查目标,但却时刻可能成为黑客的窃取对象。

    While most people aren 't targets of the NSA , FBI or a foreign government , hackers are looking to steal the financial and personal information of ordinary people .

  27. 而一名来自12306铁路客服中心的女性接待员上周日表示,出于个人隐私及信息安全的考虑,建议用户不要使用这种浏览器或插件。

    However , according to a female receptionist at 12306.cn headquarters on Sunday , customers are being advised not to use such browsers or plug-ins due to privacy and security concerns .

  28. 随着互联网和信息技术的不断发展与进步,人们逐渐开始关注个人和组织的信息安全的问题。

    With the development and improvement of internet and information technology , people pay close attention to the security of personal and organization information .

  29. 计算机病毒、密码篡改、网络攻击等现象层出不穷,严重威胁着个人甚至国家的信息安全。

    The phenomena such as computer virus , password fabrication and network attack , emerge in endlessly and pose a serious threat to information security of peoples and even nations .

  30. 《刑法修正案(七)》新增的非法获取公民个人信息罪,为保障公民个人信息安全提供了法律依据,是我国立法的重大突破。

    The new crime of illegally obtaining personal information of citizens in " Criminal Law Amendment ( 7 )", provide a legal basis for the protection of security of personal information , it is a crucial breakthrough in our legislation .