
shè huì bìnɡ lǐ xué
  • social pathology
  1. 日本教育病理学的理论基础:社会病理学

    The Theoretical Basis of Japanese Educational Pathology : Social Pathology

  2. 在考察社会哲学的传统与现状的基础上,霍耐特在现代性悖谬批判的意义上,将社会哲学界定为“社会病理学”;

    After examing its tradition and current state , Honneth defines social philosophy as " social pathology " in the sense of criticizing the paradoxes of modernity ;

  3. 从精神病理学到社会病理学&雅斯贝尔斯的哲学逻辑学概念

    From Mental Psychopathology to Philosophical Logic & Jaspers ' Concept of Philosophical Logic

  4. 第二部分从社会学意义和病理学意义两个角度对傻瓜形象进行分类概括,具体探讨傻瓜形象的个体特征及其成因,对其进行整体概括。

    Part two from the perspective of sociology and pathology fool classified the individual characteristics and causes of its overall position .