
  • 网络Petain;Pétain
  1. 你见过贝当元帅吗?

    Have you ever met marshal petain ?

  2. 他的信仰和远见成就了他,不要轻视他,不要以为他是乌托邦幻想者,后世会认为这个人是先知者。&贝当。

    His success to his faith and vision , do not underestimate him , do not think he is a utopian fantasy who would think this person is later prophet . & Petain .

  3. 甚至还想杀贝当将军。

    And planned to kill Marechal petain .

  4. 萨科齐涉嫌接受了年老体弱的莉莉亚娜·贝当古装有现金的信封。

    Sarkozy is suspected of accepting cash stuffed envelope from the frail and aging Liliane Bettencourt .

  5. 贝当古说,调解人员应该要求反政府领导人利用自己的影响力鼓励激进分子放弃恐怖活动,争取找到和解与和平的途径。

    Betancourt said mediators should ask rebel leaders to use their influence to encourage militants to end terrorist activities and seek a path of reconciliation and peace .

  6. 我们共享一份沙拉和一些螃蟹蛋糕当开胃菜。然后我点了烤干贝当主菜,哦,我的天,实在太好吃了。

    We shared a salad and some crab cakes for an appetiaer , I ordered baked scallops for my entree and , oh my god , they were incredible .