
  • 网络Moral Education Content;moral content
  1. 增加德育内容,开设网络德育课程;

    To add up more moral contents and open Internet moral course ;

  2. 论德育内容的结构及其优化

    On the structure of moral contents and their optimum seeking

  3. 加入WTO与我国高校德育内容创新

    The Creativity of the Contents of Moral Education in University with the Entry of China into WTO

  4. 大学德育内容体系的整体构建研究

    Research on Developing the System of College Moral Education 's Content

  5. 其三,德育内容发生结构性调整。

    The third , the content of moral education is structurally-adjusted .

  6. 高校德育内容创新建构

    Construction of New contents of Moral Education in Colleges and Universities

  7. 德育内容单一,缺乏创新;

    The contents of moral education are monotonous , lack of creativity ;

  8. 新时期高校德育内容改革之研究

    On Reform of Moral Education Content in Colleges in the New Period

  9. 本土化与全球化:社会转型时期我国德育内容的双重旋律

    Nationalization and Globalization : Parallel Themes in Moral Education in Present China

  10. 知识经济条件下德育内容改革的几点思考

    Reflections on Reforming Contents of Moral Education Under Knowledge-based Economy

  11. 高校学生德育内容认同感的概念及结构研究

    The Self-identity Concept and Structure of College Students Moral Content

  12. 高校德育内容有其独立的历史轨迹。

    The content of moral education in universities has its independent historical development .

  13. 尊重学生需要、改进德育内容;

    Respect the needs of students and improve the content in morality cultivation ;

  14. 高校德育内容的构建与创新

    Construction and Innovation of Moral Education Contents in College

  15. 从纵向看,同一德育内容在不同学校阶段有一定的层次态;

    Vertically , the same contents reveal certain level state in different schools .

  16. 中外学校德育内容比较研究

    The Relatively Study of the Meaning of Moral Education in Home and Abroad Schools

  17. 高校德育内容实现条件比较研究及对策

    Countermeasure and Comparative studies on prerequisites to accomplish moral education content in higher learning

  18. 全球问题和德育内容的更新

    Global problems and renewal of moral education contents

  19. 新时期德育内容的重新构建

    Reconstructing the Moral Education Content of New Period

  20. 学校德育内容创新的一种范式

    A Creative Model of School Moral Education Content

  21. 普通高中德育内容体系初探

    The Preliminary Explorations on the System of Moral Education Content in Senior High School

  22. 小学艺术学科德育内容与实践

    The Content and Practice of the Moral Education in the Art Subject in Primary Schools

  23. 在个体与社会方面所倡导的德育内容具有一定的稳定性和变动性。

    The content of moral education about individual and society has certain stability and changeability .

  24. 第5章中学地理德育内容分析。本论文在对中学地理教学当中所蕴含的德育方面的内容进行了全面的阐述。

    Chapter Five : Analysis of moral education contents in geography textbooks in high school .

  25. 更新德育内容。

    Upgrade the contents of moral education .

  26. 创新德育内容体系。

    Innovation moral education content system .

  27. 面向市场经济的德育内容

    Ethic Education in the Market Economy

  28. 第五,拓展德育内容,拓宽教育渠道;

    Fifthly , we should broaden the content of moral education and the channel for education .

  29. 在促进先进文化建设的同时,也在不断丰富着德育内容。

    It enhances the construction of advanced culture and enriches and develops the content of ethics .

  30. 中美学校德育内容的比较;

    , the comparison on the contents of moral education at school in China and U. S. A.