
  1. 反复使用本药,药效也不会减弱。

    The drug 's effect does not tail off after it has been used repeatedly .

  2. N4-乙酰化代谢是本药的主要消除方式,所给剂量62.1%以该方式消除。

    The 62.1 percent of the administered dose was metabolized by N4-acetylation in the body .

  3. 本药不延长硫喷妥钠的作用时间。

    The hypnotic action of thiopental in mice was not prolonged by Sinomenine .

  4. 若按说明服用,本药无任何副作用。

    When taken according to the instructions , the drug has no side-effects .

  5. 作者讨论了静脉滴注本药的方法和注意事项。

    The method and precaution of intravenous infusion of the drug were discussed .

  6. 结果:本药的处置符合一房室开放模型。

    RESULTS : The distribution of drug fitted to one compartment open model .

  7. 本药对应激型溃疡模型无效。

    However , the drug was shown to be ineffective against the stress-restraint ulcer model .

  8. 本药不会引起碱中毒、腹泻、便秘、消化不良或其他副作用。

    It does not produce alkalosis , diarrhea , constipation , indigestion and other effects .

  9. 请按处方使用本药。

    Take this medication as prescribed .

  10. 本药不良反应少,即使有轻度肾功能受损者,用药后也未见肾功能恶化。

    Adverse drug reactions were rare , even in patients with mild impairment of renal function .

  11. 此结果为本药预防血吸虫病的最佳疗程的设计提供了科学依据。

    This finding provided scientific evidence on proposal for the best course of treatment with this drug .

  12. 本药的机理主要是以改善胃排空及胃肠运动功能为基础。

    The mechanism of such effectiveness lies in the improvement of evacuation of gastric content and gastrointestinal movements .

  13. 用法:本药减慢消化系统的活性,因而减弱痛性痉挛和胃蠕动。

    Uses : this medication slows the activity of the digestive system , thereby reducing cramping and gastric motility .

  14. 本药虽非仙丹妙药,但您试用以后,定能得到意想不到的效果。

    Though it is not an elixir , this drug will give you an unexpected effect after you try it .

  15. 本药可提高家兔单核&巨噬细胞系统的吞噬功能,延长凝血时间。

    Morcover this medicine can increase the phagocyte function of mononuclear phagocyte system in rabbit , prolonging the coagulation time .

  16. 不可内服,如患处有伤口,必须将伤口清理妥当,方可使用本药。

    Not to be taken internally , if painful area had wounded it must be cleaned before use this product .

  17. 酒后或有任何其他任何形式的辅助睡眠时不应应用本药,该机构说。

    It should not be taken if alcohol has been consumed or with any other sleep aid , the agency adds .

  18. 增加对方痛苦的安慰者本药安神息风,专治失眠头痛。

    This medicine can tranquilize the mind and calm the endogenous wind , and is a specific for insomnia and headache .

  19. 在一些病患中,本药会持续一段时间的吸收而形成相对平坦的吸收曲线。

    In some patients , the drug will continue for some time the formation of the absorption and the absorption curve is relatively flat .

  20. 本药专治各类疼痛,可以试用,无效退款。

    This drug is a specific for alleviating all pains , and welcome for use on trial , and money Back is guaranteed if ineffective .

  21. 本药疗效显著,服用方便,毒副作用小,特别适合重病人。

    This medicine , which is effective in treatment and convenient in use with insignificant toxicity and side effects , is especially suitaBle for a serious case .

  22. 本药有明显的养心补血作用,适宜老年体弱者长期服用。

    This drug , nourishing the heart and enriching the Blood effectively , is suitaBle as a long-term medicament for people advanced in age and poor in health .

  23. 饮服本药防治雏白痢的保护率达100%,治愈率为96%。

    When administration by drinking water , the protection rate against pullorum disease was up to 100 percent , and the cure rate was up to 96 percent .

  24. 哈吉·肖弗里·本·哈吉·阿卜杜勒·加福尔本药舒肝和胃,消化道病人的福音。

    With the effect of soothing the liver and regulating the function of the stomach , this drug means glad tidings for patients suffering from digestive tract trouBles .

  25. 提示本药有增强与调节免疫功能的作用,有减轻放化疗对骨髓造血功能的抑制,能有效地减轻放化疗的毒副反应,与放化疗结合使用有协同效应,具有一定的抗肿瘤作用。

    These indicated that HTE has the effects of increasing and regulating immunologic function , reducing the inhibition of bone marrow and toxic and side reaction after radiotherapy and exerts a synergetic antineoplastic effect .

  26. 为了探讨菊苣胶囊防治糖尿病的作用机理,采用体内实验方法,观察本药对正常小鼠及不同高血糖模型小鼠血糖的影响。

    To discuss the mechanism of preventive and curative action of the Chicory Capsule on diabetes , taking test in vivo , we observe the effects on the normal mice and the different hyperglycemic mice models respectively .

  27. 为了进一步弄清本药确切的药理作用,为临床应用提供实验依据,根据相关的现代药理学知识,瘙痒的发生机制,我们对清血糖浆的相关药理作用进行了研究。

    In order to identify the pharmacological function of this drug further and offer experiment basis for clinical practice , we have carried on some researches to the relevant pharmacological function of the Qxs according to modern pharmacological knowledge and mechanism of itch .

  28. 安全性观察:观察患者是否出现用药后的不良反应,如患者外用本药后有无过敏反应,以及溃疡面积有无扩大或者加深。

    Safety Observation : Whether patients with adverse reactions observed in patients with external application , such as when a patient after external use the medicine have any allergic reactions , ulcer area of whether or not to expand and deepen . 5 .

  29. 小鼠醋酸扭体法、小鼠热板法均显示了祛痛喷雾酊的镇痛效果,福尔马林慢性炎症镇痛实验表明;本药具有止痛、消炎、消肿的作用。

    Both acetic acid twisting method of mouse and hot - plate method of mouse showed analgesic effect of Qu Tong Spraying Tincture , and analgesic experiment on formalin - induced chronic inflammation indicated that the drug had the action of analgesia , anti - inflammation and detumescence .

  30. 本药润燥滑肠,专治便秘。配合植物保湿因子,全面锁住水份,温和清洁肌肤的同时,滋润干燥肌肤,保持肌肤柔嫩健康。

    Moisturizing pathogenic dryness to loosen the Bowel , this drug has a special curative effect on astriction ( constipation ) . It can preserve moisture with the help of natural vegetal moisturizing factors , mildly clean , moisten and soften the skin so as to keep a health skin .