
  • 网络Pontius Pilate;pontius pilatus;Ponce-Pilate
  1. 人们把这件事告诉耶稣并不是要控告本丢彼拉多。

    The people reporting the incidence were not trying to make a charge against Pontius Pilate .

  2. 本丢彼拉多以三种语言张贴耶稣的「罪状」&犹太人的王,明褒暗贬被人嘲讽的正义。

    Pontius Pilate had Jesus ' " crime " King of the Jews posted in three languages , in ironic tribute to the travesty of justice .

  3. 本丢彼拉多&他在大希律的儿子亚基老被逐后成为罗马犹大省的巡抚。

    Pontius Pilate-He became governor of the Roman province of Judea after the banishment of Archelaus , son of Herod the Great .

  4. 提前六13我在使万物生存的神,并那向本丢彼拉多,作过美好承认之见证的基督耶稣面前嘱咐你。

    Tim . 6:13 I charge you before God , who preserves all things in life , and Christ Jesus , who testified the good confession before Pontius Pilate .