- 网络aaf;Animals Asia;Animals Asia Foundation

Despite the criticism , Animals Asia founder and CEO Jill Robinson has witnessed a significant rise in the number of Chinese citizens showing concern for animal welfare .
A four-year study by Hong Kong-based group Animals Asia documented networks of dog traders that bring strays or stolen pets to northeast , central and southern China , especially during the winter months when dog meat is popular .
Animals Asia is leading a campaign to have the show canceled , and it says thousands of social media users in China are backing its call .
Animals Asia is leading a campaign to have the show canceled , and it says " thousands of social media users " in China are backing its call .
Animals Asia said there was no indication the aquarium would be closed or its animals , which also include arctic wolves , beluga whales and walrus calves , rehoused .
According to Animals Asia , a Hong Kong-based charity , black bears that are farmed for bile , which is used to produce traditional Chinese medicine , suffer from poor living conditions .
It is hugely misleading to the public about the needs and welfare of captive animals , Dave Neale of Animals Asia , an advocacy group based in Hong Kong , said in a statement .
When I first began working in the country from 1985 there was one welfare group in Beijing and now there are over 100 spread across every province , Robinson said on the website of Animals Asia .
However , amid outrage over the dismal conditions in which the animals were being forced to live , as tourists posed for selfies beside them , members of the Hong Kong-based charity Animals Asia were invited to visit the aquarium in April .
According to an open letter by the Hong Kong-based NGO Animals Asia , many of the dogs consumed during the festival are strays and abductees .
In Hong Kong , animal rights lobby group Animals Asia Foundation is also trying to change eating habits .