- 网络Asian carp

Officials said two weeks ago that DNA from Asian carp had been found between the barrier and a lock near the lake .
No Asian carp have yet been found in Lake Michigan .
The first involves two kinds of Asian carp , bighead and silver .
The agency has said it would consider all options but would not close the locks without first studying the possible effects .
Only one Asian carp was found among many thousands of fish killed with poison while part of the fence was being serviced .
The toxins were dumped while an electrical barrier normally used to prevent any Asian carp from the Great Lakes was turned off for maintenance .
Corps released report this week was a potential approach to the problems including sealing off Lake Michigan from the carp-infested Mississippi river with a series of dams .
The electrical barrier , installed in 2002 to repel fish with non-lethal jolts , had been thought to be the only thing standing between the carp and Lake Michigan .
Environmentalists fear that if the silver or bighead species of giant Asian carp reach the lakes they could starve out native fish species and devastate a $ 7 billion-a-year fishing industry .
Closer to home , the Asian carp , which has been working its way north from the Mississippi Delta since the1990s , is now on the verge of reaching the Great Lakes .
The EPA calls the toxicity of rotenone to wildlife and humans " low " and says no poisoning of birds or mammals would result from concentrations recommended for wiping out Asian carp .
The Asian carp which can grow to 4 feet were imported by Southern fish farms but escaped into the Mississippi River in large numbers during flooding in the 1990s and have been making their way northward ever since .
With US Army Corps of Engineers there are a number of recommendations of how to deal with a potential invasion of the Great Lakes by Asian carp debated about what to do next just as following in Congress .