
zhé fú
  • Dormant;hibernation;dormancy;torpor;live in seclusion;swoon
蛰伏 [zhé fú]
  • (1) [torpor]∶动物冬眠

  • (2) [live in seclusion]∶指人蛰居

  • 蛰伏家中

蛰伏[zhé fú]
  1. 那时的文艺休闲功能理所当然地蛰伏在边缘地带,人们几乎注意不到它的存在。

    The leisure function of literature and art had been hibernation and neglect .

  2. 经过几年的蛰伏,全球性金融危机逐渐走出低谷。

    After several years of hibernation , the global financial crisis has bottomed out gradually .

  3. 蛰伏的昆虫们开始活动。

    Hibernating insects begin to move .

  4. 蛹蛰伏在土壤中,直到冬天它们才蜕变成蛾子飞出来。

    The pupae remain dormant in the soil until they emerge as adult moths in the winter .

  5. “这是一只完全成熟的雌蝉,现已准备好交配和产卵。尽管之前在地下蛰伏了17年,它只能活四到六周。”

    So here we have a fully grown female that 's now ready to mate and lay her eggs . She 'll only live four to six weeks , though , after being underground for 17 years .

  6. 由于预计人们可能会“蛰伏”两年,美国mba一直被视为经济衰退期间一个吸引人的建议。

    With the prospect of people " hiding out " for two years , the US MBA has traditionally been seen as an attractive proposition during a recession .

  7. 他如此形容这两本书之间相对的蛰伏期,以及他与ABC台公开闹翻:“我觉得自己就像推出《普鲁托》(Pluto)这张专辑之后的歌手Future——人们肯定只等着我死。”

    And on the relatively fallow period between his two books and his public falling out with ABC : " I feel like Future right now after ' Pluto " - people definitely left me for dead . "

  8. 这一产品开发工作并非整个处于蛰伏状态。

    Product development in this direction has not been entirely dormant .

  9. 灯台花在地底蛰伏了一年多

    The plant waits dormant underground for more than a year .

  10. 冬眠在蛰伏的或昏睡的状态中过冬。

    To pass the winter in a dormant or torpid state .

  11. 大于90%的条件下,此螨一年发生19&2l代,世代重叠,无蛰伏越冬和越夏现象。

    , 19 - 21 generations were observed a year .

  12. 蛰伏冬眠或夏蛰动物所处的休眠,迟缓状态。

    The dormant , inactive state of a hibernating or estivating animal .

  13. 熊蛰伏在穴中过冬。

    Bears hole up for the winter to go by .

  14. 这些国家将不再蛰伏,尤其是亚洲国家。

    They are no longer dormant , especially in Asia .

  15. 她的钟爱之情蛰伏着但很容易被唤醒。

    Her feelings of affection are dormant but easily awakened .

  16. 这座火山蛰伏已久,被认为是神只的居所。

    Long dormant , the mountain was considered a home to gods .

  17. 此刻,人们以为黑熊是就寝效率最高的蛰伏动物。

    Black bears are now considered highly efficient hibernators .

  18. 没有野心人,潜能将如同沉睡的火山般蛰伏。

    Without ambition one 's potentials will remain slumbering like a dormant volcano .

  19. 惊蛰的意思是春雷乍动,惊醒了蛰伏在土壤中冬眠的动物。

    Awakening of Insects mean spring 's move , awakened dormant in the soil hibernating animals .

  20. 他从关系中孤立了,蛰伏在自己的洞穴里。

    At such times he withdraws from relationships or intimacy and remains stuck in his cave .

  21. 换言之,定量宽松没有死,它可能只是在蛰伏。

    In other words , quantitative easing is not dead ; it may just be slumbering .

  22. 你的气长期地蛰伏在尾椎处,我以适合的音符将之惊醒。

    Your Qi hibernates in coccyx for long time . I arouse it by proper notes .

  23. 蛰伏的亡灵士兵被狡猾地隐藏在狮鹫帝国的边境内。

    Dormant cells of Undead had been cleverly hidden within the borders of the Griffin Empire .

  24. 在我们的一生中,有活跃期和蛰伏期。

    In our own lives , we have periods of great activity and periods of rest .

  25. 多年以来,勒德派的焦虑一直蛰伏着,但最近这种焦虑卷土重来。

    The Luddite anxiety has been dormant for many years but has recently enjoyed a resurgence .

  26. 于是在凛冽如寒风一般的事实的影响之下,她又回到蛰伏的状态之中。

    And under the influence of that wintry piece of fact , she would become torpid again .

  27. 皑皑白雪覆盖着崇山峻岭,万物蛰伏在冰雪下蕴蓄生命的力量。

    Covered with snow-capped mountains , all dormant under ice and snow occur in the power of life .

  28. 这种带有突起红眼睛的蝉在1996年潜入地下几英尺,并于17年后蛰伏而出。

    The creatures with bulging red eyes are returning after spending their time a few feet underground since 1996 .

  29. 这是否因而导致他们目前创作上的蛰伏?

    Therefore , it is possible that R. Is this that resulted in their " hibernation of inditement " ?

  30. 整个冬天,热情如蛰伏的鸣蝉,哑然于冻土的沟回。

    Throughout the winter , warm , such as dormant Maemi , Yaran in the permafrost of the groove back .