
  • 网络Monochrome;Monochrome painting;monochromatic painting;grisailles
  1. 韩国单色画(Dansaekhwa)的价值这几年正重新被世人认识,其先驱朴栖甫的作品《写作》(Ecriture)将于3月12日在伦敦的白立方梅森苑(WhiteCubeMason’sYard)展出。

    The " Ecriture " paintings of Park Seo-bo , a pioneer of the recently re-evaluated Korean monochrome movement called Dansaekhwa , are on show through March 12 at White Cube Mason 's Yard in London .

  2. 夕阳西下,房间黯淡下来,周围变成了一幅单色画。

    The sun was down and the room fading to monochrome .

  3. 我画了一幅单色画。

    I did a monochrome painting .

  4. 灰色单色画完全用灰色浓淡变化描绘形象,通常多突出立体感,以形成类似雕塑,特别是浮雕的视觉效果的绘画技法。

    Grisaille : painting technique by which an image is executed entirely in shades of gray and usually modeled to produce the illusion of sculpture or relief .

  5. 水墨画:用毛笔沾溶于水的黑色或深暗颜色绘画有浓淡色调的单色画。复制时,需用半色调方法。

    Wash drawing : A drawing made by a brush in washes with a single pigment of black or dark colour soluble in water , to be reproduced by the half-tone process .