
  • 网络finger sucking
  1. 花店送来的手花会是一个满天星花环和一张价值5美元的肯德基代金券,这样你就可以自己选择用哪种口味的炸鸡腿来搭配你的手花,有原味吮指鸡、劲脆鸡腿以及肯塔基烤鸡腿三种选择。

    The florist sends a corsage with baby 's breath and a $ 5 KFC gift check so you can choose a piece of Original Recipe , Extra Crispy or Kentucky Grilled Chicken for the corsage centerpiece . ( Source : latimes )

  2. KFC一些餐厅的免费吮指原味鸡在奥普拉·温弗瑞代言肯德基优惠券之后脱销,肯德基向那些下载免费优惠券的人们做了书面致歉并提供延期票。

    All right , KFC 's free chicken offer was apparently a little too good . Some restaurants actually ran out of chicken . A KFC , can you believe it ? This was after Oprah Winfrey told viewers about the internet coupon . KFC has released a statement apologizing to its customers and is now offering a rain check .

  3. 香辣鸡翅让大部分的人吮指回味乐无穷、欲罢不能。

    Buffalo wings leave most people licking their fingers and begging for more .

  4. 这炸鸡好吃得让人吮指回味。

    Tis fried chicken is finger-licking good .

  5. 肯德基认为你一定会按照“吮指留香”这个标语的字面意思去理解。

    KFC thinks you should take its " Finger Lickin ' Good " slogan literally .

  6. “吮指回味乐无穷”正是肯德基连锁餐厅的广告语。他们俩都是科尔切斯特学院的音乐剧表演专业的学生,他们俩吃了一份价值6.79英镑的角斗士套餐。

    The pair - both musical theatre students at Colchester Institute - shared a £ 6.79 Gladiator box meal .

  7. 结论:儿童的母乳喂养及奶瓶喂养时间与吮指的发病无关。

    Conclusion : The etiology of digit sucking may be no associated with breast feeding and bottle feeding of children .

  8. 香辣鸡翅与蓝乳酪调味酱和芹菜茎作最佳的搭配,让大部分的人吮指回味乐无穷、欲罢不能。

    Best served with blue cheese dressing and celery sticks , Buffalo wings leave most people licking their fingers and begging for more .

  9. 香港——为了方便讨论起见,假设肯德基的炸鸡像广告所说,“令人吮指回味。”

    HONG KONG - Assume , for the sake of argument , that KFC 's fried chicken is , as advertised , " finger lickin " good . "

  10. 肯德基发言人称至今他们已经售出了40个炸鸡手花。幸运的女士可以从三款炸鸡中任意挑选:吮指原味鸡、劲脆鸡腿或者肯塔基烤鸡,Nanz&Kraft花饰公司说也许会根据女生的裙子颜色配送相应的手花。

    A spokesperson told MailOnline that to date they have sold almost 40 of the grease-laden bouquets . Lucky ladies can choose from three flavors : Original Recipe , Extra Crispy or Kentucky Grilled Chicken , which Nanz & Kraft says might be selected based on the color of the dress .

  11. 女孩瞪着他们,一边吮着指关节想把刺吸出来,珊莎吓坏了。

    The girl glared at them , sucking on her knuckles to take the sting out , and Sansa was horrified .