
  • 网络Color matching;color match
  1. 基于江南女性肤色的服装色彩搭配研究

    Research of Clothing Color Matching under Skin-color of Ladies in Jiangnan Area

  2. 对服装色彩搭配的思考

    Reflections on Clothing Color Matching

  3. 一幅漂亮的褪色仿旧粉色窗帘是房间色彩搭配的基调。

    A pair of pretty , faded pink antique curtains was the starting point for the room 's colour scheme .

  4. 是他们的招牌菜标志K字体的变形设计具有品牌个性特色,又有标志的识别性,色彩搭配和谐统一简约大方。

    Is their speciality * K fonts signs of a brand personality shaped design characteristics , and the identification of signs , colors mix harmony and unity became generous .

  5. 合身西服(ASuitThatFits)这个充满乐观态度的名字属于一家网上企业,该企业提供种类繁多的西服款式、面料和色彩搭配方案,客户可以在自己的电脑前轻松挑选。

    A Suit That Fits is the optimistic title of an online enterprise that allows customers to choose from a huge range of suit styles , fabrics and colour combinations from the comfort of their own computers .

  6. 他们起居室的色彩搭配是精心设计的。

    The colour scheme of their living room is carefully coordinated .

  7. 色彩搭配和导航是最优先要考虑的。

    Colour co-ordination and navigation are the top main priorities .

  8. 如果肤色和服装色彩搭配恰当,那么就会给自己的锦上添花。

    If the color and color collocation appropriately , so will give oneself .

  9. 网页文字色彩搭配的眼动研究

    An Eye Movement Study of Word Color on Line

  10. 艾斯曼赶忙又指出,现如今奇特的色彩搭配非常流行。

    Ms. Eiseman hastens to note that odd color pairings are popular today .

  11. 另外,在居室风格的营造当中,色彩搭配起着至关重要的作用。

    While in the bedroom style building is color plays a crucial role in .

  12. 首饰中宝石的色彩搭配

    Gemstone 's Color Consonance in Jewelry Design

  13. 网站设计中的色彩搭配

    The Color Collocation in the Website Design

  14. 我们要不要穿得色彩搭配一些我不去了为什么不去

    Should we color-coordinate ? Uh , I 'm not goin ' . Why not ?

  15. 织物设计中的色彩搭配

    Arrangement of Colours in Fabric Design

  16. 探讨了提花牛仔织物的组织设计,色彩搭配和生产制造的方法。

    The production process , the weave design and color arrange in figured jean are discussed .

  17. 在进行色彩搭配时也需要与流行趋势相结合,做到与时俱进。

    In color with time and fashion trends also need to combine to do with the times .

  18. 浅谈室内环境的色彩搭配

    About interior surrounding color arrangement

  19. 芙蕾达-平托:最佳色彩搭配

    Freida Pinto-Best Use of Color

  20. 我公司致力于弹力面料的研发,开发新的印花花型,多套色彩搭配。

    Our company continuously devotes to developing spandex fabric and open up new printing design with various color .

  21. 而局部花纹、图形的色彩搭配根据需要,并没有主次之分。

    The local pattern , with color graphics as needed , did not have primary and secondary points .

  22. 论述了高校图书馆网页页面应具有的各种功能和合理的色彩搭配对网页使用效果的积极影响,并指出专业层面和艺术层面的完美结合也是高质量网页的体现。

    This paper discusses that the electric homepage should have the various functions and rational colour collocation for the utilization effects .

  23. 色彩搭配不宜采用过深的色调,应满足视觉和空间的宜人性。

    The color matches should not proper adoption over the deep tone , it should satisfy the pleasant sense of vision and space .

  24. 柔美的曲线,简约的色彩搭配,用视觉引导心理处于让患者放松,真正做到以人为本的工业设计。

    This humanist industrial design has gently beautiful curve and brief color matching , relax the patients depending on the visual lead the psychology .

  25. 林地景观植被类型呈现出梯度性,但在季相变化和植被色彩搭配等方面需要进行整体考虑,打造良好的天际轮廓。

    Forest landscape vegetation types presents gradient . But should entirety consider the season and vegetation colour etc , make good outline of the horizon .

  26. 本文结合多年多媒体教学制作经验,就基本色彩搭配、运动背景色彩配置、文字大小间隔、字体造型等问题,总结了自己的经验。

    This paper put forward some experience about color arrangement , color setting for motive background , the size and space and type of characters .

  27. 无论怎样先进的室内设计理念,如果没有协调、合理的色彩搭配,就不会产生其应有的效果。

    Whatever advanced ideas for the interior decoration , it can not result in the expected effects without the harmonious and reasonable collocation for color .

  28. 清新的感觉,夏威夷的情调,柔和的色彩搭配,令您有如诗如画般的感受。

    Delightfully fresh felling , the sentimental appeal of hawaii , the soft color match , making you like poem as the feeling for draw .

  29. 毕竟,如果你不能享受到免于糟糕的色彩搭配方案的自由,去谈论享受免于恐惧的自由和不虞匮乏的自由有什么意义呢。

    What is the point of enjoying freedom from fear or want , after all , if you cannot enjoy freedom from poorly co-ordinated colour schemes ?

  30. 通过对无彩色、有彩色、无彩色有彩色结合这3种形式的服装色彩搭配进行分析,提出了服装色彩搭配的基本规律。

    This paper proposes the basic rules for clothing color matching by analyzing its three forms : colorless , colored and the combination of colorless and colored .