
yāo wō
  • middle of one's waist;filet
  1. 加拿大人从猪身上割下六七块腰窝肉准备晚上烤着吃,他又把它的皮毛剥去,开膛,清出内脏。

    The Canadian properly skinned and cleaned it , after removing half a dozen cutlets destined to serve as the grilled meat course of our evening meal .

  2. “巴利奥唐”野猪的腰窝肉烤在红火上,不久即发出一种很香的气味,空中都充满香味了!

    He came wonderfully to terms with its entire cooking . Grilling over the coals , those cutlets from the " bari-outang " soon gave off a succulent aroma that perfumed the air .

  3. 阿龙纳斯先生,加拿大人回答,他的牙齿磨得像刀一般尖利了,如果这岛上除了老虎外没有别的四足兽,那我要吃老虎,吃老虎的腰窝肉。

    replied the Canadian , whose teeth seemed to be as honed as the edge of an ax . But if there 's no other quadruped on this island , I 'll eat tiger -- tiger sirloin .