
  • 网络waist area;lumbar region
  1. 腰区脑脊液压预估颅内压的数学模拟

    Predicted Mathematical Model of Intracranial Pressure through Lumbar Cerebrospinal Fluid Pressure

  2. 腰区脑脊液压的情况与颅内压一致。

    The same result was obtained in the lumbar cerebrospinal fluid pressure .

  3. 3例存在患侧腰区轻度不适,1例出现间歇性肉眼血尿。

    Three cases had mild discomfort in the lumbar and 1 had intermittent gross hematuria .

  4. 肝大部分位于右季肋区、腹上区及右腰区,小部分达脐区、左季肋区及左腰区。

    The large Portion of the liver occupies the right hypochondriac , epigastric and right lumbar regions with the small Portion extending into the umbilical , left hypochondriac and left lumbar regions .

  5. 结论腰桥区床垫的厚度及升桥的高度是局部皮肤出现压疮的高危因素;

    Conclusions The sickness of mattress under the waist and the height of the waist bridge are the high risk factors of skin pressure sore .

  6. 脊柱腰段外侧区的解剖及其临床意义

    Anatomy of lateral region of lumbar vertebral column and its clinical significance

  7. P物质在正常与致聋白腰文鸟前脑X区表达水平的差异研究

    Different substance P expression in area X in normal and deafened Bengalese Finch

  8. 胚胎的中轴骨骼变异显示在子宫颈,腰和近尾区反常的脊椎融合。

    The axial skeleton of mutant embryos shows abnormal vertebral fusions in cervical , lumbar and caudal regions .

  9. 腰背部包括腰骶中线区、骶髂关节区域、髂部后上棘、髂骨嵴以上范围和骶尾部。

    The midline lumbosacral area , the sacroiliac joint region , the posterosuperior iliac spine , the high iliac crest area , and the low midline sacrococcygeal region are all included in the back .