
zhì shì
  • system;format;service type
  1. 系统采用TCM制式,抗干扰性能强;

    Adopting the TCM system , it also has a high anti-jamming capability .

  2. 基于制式CPU板的主机容错设计

    Fault Tolerance Design for Main Machine Based on System CPU Board

  3. 消费者将不必丢弃他们的旧盒带而采用新的制式。

    Consumers will not have to junk their old cassettes to use the new format

  4. 基于DSP的多制式数字电视字幕卡硬件设计

    DSP-based Hardware Design for Multi-system DTV Character Generator PC Card

  5. 目前,手机浏览器有两种制式:手机Wap浏览器和手机Web浏览器。

    So far , there are two phone browser types : phone wap and web browsers .

  6. 基于软件无线电和神经网络的RFID调制制式测试研究

    Research on Test for RFID Signal Modulation Based on Software Radio and Neural Networks

  7. 未来的无线网络旨在融合不同制式的无线接入技术(RAT)以提供和保障业务的无缝接入和呼叫的连续性。

    Future wireless network aims to integrate different radio access technologies ( RAT ) to provide a seamless access and service continuity .

  8. 基于FPGA的多制式视频转换系统

    FPGA-Based Video Conversion System

  9. 多制式兼容数字视频编码器中数字滤波器的VLSI设计

    The VLSI Design of Digital Filter for Multi-standard Digital Video Encoder

  10. 基于3G串流技术的多制式前端设备视频监控平台的设计与实现

    The Design and Implementation of Front-end Equipment Video Surveillance System Based on 3G Streaming Technology

  11. 另外,充电制式的不同,也会影响正极中Ni(OH)2晶型的变化。

    In additions , the variation of charging regime can also influence the crystal changes of Ni ( OH ) 2 .

  12. 彩色图象的分解显示及其在PAL制式电视中的实现

    Segment-Display of Color Images and Its Realization on PAL Television System

  13. 基于DDS的可变数字调制制式的应用研究

    The application of alterable digital modulation base on DDS

  14. 适于PAL电视制式的激光扫描系统设计

    Design of a laser scanning system for PAL standard TV

  15. 电视原理、制式以及MPEG-2视频编码解码系统标准;

    The TV principles and the video part of MPEG-2 standard ;

  16. 分析了多制式调制的原理,提出并实现了一种基于PCI总线的多制式调制模块的设计方案。

    The design method of a multi mode modulation module based on PCI bus is presented and realized .

  17. 2009年1月7日,中国联通获得基于WCDMA技术制式的3G业务经营许可。

    January 7,2009 , China Unicom was based on WCDMA technology , the 3G standard business license .

  18. 针对测井深度制式转换问题,通过数据动态解编技术、深度制式自动识别技术、人工干预转换方法在Forward、Watch软件平台上实现了测井资料数据格式与深度制式的统一。

    Techniques of data dynamic decode , automated identification of depth unit system and manual intervening conversion were utilized to convert and unify the depth unit system of the platforms .

  19. 多制式FX型VLBI相关处理机系统的研究

    Researches on the Multi-format Compatible FX Model VLBI Correlator System

  20. TT制式低压配电系统SPD安装方式

    Installation of SPD in TT-Style Low-Voltage Distribution System

  21. PDP电视机多制式数字视频信号转换电路的研究

    Research of PDP TV Multi-standard Video Signal Conversion

  22. 完成了NTSC/PAL制式解码的算法验证和Verilog实现。

    The algorithm simulation and Verilog implement for NTSC / PAL standard was completed .

  23. 应用表明,该技术提高了Forward、Watch平台解释处理测井资料的适应能力,保证了国际测井服务对不同深度制式的特殊资料处理需要。

    Its application results showed that the technique improved the adaptability of Forward and Watch platform in logging data processing . It meets the demand of depth unit conversion in international logging services .

  24. 对于DTMF制式,所有设置均不被改变。

    For the DTMF standard , all the settings are not being changed .

  25. 三种3G制式在中国的同台竞技,无疑让中国成为国际3G大战的主战场。

    Three kinds of 3G standard in China , competing against China to become an international 3G is undoubtedly the main battlefield of World War .

  26. 根据CCD的PAL工作制式,用内插法重建捕捉到的图像,以利于后续图像处理。

    The captured image is reconstructed with interpolation according to PAL operating mode of CCD , thus is good for the follow-up image processing .

  27. 其中,用FPGA实现了对视频信号的负像、镜像、实时降噪处理、扫描制式变换以及多帧图像存储等功能。

    The negative , mirror , multi-frame storage , as well as real-time processing such as noise reduction features of the video signal has been realized with using of FPGA .

  28. 彩色电视NTSC制式模拟电视系统中编码器建模

    Coding Detailed Module in Computerized Simulation for NTSC Analogical Color TV System

  29. 但未来网络是全IP化的,无论什么制式都将适应这种发展潮流,通过相应技术和管理手段,可以将风险降到最低。

    But the future network is all IP-based , and no matter what kinds of network format will adapt to this trend . Through appropriate technology and management tools , risks can be minimized .

  30. 报酬递增条件下的技术竞争&为什么VHS制式盒式录像机占领了市场

    Technological Competition under Increasing Returns Why Does VHS Format Corner the Market