
  • 网络Institutional Theory;Institute Theory;institutionalism
  1. 在中西方国家都有一些关于促进社会和谐的一些制度理论。

    Western countries have in promoting social harmony on a number of institutional theory .

  2. 根据制度理论的研究,电力行业的发展演变存在一个制度演变的周期。

    According to research of institutional theory , developments of power industry have a system developing cycle .

  3. 运用管理会计研究的结构理论和制度理论的框架,对山东东阿阿胶集团公司应用ERP的案例进行了剖析。

    Using the frameworks of structure theory and institution theory in the study of management accounting , this paper analyses an ERP case applied in Shandong Dong'e E-Jiao Group .

  4. 研究者一般基于信息不对称理论、制度理论和行为金融学理论,试图去解释IPO溢价现象,由此形成了不同的理论假说。

    Researchers generally based on asymmetric information theory , systems theory and behavioral finance theory , trying to explain the phenomenon of IPO premium , thus forming the different hypotheses .

  5. 我国他物权制度理论构建之研究

    A study in the theory of other property rights institution

  6. 论新经济制度理论体系的内涵

    On the connotation of the theoretic system of the neo economic system

  7. 当代西方货币危机和汇率制度理论的不完全性

    The Imperfection of the Contemporary Western Theories of Currency Crisis and Exchange Rate Regime

  8. 林业基金制度理论与实践

    Forestry Fund System Theory and Practice

  9. 结果论证了排污权交易制度理论上可行,实践中有效。

    Results Exchange system of the pollution draining rights is feasible in theory and effective in practice .

  10. 第三部分讨论了相对集中行政处罚权制度理论上的争议与实践上的问题。

    The problems between the theory and practice of the system are discussed in the third part .

  11. 然后(第三章)重点发掘了马克思、恩格斯完整的企业制度理论。

    Then ( in Chapter Three ), the emphasis is transferred onto the complete enterprise theory of Marx and Engles .

  12. 本文试图结合制度理论,探讨亚太多边安全合作对中美关系的影响。

    This article attempts to use the institutional theory to study the impact of Asian-Pacific multilateral security cooperation on US-China relations .

  13. 不过,国际制度理论的预测乏善可陈,因果模型也很薄弱。

    However , the prediction of international institutions theory is low , and the model of cause and effect is also weak .

  14. 与其他制度理论相比,新制度社会学明确指出了制度最深层次的构成,即制度的来源。

    Compared with other system theory , the new institutional sociology explicitly pointed out system the deepest form , namely the system source .

  15. 通过论证和比较,结合我国立法之现状,我国关于撤销权制度理论采折衷说较妥。

    Through the argument and comparison , and considering the legislative status quo of China , it is more proper that we adopt compromise theory in legislation .

  16. 中国刑事证据制度理论上概括为实事求是的证据制度。但立法对证据的规定很少,没有系统的证据规则,实践中随意性较大。

    The evidential system of " seek truth from facts " has been accepted in China , there are a few and disorder provisions of evidence in legislation .

  17. 并通过对这一制度理论上的分析,揭示其在社会实践中存在的弊端,提出相应的对策,进行重构性设计。

    Through theoretical analysis of the system , revealing its drawbacks which exist in the real world , propose appropriate countermeasures , and reconstruct the administrative adjudication system .

  18. 另一方面,在我国目前的审判实践中,各法院运用自己所认同的共同危险行为制度理论来做出判决,理论上的不明导致审判实践上的混乱。

    On the other hand , in our current trial practice , the courts use their own theory to make decisions , this leads to the confusion in the trial practice .

  19. 同时将资源基础理论与制度理论结合起来,观察外资零售企业在拥有不同程度企业资源时如何选择网络策略。

    At the same time , combined the system theory and resources foundation theory , observe the foreign retail enterprises how to choose the network strategy in different degrees of enterprise resources .

  20. 在进行融资问题分析的过程中,运用经济学、资本结构理论、产权制度理论和制度经济学等多种理论。

    During the process of analyzing financing problem , many kinds of theories , such as economics theory , capital structure theory , the property right system theory and system economics theory are adopted .

  21. 本文对房地产企业进行了利益相关者分析,从多个角度深度剖析了房地产企业的社会责任内容,并基于制度理论和利益相关者理论构建了房地产企业社会责任驱动概念模型。

    And it deeply explores the elements of CSR in many aspects . Based on the systems theory and the stakeholder theory , the thesis establishes a CSR conceptual model for real estate enterprises .

  22. 本文应用了制度理论在零售国际化的研究中,认同制度的支持面与压力面共存,将制度看成是富有弹性的社会结构,可以通过社会惯例、社会网络关系来传达。

    This paper applies the system theory in retail internationalization study , identity system support side and pressure side can coexist , take the system as elastic social structure , and can convey through social practice and social networks .

  23. 故本章对员工持股制度理论基础的探讨,也主要以西方经济理论为主;同时也介绍了从传统计划经济体制向市场经济体制转轨背景下,我国学者对员工持股的理论探讨。

    Therefore , This chapter pays more attention to the western economic theory . It is no doubt that , it also concerns the theory research on Employee Stock Ownership in our country under the background of transition from plan economy system to market economy system .

  24. 本文第二部分,从WTO的司法审查制度的理论来源入手,对WTO司法审查制度的特点进行了详尽的论述。

    In the second part of the article , it has detailedly discussed the characters of judicatory censoring system from original theory of WTO judicatory censor system .

  25. 我国目前还缺乏国际上广泛流行的司法ADR制度,理论上对于司法ADR的研究也只是刚刚起步。

    Our country is lacking in such a judicial ADR , which is a widespread popularity in the world at present .

  26. 粮食安全特别是饥饿、饥荒问题的研究,经历了传统的供给不足即所谓FAD理论到现代的权利制度失败理论两个阶段。

    Food security , especially research on the issues of hunger and famine , experience the traditional theory of supply shortage ( FAD theory ) to the theory of right failure and rule in modern time .

  27. 制度变迁理论之于我国公共企业改革制度供给等。

    Institutional Change theory for our public enterprise reform system supply .

  28. 国有企业企业家激励制度&理论基础和实践取向

    State-owned Enterprises ' Incentive System & Theory Basis and Practice Aim

  29. 第一部分为审级制度基本理论问题。

    Part One is the basic theory of trial grade system .

  30. 我国土地征用制度的理论考察及改革思考

    Theoretical analysis and Reflections on the systems of china 's land acquisition