
  1. 收入分配格局的异动对启动内需的逆向影响

    Adverse Impact of Abnormal Changed Income Distribution Structure on Home Demand

  2. 这意味着国民收入分配格局的改变。

    This means the structure of national income distribution will be changed .

  3. 我国居民收入分配格局的统计分析

    Statistical analysis of China 's personal income distribution pattern

  4. 城乡居民收入分配格局和谐演进的制度分析

    Harmonious Movement of Income Distribution between Town and Country

  5. 中国居民收入分配格局研究

    Research on Residents ' Income Distribution Pattern of China

  6. 我国功能收入分配格局分析

    Analysis on the Pattern of Function Income Distribution

  7. 民(私)营企业的收入分配格局实证研究

    Demonstration Research on Private Enterprises ′ Assignment Pattern

  8. 在市场化进程中,中国城市的收入分配格局是否发生了重大变化?

    Have tremendous changes taken place in the pattern of income distribution in urban areas ?

  9. 日韩两国调整国民收入分配格局支持和保护农业的政策及启示

    Reference Value of Agriculture Support and Protection by Adjusting National Income Distribution from Japan and Korea

  10. 研究结果表明,国民收入分配格局对居民消费率有显著的影响。

    The results show that the distribution of national income has a significant impact on consumption .

  11. 完善收入分配格局

    To Consummate Income Distribution

  12. 四是调整国民收入分配格局,形成城市反哺农村的利益枢纽。

    Fourthly , adjust the distribution pattern of national income to form beneficial hubs between towns and countryside .

  13. 把国民收入分配格局具有相同特征的省(市)进行分类。

    The provinces ( municipalities ) having the same characteristics on the distribution pattern of national income was classified .

  14. 系统研究了私营企业收入分配格局,特别是劳动者报酬状况。

    This paper studies the assignment pattern of private enterprises comprehensively , especially the worker ′ s reward conditions .

  15. 当前我国的经济体制变革在激励经济高速增长的同时,也引起了居民收入分配格局和收入差距的显著性变化。

    While reform in economic structure has promoted rapid economic growth , it has caused substantial gaps in income as well .

  16. 二是把改善农村民生作为调整国民收入分配格局的重要内容。

    Second , making the improvement of rural livelihood as the important contents of adjusting the distribution patterns of the national revenue .

  17. 要素分配份额作为初次分配的结果,对居民最终收入分配格局有着决定性的影响。

    As the result of the initial distribution , elements shares have a decisive impact on the pattern of residents ' final income distribution .

  18. 与此同时,激励机制的改变和分配制度的变化,带来了居民收入分配格局的演变和收入差距的变化。

    At the same time , the changes of incentive mechanism and distribution institution have brought evolvement of income distribution and enlarge of income disparity .

  19. 作为社会经济中的一项制度性安排,中国古代收入分配格局的形成、功能和变迁既是整体制度环境的产物,又对社会制度结构的演进具有重要的影响。

    The formation , function and change of income distribution pattern in ancient China exerted great influence upon the progress of the structure of social system .

  20. 源于计划经济的城市偏向和工业偏向的国民收入分配格局是造成当前三农问题的重要根源。

    The author suggests it is " urban priority " and " industry priority " in national income allocation that result in three issues in agriculture .

  21. 合理有序的收入分配格局基本形成,中等收入者占多数,绝对贫困现象基本消除。

    A reasonable and orderly pattern of income distribution will be basically in place , with middle-income people making up the majority and absolute poverty basically eliminated .

  22. 合理的收入分配格局,有利于保持社会稳定,为国民经济发展和改革的进一步深化创造良好的外部环境。

    Proper income distribution contributes to the fundamental stability of the whole society creating a good outer environment for the national economy and the deepening of reformation .

  23. 从中国居民收入分配格局的发展态势来看,改革开放以来居民收入差距表现出不断扩大的趋势。

    From an overall view of the situation of Chinese income distribution , the income gap has been expanding ceaselessly since the reform and opening up policy .

  24. 转轨时期,由于国民收入分配格局和预算软约束的影响,致使消费需求的常态不足、投资需求的常态过热。

    During the transitional period , because of the soft restraints of the national income distribution and financial budget , the norm of investment requirement is overheated .

  25. 因此,进一步启动消费需求和投资需求,扩大内需,还必须从调整收入分配格局入手。

    For this reason , it takes further switch on consumption demand and investment demand , expand home demand , and must be from adjust the income distribution sturcture .

  26. 具体到一个国家而言,贸易自由化过程所推动的不仅是该国整体的经济福利水平,还对该国国内的收入分配格局和收入差距产生影响。

    As for a specific country , trade liberalization has effect not only on the whole level of welfare but also on the framework of income distribution and income gap .

  27. 香港的经验表明,经济发展并不自动缓贫,实现包容性经济增长和益贫式社会发展,建立公正合理的收入分配格局,才是缓贫的关键和根本。

    Hong Kong 's experience demonstrates that economic growth isn 't certain to alleviate poverty , and establishing a fair and rational system of income distribution plays a key role in anti-poverty .

  28. 首先,扭曲性的城乡收入分配格局并未得到根本性扭转,而且这种差距还表现出逐渐扩大的趋势。

    First of all , the distorted income distribution pattern between the urban and rural residents has not been fundamentally reversed . And the urban-rural income gap is likely to expand further .

  29. 最后从财税的角度提出政策建议,期望能探寻改进我国收入分配格局的思路。

    At the end of the article put forward some suggestions from the perspective of fiscal and tax . expect to explore some ideas to improve the pattern of income distribution in China .

  30. 国民收入分配格局中政府收入份额的提高意味着宏观税负的提高,而实证分析表明我国使经济增长率最大化的宏观税负约为20%。

    The proportion of government income increasing means the macro tax burden is increasing . The empirical analysis indicates that the optimal macro tax burden to maximize economic growth is about 20 % .