
shōu ɡē zhě
  • reaper;harvester
  1. 196.收割者跃过一堆廉价的武器。

    196 . The reaper leaped over a heap of cheap weapons .

  2. 来吧,宝贝,不要恐惧,收割者。

    Come on baby * don 't fear the reaper .

  3. 我们假定存在幕后收割者(reaper),它们定期地检查底层数据库并且提供清理工作。

    Instead , we assume that there are background reapers that periodically examine the underlying database and provide cleanup .

  4. 收割者发射D-8爆破弹将几只蟑螂炸蒸发了,但大多数的人的总称步兵连却也被毒爆虫给歼灭了。

    D-8 demolition charges from the reapers vaporize several roaches while most of the Terran infantry are annihilated by banelings .

  5. 苔丝又回到地里和其他收割者们一块儿干起活儿来,

    Tess went back to work with the harvesters in the cornfield

  6. 几个收割者辅助攻击这些小狗。

    A pair of reapers help fend off the attack .

  7. 成熟的白色小麦收割者最懂得收获成熟的白色小麦。

    Ripe white wheat reapers reap ripe white wheat right .

  8. 我们就快要飞翔,别恐惧,收割者。

    We 'll be able to fly * Don 't fear the Reaper .

  9. 播种者和收割者的劳动也是如此。

    As is also the labour of the sower and of the reaper .

  10. “好一件奇妙的雕刻!”挨饿的穿戴背心的收割者说。

    " What a marvelous carving !" the starving harvester in vest said .

  11. 啃嚼语段收割者们跟着机器走,把麦子拾起并扎成一捆一捆。

    The harvesters followed the machine , picking and tying up bundles of corn .

  12. 收割者们跟着机器走,把麦子拾起并扎成一捆一捆。

    The harvesters followed the machine , picking and tying up bundles of corn .

  13. 捡拾落穗捡拾收割者落在田里的谷物。

    To gather grain left behind by reapers .

  14. 以“冷酷的收割者”的名义终了?

    Who goes by the last name " reaper ," first name " grim "? .

  15. 工具制造者,小麦收割者。

    Tool maker , stacker of wheat .

  16. 另外,“收割者”能利用他们的跳跃背包,非常有效地袭击敌方基地。

    In addition , the Reapers can use their jummpacks to be very effective base-raiders .

  17. 挨饿的穿着背心的收割者说。

    The starving harvester in vest said .

  18. 我已经等的够长了!现在,你要面对灵魂收割者了!

    I have waited long enough ! Now , you face the harvester of souls !

  19. 这样的快速机动使得“收割者”非常擅长搜索。

    This kind of fast , bloody raid is something the Reapers really excel at .

  20. 收割者工作了一整天,回来后狼吞虎咽地大吃了一顿。

    The harvesters worked into the evening , and then came in and ate like horses .

  21. 收割者收割庄稼的人。

    One who gathers a crop .

  22. 这项看似复杂的工作,只需要收割者先在树皮上砍上几刀,便可像削铅笔一样,轻松地将树皮剥除。

    The intricate process takes only a few cuts before the harvesters peel the bark away like a sharpening pencil .

  23. 他说“收割者”能飞得更快,更高,能够挂载更多的武器,总体性能要比“捕食者”强的多。

    He said the Reaper flies faster and higher , carries more weapons and has better overall capabilities than the Predator .

  24. 他的作品包括《孤独的收割者》,《致高地姑娘》,《老坎伯兰的乞丐》和《被摧毁的茅屋》。

    His works contain The Solitary Reaper , To a Highland Girl , The Old Cumberland Beggar and The Ruined Cottage .

  25. 结果蟑螂和异化虫把收割者逐出监视塔,迫使人的总称再度撤回她们的基地。

    Roaches and zerglings chase the reapers off the watch tower as the Terrans are again forced back into their base .

  26. 捕食者型和收割者型无人飞机使用移动硬盘在计算机之间更新地图和传输任务视频。

    Predator and Reaper crews use removable hard drives to load map updates and transport mission videos from one computer to another .

  27. 当收割者前往占领邻近的监视塔时,部分蟑螂则向前线推入以强化虫族入攻的攻势。

    The reapers move to capture the nearby watch tower as some roaches move up to reinforce the Zerg 's forward position .

  28. 大家看到“光子加农炮”又有了动,“收割者”没有选择余地只好撤退。

    And you can see with our photon cannons back online , the reapers have no choice but to run for cover .

  29. 迅速地吃完午饭后,苔丝又回到地里和其他收割者们一块儿干起活儿来,一直干到天黑。

    Having eaten her lunch quickly , Tess went back to work with the harvesters in the cornfield until it was dark .

  30. 虫族调头攻击人的总称基地后方坡道的岩块时,增援的收割者则去防止岩石遭受破坏。

    The Zerg go back to attacking the rocks at the backside ramp , as additional reapers move to defend the rock .