
  • 网络Simmons;Simons;Symons;James Simons;Jim Simons
  1. 有关屎壳郎惊人力量的研究报告由克奈尔和西澳大学的雷•西蒙斯教授共同撰写,已在《皇家学会学报B类》上发表(译者注:B类指的是生物科学领域)。

    Onthophagus taurus 's amazing feats of strength are chronicled by Knell and Professor Leigh Simmons of the University of Western Australia in the journal Proceedings of the Royal Society B .

  2. 桑兹教授表示,和许多竞争激烈的MBA研究生课程不同,西蒙斯管理学院的教室里的互动是合作式和支持式的。

    Unlike many cut-throat graduate MBA programmes , Prof Sands says that the dynamic in Simmons ' classrooms is co-operative and supportive .

  3. 透过黄昏的雾霭揭示石油的未来&《沙漠黄昏》作者马修·R·西蒙斯访谈

    Revealing the future of oil through the book Twilight in the Desert & Interview with author Matthew R.Simmons

  4. X证人显然在车队中身居要职,也许可以从西蒙斯的走人中直接获益。

    Witness X must have held a senior post in the team and perhaps even benefited from the departure of Symonds .

  5. 西蒙斯提议创建准备金比例为100%的纯粹提款机构,其资产必须以货币或美联储(Fed)存款的形式持有。

    Simons proposed the creation of pure deposit-taking institutions holding 100 per cent reserves whose assets had to be held in currency or Federal Reserve deposits .

  6. 2001年成为布朗大学(brownuniversity)校长的鲁思西蒙斯(ruthsimmons)表示,大学之间的竞争推动了性别的平衡。

    Ruth Simmons , who became president of Brown University in 2001 , suggested that rivalry between the universities was spurring the drive to gender balance .

  7. (加利福尼亚州的米尔斯女子大学(MillsCollege)也开设了类似课程。)西蒙斯的学科设置都是典型的MBA课程,包括金融、会计和营销等科目。

    ( Mills College in California also has one . ) Simmons ' course of study is the stuff of a typical MBA with classes on finance , accounting and marketing .

  8. 勒布朗想要增加MVP的数量,西蒙斯是潜在的最佳新秀的竞争者。

    LeBron is putting up MVP numbers and Simmons is a potential Rookie of the Year candidate .

  9. 在普华永道的课程中,西蒙斯学院(SimmonsCollege)的教授、网络与辅导专家史黛西•布莱克•比尔德讲述了在她职业早期的一则轶事。

    In the Pricewaterhouse Coopers course , Stacey blake-beard , a professor at Simmons College and an expert on networks and mentoring , tells an anecdote from early in her own career .

  10. 这款鞋如今让时尚拥趸趋之若鹜——“我们随后又推出了Vera,、DaisyChain以及Hermione等多种款式”,西蒙斯说。

    It now has a cult following - " and we 've expanded with styles such as the Vera , Daisy Chain and Hermione , " says Simmons .

  11. 现在,西蒙斯暴露了自己是个骗子,雷诺自己的内部调查又挖出了一个证人,来证明这件F1历史上最大的欺诈案。

    Now Symonds is exposed as a cheat and Renault 's own in-house investigation has unearthed a further witness to the worst case of cheating in F1 history .

  12. 近期从西蒙斯毕业的谢丽尔•富奇(CherylFudge)承认,她对于就读该校也曾抱有相同的顾虑。

    Cheryl Fudge , a recent graduate of Simmons , admits she had those very same reservations about attending the school .

  13. 西蒙斯是街头教父唱片公司(DefJamRecordings)和PhatFarm服装公司的创始人。早在多年以前,他就成功地将这两家公司分别以超过1亿美元的价格卖了出去。

    Simmons , the founder of Def Jam Recordings and the Phat Farm clothing empire , successfully sold those companies for more than a hundred million dollars apiece years ago .

  14. 在助攻他人得分方面,西蒙斯的效率排名接近NBA的榜首,所以光这一点就不能小看他了,那人已经是一头野兽。

    Simmons ranked near the top of the NBA in efficiency when factoring in the points scored off his passes , so this isn 't meant as a slight . The man is already a beast .

  15. 兰卡斯特大学管理学院(LancasterUniversityManagementSchool)经济学教授罗布o西蒙斯认为,由于市场上买家数量有限(32只球队)而且设有薪水上限,许多NFL球员的工资可能偏低。

    With a limited number of buyers in the market ( one 32-team league ) and a salary cap in place , many NFL players are likely underpaid , according to Rob Simmons , a professor of economics at the Lancaster University Management School .

  16. 最佳男配角:罗伯特·杜瓦尔(RobertDuvall),《法官》(TheJudge);伊森·霍克(EthanHawke),《少年时代》;爱德华·诺顿,《鸟人》;马克·拉法罗(MarkRuffalo),《狐狸猎手》;J·K·西蒙斯,《爆裂鼓手》

    Best Supporting ActorRobert Duvall , " The Judge " Ethan Hawke , " Boyhood " Edward Norton , " Birdman " Mark Ruffalo , " Foxcatcher " J.K. Simmons , " Whiplash "

  17. 西蒙斯2012年出任迪奥创意总监,当时正逢其前任创意总监约翰加里亚诺(JohnGalliano)因在巴黎某酒吧酒后失态大放种族歧视厥词而遭解聘、从而掀起轩然大波之际。

    Appointed in 2012 , Mr Simons arrived at Dior amid the chaos of John Galliano 's dismissal after the celebrated designer was filmed embarking on an alcohol-fuelled racist outburst in a Paris bar .

  18. 西蒙斯曾经对米尔顿•弗里德曼(MiltonFriedman)等芝加哥学派经济学家产生了重大影响,但后来遭到了批判,大概是因为他有太多的积极规划,却没有足够的自由放任。

    At one time Simons had a great influence on Chicago economists such as Milton Friedman , but was later repudiated , presumably because he had too much positive programme and not enough laisser faire .

  19. 给钱给到手抽筋兰卡斯特大学管理学院(LancasterUniversityManagementSchool)经济学教授罗布o西蒙斯认为,由于市场上买家数量有限(32只球队)而且设有薪水上限,许多NFL球员的工资可能偏低。

    It pays until it hurts With a limited number of buyers in the market ( one 32-team league ) and a salary cap in place , many NFL players are likely underpaid , according to Rob Simmons , a professor of economics at the Lancaster University Management School .

  20. 尼克•西蒙斯(NickSimmons,见上图)十几岁的儿子放学回家时向他提出了一个要求:给他的一位女同学找实习工作。对此,西蒙斯想出了一个巧妙的应对,并且由此产生灵感,在不久前创建了一个网站。

    When Nick Simmons 's teenage son came home from school with a request to provide work experience to a classmate , he came up with a cunning response that inspired the website he has just launched .

  21. 在去年的高级定制时装展上,卡尔•拉格菲尔德(KarlLagerfeld)让旗下模特脚穿粗花呢运动鞋行走香奈儿(Chanel)秀场,拉夫•西蒙斯(RafSimons)则推出了迪奥(Dior)水晶网眼混搭式运动鞋。

    It was officially sanctified at couture last year , when Karl Lagerfeld sent his models on to the catwalk in tweed sneakers at Chanel , and Raf Simons offered a crystal-mesh sneaker hybrid at Dior .

  22. 巴黎人不太会受秀场的影响&他们有自己的风格并且非常坚持。YvesSaintLaurent彩妆部的创意总监劳埃德•西蒙斯(LloydSimmonds)说。

    Parisians do not in any way follow fashion trends that come from the shows – they have their thing and stick to it , says Lloyd Simmonds , creative director of make-up at Yves Saint Laurent .

  23. 法国巴黎银行证券部(ExaneBNPParibas)奢侈品行业分析师卢卡∠尔卡(LucaSolca)说:“当我们谈论西蒙斯的销售量时,实际是不值一提”。

    As Luca Solca , luxury analyst at Exane BNP Paribas , says , " when we talk of his own business , there is not much of a business to talk about . "

  24. 苏富比归还部门主管卢奇安•西蒙斯(LucianSimmons)表示,还有一些重要艺术品在二战时期失踪,但许多大案已得到解决。

    Lucian Simmons , head of restitution for Sotheby 's , says there are still important works of art missing from the second world war period but that many of the biggest cases have been settled .

  25. 迪奥(ChristianDior)创意总监拉夫&12539;西蒙斯(RafSimons)就把裙子上的褶皱设计成了斜纹,这样褶皱就从左臀辐射开来,勾勒出身体的曲线,最后在膝盖后方形成漂亮的鱼尾。

    Christian Dior creative director Raf Simons did that quite literally in skirts that set pleats askew , so that they radiated out from the left hip , curving around the body and ending in a swishing fishtail behind the knees .

  26. 预告片中,这支队伍不仅首次集体亮相(包括由雷·费舍饰演的一身钢铁侠范的钢骨,让人十分好奇),一些新角色也首次进入观众视野,其中包括艾梅柏·希尔德饰演的湄拉和J·K·西蒙斯扮演的戈登局长。

    As well as giving us our first proper look at the team in action ( including a curiously Iron Man-esque Cyborg , played by Ray Fisher ) , this trailer also gives us our first brief glimpses of some other new characters , including Amber Heard as Mera , and JK Simmons as Commissioner Gordon .

  27. 舞会临近结束时,身穿迪奥女裙的凯拉•肯尼迪脱去自己的高跟鞋,然后缓缓地躺到红地毯上,动作优雅之极。拉夫•西蒙斯(RafSimons)冰蓝色长裙的卷曲褶皱如朵朵浮云散落在她身旁四周。

    Towards the end of the evening , the Dior-clad Kyra Kennedy kicked off her heels and sank gracefully on to the carpeted floor , the crispy folds of her ice-blue gown , designed by Raf Simons , splayed in a voluminous cloud around her .

  28. 随着预产期的临近、腹中男宝宝的胎位是头上脚下,菲奥纳•西蒙斯(FionaSimmonds)尝试了自己知道的各种方法——针灸、膝胸卧式运动、在肚子旁边播放音乐——来试图让胎儿翻转过来,让自己可以自然生产。

    With her due date approaching and her unborn son pointed feet first , Fiona Simmonds tried every technique she knew of -- acupuncture , raising her pelvis above her head and playing music near her belly -- to encourage the baby to flip around and allow him be delivered normally .

  29. 如今,就像品牌觉得解雇某个设计师完全合乎情理,设计师们也觉得自己离开某个品牌完全合乎情理。这样的事情一旦发生过——不管因为什么原因(比如2012年,西蒙斯不太愉快地离开JilSander)——以后就更容易发生了。

    We have reached the point where designers feel as justified in leaving a brand as the brand does in leaving them - and after it has happened once , for whatever reason ( as it did when Mr. Simons left Jil Sander in 2012 under cloudy circumstances ) , it gets easier to do .

  30. 到了伦敦我就会去见西蒙斯。

    When I get to london , I meet with simmons .