
  1. 文章在理论上试提出以下完善建议:1.结合商业社会姓名权运用实际,提出应设立姓名收益权能,以姓名人格性权能和财产性权能对应构建现代姓名权的最新体系;

    The possible suggestions in theoretic of this article lie in : 1.Set up the income power of name based the name utilization in commercial society , and the personal power and the commercial power is corresponding to the new system of the citizen 's right of name ;

  2. 只要农民享有的农地使用权、收益权权能是完全的,无论农地是私人所有还是国家所有,都不会对现代农业发展所需的要素投入产生决定性影响,不会阻碍现代农业的发展。

    So long as a completed farmland power of use and earnings farmers owned , however privately-owned or state-owned farmland , would not play a decisive influence on the inputs required in modern agricultural development even to hinder the development of the modern agriculture .

  3. 最后笔者对企业法人财产权做了一个总结:企业法人财产权应该是较完全的所有权(即包括占有、使用、处分、收益四项全部权能),也就是说,企业拥有其财产的所有权。

    Finally , the author make a conclusion : the property of the corporation artificial person is absolute ownership ( includes : possession , use , punishment , income ), witch means that the corporation share the ownership of the property .