
zhì chá
  • tea making
制茶[zhì chá]
  1. 鼎丰茶行从未停止延续永恒的制茶工艺,也从未停止制茶技师们的工作。

    The effort Dingfeng Tea Line made to preserve the tea making techniques is unrelenting , so is the labor of tea manufacturing technicians .

  2. 茶艺是关于饮茶的技艺,主要包括制茶工艺、烹茶技艺、品饮艺术三个环节,我们据此对唐代茶艺发展状况予以剖析。

    Tea art is about the technique of tea drinking , which mainly includes three links , such as tea making techniques , tea cooking skills and tea tasting art . In accordance to this , we analyze the development status of tea art in Tang Dynasty .

  3. HACCP系统在苦荞叶片制茶生产中的应用

    Application of HACCP System to producing Tartary-buckwheat Tea

  4. 曾在新加坡受过教育的金融分析师考沙尔·杜伽尔(KaushalDugar),在硅谷最大的风险投资企业之一,阿克塞尔合伙公司(AccelPartners)的支持下,正在通过在线销售茶叶的初创企业Teabox逐步让制茶产业现代化。

    With the backing of one of Silicon Valley 's biggest venture capital firms , Accel Partners , Kaushal Dugar , a Singapore-trained financial analyst , is among those slowly bringing the sector into the modern era via his online tea retailing start-up , Teabox .

  5. 根据条形茶品质要求,并结合制茶工效,机制条形名茶做形温度控制在70~90℃、叶量控制在每槽100~150g为宜。

    According to the demand of quality and processing efficiency , it was suggested that the appropriate shaping temperature and leaf weight should be 70 ~ 90 ℃ and 100 ~ 150 g per pan respectively in the machine processing of strip shaped famous tea .

  6. 茶农们现在已经进行到了制茶的炒青阶段。

    The farmers are getting into the process of curing tea-leaves .

  7. 日本制茶新技术及新产品

    New Technology and New Product on Manufacture of Tea in Japan

  8. 随着现代制茶技术的发展,传统黑茶已急剧减少。东方传统文化与世界科技发展

    The Traditional Orient Culture and the Development of Global Science and Technology

  9. 苦荞麦叶片制茶工艺的探讨

    Study on the Processing of Tartary - buckwheat Green Tea

  10. 茶叶杀青机与制茶品质特点

    Correlation between Tea Leaf Freeze Dried Machines and Nature of Tea Quality

  11. 空间性质:农场,展览,教育,制茶。

    Space function : farming , exhibition , education , tea production .

  12. 制茶工艺对名优绿茶香气品质的影响

    Effect of Processing Technology on the Aroma of Chinese Famous Green Teas

  13. 主要滋味成分含量变化与制茶工艺的关系

    Relationship of Levels of Major Taste Components to Tea Processing

  14. 不同形状名茶制茶工艺对茶叶品质的影响

    Effect of Processing Technology on the Quality of Famous Teas of Various Appearances

  15. 制茶用多糖水解酶的发酵生产条件及其应用

    Using . Study on Fermentation Production and Application of Polysaccharide Hydrolase for Tea Manufacture

  16. 信阳有得天独厚的自然条件,悠久的制茶、种茶历史。

    Xinyang has the excellent natural condition , long history of tea-making and tea-planting .

  17. 制茶工艺一般包括杀青、揉捻、渥堆和干燥四道工序。

    Tea process generally includes fixing , rolling , pile and dry , four processes .

  18. 福建省有着悠久的种茶制茶历史,工艺精良,品质卓越。

    Fujian has a long history of tea tea , sophisticated technology , superior quality .

  19. 四是更新陈旧的制茶设备;元代四等人制产生的原因

    Displacing the old manufacture equipment ; On the Cause of 4-Social-Estate System in Yuan Dynasty

  20. 从茶多酚及氨基酸含量比较8种金花茶制茶适宜性

    Evaluation on Tea process Fitness of Eight Yellow Camellias Based on Tea Polyphenols and Amino Acids

  21. 莽山茶区引种的乌龙茶品种特性及其制茶品质比较研究

    Comparative Study of Variety Properties and Tea-making Quality of the Oolong Tea Introduced into Mangshan Tea Area

  22. 制茶发酵的生化机制

    Biochemical Mechanism Governing Tea Fermentation

  23. 当然,我们之中可能有些人会喜欢那种味道,而且制茶工艺还可以加重这种味道。

    Of course , some of us may like that taste , and tea processing can amp it up .

  24. 他还经营着毛里求斯最大的茶艺中心,展示中国传统制茶工艺。

    He also operates the largest tea art center in Mauritius , demonstrating the traditional Chinese way of tea-making .

  25. 通过对核桃鲜叶制茶工艺中食盐溶液浸泡和烫漂进行对比试验,删除了影响茶叶风味、营养的浸泡及烫漂工序。

    Saline soaking and scalding which affect tea flavors and nutrients were canceled in the procedure of making tea leaves of walnut .

  26. 江西宋代手工业经济在农业经济发展的条件下有一较大的发展,在瓷器、矿业、纺织、木材、造纸、制茶等方面表现尤其突出。

    There is a greater development under the terms of agricultural economic development in the industrial economy of Jiangxi in Song dynasty .

  27. 每位拥有双手和茶壶的英国茶饮者花费数年完善他们理想的制茶方法。

    Every British tea drinker who is in possession of both hands and a kettle has spent years perfecting their ideal method .

  28. 随着工业技术的进步,各种高效制茶机械的出现扩大了茶叶产量,各种茶叶种类、花色品种如雨后春笋般涌现了出来。

    With the industrial and technological progress , efficient tea machinery to expand tea production , various types of tea varieties mushroomed emerged out .

  29. 柚子皮茶是窨制茶类的新品种,由柚子皮与绿茶或红茶窨制加工制成,其香气独特、浓郁。

    Pumelo peel tea , a new kind of scented tea , was made with green tea or black tea through scenting with pumelo peel .

  30. 安徽,一个曾经贫困的地方,渐渐失去了制茶技术。

    Anhui , being a poor province , lost the technique because the expense in producing it could not be sustained in the local market .