
dà shǒu shù
  • major surgery;major operation
大手术 [dà shǒu shù]
  • (1) [major operation]∶

  • (2) 范围大、难度大并有潜在危险的外科手术,常常要求全身麻醉

  • (3) 也指着力整顿问题极为严重的单位

  • (4) [major surgery]∶对病人有生命危险的手术;特指颅内、胸内、腹内或盆腔内的器官的手术

大手术[dà shǒu shù]
  1. 我母亲去年动过大手术。

    My mother underwent major surgery last year .

  2. 他们原以为只需切除小肿块的手术最后变成了一次大手术。

    What they expected to be the removal of a small lump turned out to be major surgery

  3. 为了让他断裂的韧带愈合,他的膝盖必须动一次大手术。

    He must have a major operation on his knee to mend severed ligaments .

  4. 严重之时。一般人都看到我在经脉上穿针管来放血、在皮肤上敷药等大手术,所以以为我的医术高明,名气因此响遍全国。”

    As for me , I treat a disease when it is already well developed and very serious . People observe me perform bloodletting by injecting tubes into vessels3 or applying medical ointment4 on the skin , and thus look upon me as well versed5 in medicine . So I have become well known all over the country . "

  5. 研究人员研究了312名大手术后住进ICU的患者,分析了蛋白C与器官衰竭指示物之间的关系。

    The researchers analyzed the relationship between protein C and indicators of organ failure in312 patients admitted to the ICU after major surgery .

  6. 大手术后低潮气量机械通气加低水平PEEP预防ARDS

    Prevention of ARDS following big surgical operations by low TV and low PEEP Level ventilation

  7. mba和高管教育需要一场大手术,将重点从金融和营销转变为人力资源。

    The MBA and executive education will require open-heart surgery aimed at shifting focus from finance and marketing to human resources .

  8. 术后同一时间,大手术组的疼痛评分较其它组高,疼痛评分分值之间差异有统计学意义(P0.05)。

    In the same day after surgery the children in the large surgery group have higher pain scores , there is statistically different ( P 0.05 ) .

  9. 人体组成分析显示,GH组患者虽经受大手术,但其无脂肉质仍得以维持。

    Body composition analysis revealed that the patients receiving GH maintained their lean body mass despite the major surgical procedure .

  10. 创伤及大手术后感染并发高血糖和MODS患者血浆内毒素与胰岛β细胞功能不全的关系

    Relationship between the Plasma LPS and the Dysfunctions of Pancreatic Islet β - Cell in Posttraumatic MODS Patients with Infection and Hyperglycemia

  11. 大手术组PCR阳性率为36.0%(9/25),中手术组为7.9%(3/38),差异有显著性(P<0.01);

    The percentage of bacterial DNA presence in patients undergoing major or less traumatic surgery was 36.0 % ( 9 / 25 ) and 7.9 % ( 3 / 38 ) ( P < 0.01 ) .

  12. 结果MODS原发病因仍然是重症感染、大手术后、休克、心肺复苏后、创伤、重症胰腺炎。

    Results The original causes of the MODS were still severe infection , major operations , shock , cardio-pulmonary resuscitation , trauma , and severe acute pancreatitis .

  13. T2出现像脊髓内高信号对手术疗效也有一定程度上的的影响,高信号出现的范围越大手术疗效也越差。

    T2 appear as high signal within the spinal cord surgery there is a certain degree of influence , The greater the range of high signal appeared the worse surgery .

  14. 背景:肠缺血再灌注(intestineischemiareperfusionIIR)是机体遭受严重创伤、烧伤、大手术等刺激后发生较早的病理过程之一。

    Background : The phenomenon of intestine ischemia reperfusion ( IIR ) occurs early in the whole pathological procedure , which happens after the organism is subjected to the severe injury , empyrosis , and major operation .

  15. 结论:老年肿瘤患者大手术中应用AHH联合CH技术与单纯CH,均能维持血流动力学稳定,对肾功能无明显影响。

    Conclusion : Application of AHH combined with CH technology and simple CH in older tumor bigger operation can maintain the stability of haemodynamics , and did not affect renal function .

  16. 结论1.非条件LOgistiC回归多因素分析得出孕前BMI、首诊WHR、孕妇高血压疾病史和大手术史是妊娠期高血糖的独立危险因素。

    CONCLUSION LA non-conditional logistic regression multivariate analysis showed : pre-pregnancy BMI , WHR at the first examination , history of hypertension , history of operation were independent risk factors for gestational high glucose .

  17. 结果在ARDS的病因中,脓毒症占41%,大手术后和严重创伤占36.3%,重症胰腺炎占8.8%,其他因素(包括中毒、酒后误吸、烧伤、中枢性疾病等)占13.9%。

    Results In the ARDS pathogeny , sepsis accounted for 41 % , severe trauma and operation accounted for 36.3 % , severe pancreatitis for 8.8 % , and other for 13.9 % .

  18. 动态监测20例大手术创伤患儿术后血管升压素异常分泌综合征(SIADH)的发生情况。

    Twenty pediatric patients undergoing major surgery were studied to investigate the syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone secretion ( SIADH ) after surgey .

  19. 结论:NCJ的适应证是腹部大手术,尤其适用于上消化道手术,也适用于预期术后恢复困难、长期不能进食、营养不良及高代谢病人。

    Conclusions : Indication for NCJ is as an additional procedure during major abdominal surgery .

  20. 目的探讨7·5%高渗盐水(HS)和6%羟乙基淀粉(HES)对择期腹部大手术后液体平衡和临床结果的影响。

    Objective To investigate the effects of 7.5 % hypertonic saline ( HS ) and 6.0 % hydroxyethyl starch ( HES ) on postoperative fluid balance and clinical outcome in patients performed elective major abdominal surgery .

  21. 目的观察服用谷氨酰胺(glutamine,GLN)颗粒对创伤、烧伤及大手术患者肠黏膜屏障功能的影响及可能发生的不良反应。

    Objective To evaluate the protective effect of glutamine granules on intestine mucosal barrier function in burn and trauma patients as well as in surgically treated patients and operative patients and explore the possible adverse effect .

  22. 作者对169例经历了外科大手术后的患者进行了动脉血酮体比率(KBR)的观测,并与术后临床过程进行了比较分析。

    Abstract Postoperative arterial blood ketone body ratio ( KBR ) was compared with the clinical course in 169 cases undergoing major surgery , all patients were divided into three groups .

  23. 本组ARDS的主要病因是严重创伤(10例)、大手术(4例)、烧伤(4例)、休克、感染、DIC、过量输液等。

    In this group , the causes inducing ARDS mainly were serious trauma ( 10 cases ), operation ( 4 cases ) , burning ( 4 cases ), shock , infection , DIC , over infusion of fluid , etc.

  24. 目的:观察严重创伤及大手术后合并多脏器功能衰竭综合征(MODS)患者血浆超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)、一氧化氮(NO)、血栓素B2(TXB2)水平变化。

    Objective : To explore the blood concentrations of superoxide dismutase ( SOD ), nitric oxide ( NO ) and thromboxane B2 ( TXB2 ) in post-trauma or post-major surgery patients and their relation with multiple organ dysfunction syndrome ( MODS ) .

  25. 益气破血法预防骨科大手术后DVT形成及对D-二聚体作用临床观察益气活血止血法治疗原发肾炎血尿88例

    Chinese drugs for supplementing Qi and activating blood circulation in preventing deep venous thrombosis after big operations in orthopaedics and traumatology Therapy of Supplementing Qi and Promoting Blood Circulation to Arrest Bleeding for Primary Nephritic Hematuria : Clinical Observation of 88 Cases

  26. 测定169例外科大手术后病人的动脉血酮体比率(AKBR),并与术后临床过程进行比较。

    One hundred and sixty nine patients who underwent major surgery were studied for the postoperative changes in the arterial blood ketone body ratio ( AKBR ) and compared with postoperative clinical course in this patients .

  27. 结论HA-ARF的主要病因是感染、心脑血管疾病、急性血容量减少和大手术,其死亡率较高,积极进行病因治疗和透析疗法是抢救患者的主要手段。

    Conclusion The main factors of origin in HA-ARF are infection , cardial and cerebrovascular disease , acute hypovolemia and operation . The mortality rate of this disease is higher . Etilogical treatment promptly and dialysis regimen are the main means to rescue these patients .

  28. 腹部大手术术中预防性空肠造瘘的效果评价

    Evaluation of preventive jejunum stoma for enteral nutrition in abdominal operation

  29. 针刺导管空肠造口肠内营养在腹部大手术中的应用

    Enteral nutrition by needle - catheter jejunostomy in major abdominal operation

  30. 老年病人腹部大手术后的营养支持

    Postoperative nutritional support treatment for major abdominal operation in gerontal patients