
  • 网络human predicament
  1. 20世纪六十年代生发于西方发达国家的生态危机业已跃升为当代全球性的人类困境。

    The ecological crisis originated in 20th century in the western developed countries has now developed into contemporary global human predicament .

  2. 走出当前人类困境的途径是为真正主体性的实现进行建设,而不是消解、否定人的主体性。

    The way out of the current human predicament is to construct the real human subjectivity , not to digest and deny the human subjectivity .

  3. 康德的补丁&人类困境与体育运动作用

    Patch of Conde : Human dilemma and Sport

  4. 论人类困境与中国儒学的和谐思想

    On Human Difficult Position and Confucianist Harmonious Ideology

  5. 本文共分为引论和五个部分:第一部分,当代人类困境与生产力。

    The first part of the thesis is about contemporary human plight and productivity .

  6. 人类困境与终极关怀

    Human Dilemma and Ultimate Concern

  7. 传统现代化带来了亘古未有的发展和新现代化也难以摆脱的人类困境;

    Traditional modernization has generated unprecedented development and " human predicaments ", unavoidable by the new modernization ;

  8. 现代西方文明在其扩张的过程中将自身重物质、轻精神的特质渗透到其他文明中,从而导致了全球性的人类困境问题。

    Modern western civilization infiltrated , other civilizations with its characteristic emphasis on material and disregard for the mind , which led to global dilemmas .

  9. 通过布拉德利这一人物形象的塑造及其自我之路的探索,默多克展示了其对后现代时期自我的多种存在方式的准确认知,并深入探讨了如何处理复杂的人类困境。

    By the character of Bradley , Murdoch shows variety self of post-modern areas , and deeply investigates how to deal with the complexity of the human predicament .

  10. 本文主要从实践合理化的角度探讨摆脱人类困境,实现可持续发展的基本原则与现实途径。

    From the angle of practice rationalization , this thesis will mainly probe into the basic principles and realistic ways of breaking away from human predicament and realize sustainable development .

  11. 尽管全球问题或人类困境的根源是复杂的、多方面的,但其最直接、最现实的根源是实践活动的不合理性及其负效应。

    Although origins of global question or human predicament are complicated and in many aspects , its most direct and realistic origin is the irrationality and negative effect of practice activity .

  12. J.M.库切是南非白人作家,2003年诺贝尔文学奖折桂者并两次获得布克奖。他的作品以探索人类生存困境及人类与历史关系见长。

    J.M.Coetzee , the 2003 Nobel Literature prize winner and twice Booker prize winner , is a South African white writer , who explores the living conditions of human being and relationship between human and history through his writings .

  13. 从儒家生态伦理观看人类生存困境的根源

    Discussion on the Human Exist Plight based on Confucian Ecological Ethics

  14. 人类生存困境的无边展示

    Endless Showing of Human Surviving Perplexity

  15. 他们希望哲学为人类的困境,提供一幅事无巨细的完整画面。

    They expect it to provide them with a complete and detailed picture of the human predicament .

  16. 生存的困惑&解读《第二十二条军规》中海勒对于人类生存困境的反思

    Perplexity of Human Existence & An Interpretation of Heller 's Reflection on the Predicament of Human Existence in Catch-22

  17. 生态学马克思主义理论是西方马克思主义对当代全球问题和人类发展困境的哲学思索。

    The ecology Marxism theory is the philosophy soul in the field of contemporary global question and the human development predicament .

  18. 伴随着社会的发展,人类生存困境问题的越来越突出,享虐问题也越来越无法回避。

    With faster social development , more and more plights appear in people ' sliving , making sadomasochism enjoyment more and more inescapable .

  19. 然而,故事荒诞化的背后却是对人类生存困境与存在本质的关注。

    However , it is a concern about the plight of the survival and the nature of existence behind the absurdity of the story .

  20. 从二十一世纪人类面对困境所提出的解决方案来看,现在是这种共谋关系继续深化的时期。

    From the proposed solution when human being facing problem in 21 century , this is the period for conspiracy relationship continuing to deepen .

  21. 人类走出困境的唯一出路归根到底要靠人类自己本身的力量和智慧。

    The only opportunity that the mankind extricates itself from the plight is to depend on mankind 's own strength and intelligence after all .

  22. 而建立自然保护区则是解决人类自身困境,保护生态物种多样性的重要措施。

    The establishment of nature reserves is an important measure to solve the plight of human beings and protect the ecological importance of species diversity measures .

  23. 老舍借其塑造的独特的小人物悲剧世界,寄寓了对人类生存困境、民族历史命运以及传统文化走向的深沉思索。

    Lao She , by exploring the tragic life of a common people , shows his own meditation of the fate of a nation and its traditional culture .

  24. 卓越远见的自然生态观,使他返璞归真与自然对等和谐。这一切对当下摆脱人类的困境具有重要的现实实践意义。

    His forward-looking vision of natural ecology made him return to and be in harmony with nature , and has important practical significance to the predicament of mankind .

  25. 本文从象征意义的角度对剧名、角色和场景进行分析,得出这部戏剧就是人类生存困境的隐喻和象征。

    This paper analyzes the symbolic meanings of the name , characters and scenes in The Iceman Cometh and concludes that this play is a symbol of human beings existential predicament .

  26. 许多西方学者对科技所造成的人类生存困境进行了分析和批判,其根本原因在于不合理的科技观所致。

    A lot of western scholars have analyzed and criticized the human survival predicament that science and technology caused , and its basic reason lies in unreasonable scientific and technological view .

  27. 冯尼格特和他的作品虽然看似玩世不恭、荒诞不经,其实冯尼格特是一位从人道主义出发关心现实人类生存困境的有良知的后现代作家和后现代文化战士。

    Although Vonnegut and his works seem cynical and absurd , he is a postmodern writer and cultural fighter with conscience to care about the human being living dilemma from humanism .

  28. 东西小说创作体现出一种边缘化的叙事姿态,故事荒诞化的背后实际上是对人类生存困境和存在本质的关注。

    A marginal narrative style is embodied in the creation of eastern and western novels and at back of incredible plot is the essence of the difficult position of human existence .

  29. 需要和实践的合理化既是人的全面发展状态的题中之意,也是摆脱现代人类生存困境、实现人的自由全面发展的现实途径。

    The rationalization of need and practice is inward meaning of man 's all-round development , and also is the outlet of conquering modern human dilemmas and realizing man 's all-round free development .

  30. 而以往我国对于反面乌托邦文学的研究多局限于狭隘的现实政治层面,对于反面乌托邦文学对人类生存困境的思考,尚未得到充分挖掘。

    Before that the dystopia literature study in our country is primarily limited to the narrow reality and political level still not fully excavating the thought of humankind living predicament in dystopia literature .