
  • 网络world system;the world-system;world-systems
  1. 世界体系与中国后期现代化:政治经济学层面的分析

    The World System and Chinese Post-Modernization : Analysis of Political Economics

  2. 世界体系思想对华侨华人历史研究的意义

    World System Thought and the Historical Study of the Overseas Chinese

  3. 基于小世界体系的投影学习联想记忆模型研究

    A Projection Learning Rule Associative Memory Model Based on Small-World Architecture

  4. 折衷与综合:世界体系理论对马克思主义的继承

    Compromise and Synthesis : The Inheritance of World-System Theory from Marxism

  5. 世界体系理论的源流主要有三:一是马克思主义。

    World system theory comes from three theories : Firstly , Marxism .

  6. 其后,英国的世界体系一直维持到第二次世界大战前夕。

    The British world-system then held together until the Second World War .

  7. 现代世界体系理论及其当代价值

    The Theory of " Modern World System " and Its Contemporary Value

  8. 世界体系的结构性危机与世界的未来

    The Structural Crisis in the World-System and the Future of the World

  9. 近代以来欧洲及世界体系的演变

    The Evolution of European and World System Since Modern Times

  10. 从世界体系视角思考中国地缘战略问题

    Reflecting on China 's Geostrategic Issues from the Perspective of the World System

  11. 两部世界体系著作述评

    Narration and Comments on Two Works on World System

  12. 现代意义上的民族,源自现代世界体系的政治建构。

    The morden ethno-nations derive from the political structure of modern world system .

  13. 中国也顺应现代世界体系的发展趋势发展着。

    China also complies with the trend of thedevelopment of the modern world system .

  14. 《白银资本》标志着弗兰克新的世界体系论的初步确立。

    Reorient marks the tentative foundation of the new world system theory of Frank .

  15. 世界体系的动因是什么?这是世界体系学者首先必须回答的问题。

    What is the motive of modern world-system ?

  16. 对当前所知世界体系理论进行理性的批判。

    To make a rational criticism on the World System Theory that we know ;

  17. 评沃勒斯坦的世界体系论

    Discussing the World System Theory of Immanuel Wallerstein

  18. 恩格斯与现代世界体系理论

    Engels and Theories of Modern World System

  19. 简述世界体系的马克思主义思潮

    On the Theory of the World-System Marxism

  20. 浅析资本主义世界体系

    A Brief Analysis on Capitalist World System

  21. 最后,沃勒斯坦对进步观的批判,从物质和精神两方面入手,向现代世界体系这一核心的文化观提出了挑战。

    Finally , Wallerstein takes a challenge to the core cultural view of Modern World System .

  22. 经济全球化与民族国家&从世界体系论角度的分析

    Economic Globalization and Nation - state

  23. 整合与分化:世界体系研究理论评析

    Integration and Splitting : Comment and Analysis of the Theory of the Study of World System

  24. 所以人们不禁要问,世界体系中权力关系将会走向何方。

    So one then asks what will be the fate of the power relation in the system .

  25. 人们可以真切地感受到有关世界体系的历史研究取得了长足发展。

    One may observe indeed an increasing development of research in the history of world - systems .

  26. 现实主义者提出了在世界体系下关于和平与安全的非常悲观的观点。

    Realists have expressed a very pessimistic view of possible peace and security within the world system .

  27. 重新定义世界体系,不再以必需品贸易作为定义世界体系边界的标准;

    The trade of necessary goods is no longer the criterion of defining the boundary of world system ;

  28. 果如此,则以为核心,人类世界体系的常态。

    If it is so , China as the core would be the normality of the world system .

  29. 经济全球化的发展进程是与三次科技革命的发展所带来的世界体系格局的变化相伴随的。

    Economic globalization forms and develops in the general layout of the world system transforming gradually into " Center-Periphery " .

  30. 事实是,中国已从东亚的中心变成世界体系的边缘。

    The fact is , China has changed into the periphery ' of the world from the center East Asia .