
shì yè
  • trade/property inherited from one's ancestors;hereditary profession
  • undertaking passed on from generation to generation
世业 [shì yè]
  • [undertaking passed on from genaration to genaration] 世代相传的事业

  • 今为君计,莫若遣腹心自结于东,以共济世业。--《资治通鉴》

  1. 中国入世锰业利好

    China 's Joining the WTO Will Do Good to Manganese Industry

  2. 中国加入WTO在即,入世后电信业将面临激烈的竞争。

    China will gain entry to WTO by the beginning of next year , and competition in the telecom market of China will become more intensive .

  3. 但随着中国入世及电信业改革重组使得电信市场的竞争格局发生了重大改变,近年来DG公司的客户流失严重,效益逐年下滑。

    Along with China entering WTO and reform of China telecommunication industry , competition structure of China telecommunication market changed largely .

  4. 世兴石业的第一个墓碑工厂开办于1998年。

    Shixing 's first gravestone factory was started in1998 .

  5. 入世:银行业面临的挑战及对策

    Access to WTO : challenges the banking industry have to face , and countermeasures

  6. 中国入世后银行业的改革与韩企进入中国市场的机会

    Post-WTO : Banking Industry Reformation and Our Opportunities

  7. 竞争也来自内部&谈入世后银行业的竞争

    Competition Also Comes from Interior

  8. 合业经营:中国金融体制改革的方向&从入世对银行业制度造成的冲击谈起

    Joint Operation : Orientation of Financial Reform in China & With Reference to Challenges to China 's Banking System after Entry into WTO

  9. 基于某些理由,这个阶层在今世充满着业平衡因为他们学习经历是相当详细的。

    For some reason , this group fulfills the most Karmic balance in this lifetime as their learning experiences are considerable in detail .

  10. 随着入世后银行业的竞争及国内商业银行改革步伐的加快,如此现状下的商业银行很难适应我国经济发展的需要。

    This situation cannot cope with the development needs awaken by the competition after the entry of WTO and the reform of banking industry .

  11. 中国入世后金融业面临新的竞争形势,金融人才也面临新的挑战。

    After China enters the WTO , the field of finance is facing the new developing situation , and the financial talented persons are meeting new challenge .

  12. 加之医疗系统的市场化改革和入世后服务业的扩大开放,将使得医疗服务业的竞争渐趋严峻。

    Plus the marketing reformation of the medical treatment system and the enlarging and opening of service industry after entering WTO , the competition of medical treatment service becomes intense and serious .

  13. 由于巨大的国内市场需求、有竞争力的制造成本以及入世后服务业领域的相继开放政策,中国已经成为全球外商直接投资的主要吸收国,但各地区在利用外资能力上表现很不平衡。

    Due to the giant domestic market demand , the competitive strength in manufacturing cost and the ever-opening service industry after China 's entry into WTO , China has already become the main destination for FDI from all over the world .

  14. 保险市场与资本市场的良性互动发展,是金融体系发展的客观要求,更是我国入世后保险业实现可持续发展的必然选择。

    The interactive development of insurance market and capital market in China is not only the objective requirement for financial system development , but also even more an inevitable choice that the insurance industry realizes sustainable development after our country enters the WTO .

  15. 现今我国已经入世,金融业作为入世后首先开放的行业之一,必然要遵守统一的游戏规则而与实力数倍于己的外资银行进行竞争。

    As one of industries open to outside first after entering the WTO , the finance industry will have to comply with uniformed " game rules " and compete with foreign capital banks whose sizes is much larger than the banks of China .

  16. 本文阐述了入世前建筑业国际工程承包存在的问题,及面临入世后建筑业国际工程承包面临的挑战,并提出中国应对入世国际工程承包中的信息管理措施。

    This paper discusses the problems of international engineering contracting in construction industry before China 's WTO entry and the challenge China will face after China 's WTO entry . Meanwhile it proposes the method of information management in international engineering contracting after China 's WTO entry .

  17. 中国加入WTO以后,对重庆建筑业势必产生重大影响,正确认识入世对重庆建筑业的影响,科学制定相应的对策具有十分重要的战略意义。

    China 's entry to WTO will influence Chongqing construction industry deeply . How to understand influence on Chongqing construction industry and establish countermeasures scientifically will be of profound strategic significance .

  18. 本文还论述了中国应如何吸取阿根廷的教训,慎重对待外资收购、兼并和MBO,特别是入世后银行证券业的开放,更好地维护本国经济金融安全,防范风险。

    This paper also discusses how China should face challenges after entering WTO , and draws proper lessons from Argentina 's experience .

  19. 入世后中国保险业的新变化

    New Changes of Chinese Insurance After its Entry Into the WTO

  20. 入世给中国保险业究竟带来了什么

    What does the Entry of WTO Brings for Chinese Insurance Industry

  21. 入世后中国银行业竞争现状分析

    The Analysis of China Banking Competitiveness after Entry into WTO

  22. 入世前后印度银行业的改革与发展

    Reform and Development of Banking in India around Entering WTO

  23. 入世后中国保险业的机遇和挑战

    Opportunities and Challenges of Chinese Insurance Business after WTO Entry

  24. 入世后汽车维修业面临的压力与对策

    Face to Pressure and Countermeasure in Auto Maintenance After Joining in WTO

  25. 入世对中国造船业之影响初探

    On the effect of China 's joining of WTO to its shipbuilding industries

  26. 入世后中国建筑业国际工程承包中的信息管理电子和电机工程协人类特点的机器人国际会议。

    Information Management in International Construction Engineering Contracting after China s WTO Entry ;

  27. 入世后重庆保险业发展的对策研究

    Research of Countermeasures for Chongqing 's Insurance Industry after China 's Entry to WTO

  28. 我国入世对石油石化业的承诺及主要应对措施

    Commitments Concerning China 's Petroleum and Petrochemical Industry to WTO and Main Countermeasures Thereof

  29. 入世后中国金融业竞争战略实施探究

    Study on Strategies to Competitions among Financial Industries of China after Joining the WTO

  30. 入世后中国监理业改革发展的思考

    A reflection on innovation and development of Chinese supervision enterprise after China entered into the WTO