
  • 网络Talent demand forecast;talent forecast
  1. 我国加入WTO后上海浦东新区人才需求预测研究

    Forecast Study on Talents 's Demand at Pudong New Area after China 's Access to WTO

  2. Delphi法在护理岗位任务分析及人才需求预测研究中的应用

    Application of Delphi method in the analysis of nursing duties and the requirement forecast for human resource

  3. 本文建立了基于BP神经网络的人才需求预测模型,同时利用多元替换模型对人才结构进行定量、动态的分析和研究。

    This article establishes the personnel requirement model based on BP neural network and meanwhile uses multivariate substitute model to make a quantitative and dynamic state analysis and research of the personnel structure .

  4. 江西省信息资源管理人才需求预测分析

    A Forecast of the IRM Talent Demand in Jiangxi Province

  5. 铁路专业人才需求预测研究

    The Study of Forecasting the Demand for Professional Railway Talents

  6. 论上海汽车工业人才需求预测及人才建设

    Suggestions to the HR Demand of Auto Industry in Shanghai

  7. 科技人才需求预测的动态双因子模型

    A Dynamic Two-Factor Model to Predict Demand for Technical Personnel

  8. 中国高等环保人才需求预测

    The prediction of future demand for higher environmental protection personnel in China

  9. 企业物流人才需求预测及人力资源开发研究

    Demand Forecasts of Enterprise Logistics Personnel and Human Resources Development and Research

  10. 山西省高级人才需求预测数学模型

    The Forecast of Senior Talent Requirement in Shanxi Province

  11. 微观集成法在卫技人才需求预测中的应用

    The Application of Method with the Microassembly in Need Prediction of Health Professionals

  12. 2010年湖北省交通专门人才需求预测与开发

    The Demand Forecasting in 2010 and Development of Communications Talents of Hubei Province

  13. 我国体育人才需求预测及发展战略研究

    Prediction of needs for sports talents and development countermeasures

  14. 佛山市专门人才需求预测报告

    A Calculation Report for Needed Specific Personnel in Foshan

  15. 广东省高校人才需求预测初探

    Forecast of the University Talent Demand in Guangdong Province

  16. 我国人才需求预测模型的构造

    Structure of Predictable Model for Talents Demand in China

  17. 具有激励特征的科技人才需求预测方法

    Technical Manpower Demand Forecasting Method with Stimulating Factors

  18. 社区护理人才需求预测及规划性培养的研究

    A survey of prediction on community demand and planned training for talented nursing persons

  19. 2006~2010年宁波非公有制经济领域人才需求预测

    Prediction of Ningbo 's Demand for Talents in Non-public Economic Sectors from 2006 to 2010

  20. 河北省煤炭系统经济态势分析与人才需求预测

    Economic Status Analysis of Coal Industry and Prediction in Talent Person Requirement in Hebei Province

  21. 最优加权组合预测法在护理人才需求预测中的应用

    The application of optimal weighted combination prediction method in the demand forecast of nurses in China

  22. 人才需求预测的含时变参数的弹性系数模型

    An Elastic Coefficient Model with Time-Variant Parameters for the Forecast of the Demand on Specialized Manpower

  23. 长沙市科技人才需求预测与高等教育发展战略研究

    The Tactics Research on Forecasting the Demands of Skilled Talents and Developing the Higher Education in Changsha

  24. 采用线性相关最强的公路当量里程因素,建立了人才需求预测模型。

    By using the road equivalent course volume factor , the model for talent demand prediction is established .

  25. 大型石化企业科技人才需求预测方法研究

    Research on Demand Forecasting Method about Talented Persons Grasping Science and Technology of Our Country 's Large Petrochemical Enterprises

  26. 第4章研究分析交通职业教育发展的宏观背景和需求分析。包括社会背景、行业背景、职业人才需求预测与分析。

    Chapter four analyzes the macro background and need which predicts and analyzes the social and industrial background and the requirement to persons with ability .

  27. 在实践方面,对企业更有积极的意义,尤其是对一些处于发展中的企业,为其能够真正应用人才需求预测模型这一科学方法提供了可能。

    The practical value is to offer the possibility that the corporation apply the demand prediction model , which has the positive meaning especially those developing corporation .

  28. 更重要的是,频繁的小规模招收职员意味着这些企业在其经营历史中的人才需求预测能够在更短周期内进行修改。

    More important , having smaller groups of candidates coming through more frequently means that forecasts of demand for these individuals can be made over shorter periods throughout their careers .

  29. 需要特别指出的是本文的两个主要研究成果:在关键人才需求预测中的“零基点”预测方法和在关键人才内部供给预测中的“三维评价模型”。

    There are two results pointed out specially in the text that are " Zero Base " method in requirement forecast and " Three-Dimension Appraisingmodel " in supplies forecast of the key persons .

  30. 基于以上的研究,根据包头市国民经济发展的目标和规划,进行了包头市人才需求预测,并提出了包头市在今后一个时期内人力资源开发的战略与实现战略的具体措施。

    Based on above study and Baotou 's developing goals and blueprint , the future strategy and measures in the development of human resources were given together with the prediction to Baotou 's talent demands .