
  • 网络conscientiousness;responsibility;a sense of responsibility
  1. 个性特征中的外向性、责任意识、相容性对创业精神中的自主性有显著影响;而个性特征中的责任意识、开放性对创业精神中的风险规避有显著影响。

    The autonomy in entrepreneurship is influenced highly by extraversion , conscientiousness and agreeableness in personality , while the conscientiousness and openness have significant influence upon the risk avoidance .

  2. 研究结果表明:教师组织公民行为由学校认同、利他行为、责任意识、人际和谐和资源保护等五个因素构成;

    The results showed that teachers ' organizational citizenship behavior consists of five factors , namely , school identification , altruism behavior , conscientiousness , interpersonal harmony , resources protecting .

  3. 今后的赛事组织者应强化责任意识,防止此类悲剧再次发生。事件回顾

    Organizers of future events should also show a stronger sense of responsibility to prevent the reoccurrence of such tragedies .

  4. 极端天气等不可控因素增加了安全管理工作的复杂性,因此组织者应该有更强的责任意识,为各类突发情况做好应急预案。

    Uncontrollable factors , such as the extreme weather , also make safety procedures more complicated . That 's why organizers should have a stronger sense of responsibility and better contingency plans for all emergencies .

  5. “每个公民都要关心政治,而责任意识、大局意识,同胞情怀,和尚也同样应该有”。

    SHI MINGSHENG , NPC deputy and abbot of the Guangxiao Temple in Guangzhou , Guangdong province " Every citizen should care about politics and have the consciousness of responsibility as well as love for our compatriots . And a monk should , also . " ZHENG HUIQIANG , member of the CPPCC National Committee and vice-president of Tongji University

  6. 尽管中国企业的社会责任意识在逐步增强,但总体来说,我国企业社会责任状况不是很理想,仍然有众多的企业存在CSR行为的缺失,甚至出现失德的行为。

    Although the awareness of social responsibility is gradually increased , the situation is not satisfactory . Many enterprises are still lack of CSR , or even appear " misconduct " behavior .

  7. 用形势政策教育增强大学生责任意识

    Enhancing Responsibility Consciousness of College Students by Situation and Policy Education

  8. 与此同时,社会实践帮助增强了学生的社会责任意识。

    Besides , social practice helps strengthen students'sense of social responsibility .

  9. 四是强化责任意识,实行责任行政。

    Fourth , strengthen responsibility consciousness , implement the responsibility administration .

  10. 如何增强中国纪录片的社会责任意识?

    How to enhance China ' sdocumentary social responsibility consciousness ?

  11. 第三,加强信息使用者责任意识和阅读能力的培养。

    Strengthening responsibility consciousness and reading ability of information users .

  12. 浅谈全球化时代大学生的责任意识

    The Sense of Responsibility of College Students in the Age of Globalization

  13. 会计工作在现代经济管理中发挥着越来越重要的作用。加强会计人员职业道德,是增强会计工作责任意识的思想基础;

    Accounting work plays an increasing important role in modern economic management .

  14. 但是,当前部分大学生的责任意识较淡薄。

    However , the college students ' sense of responsibility is worrying .

  15. 独立学院大学生应有强烈的社会责任意识。

    Independent college students should have a strong sense of social responsibility .

  16. 开展工程伦理学研究增强工程师责任意识

    Studying Engineering Ethics and Prompting Engineers ' Consciousness of Responsibility

  17. 关于加强高校学生家庭责任意识、孝敬意识的思考

    Train the University Students ′ Consciousness of Family Responsibility and Filial Piety

  18. 构建和谐社会与青年责任意识

    The Construction of Harmonious Society and The Consciousness of Resposibility of Youth

  19. 浅谈如何增强会计工作的责任意识

    How to Strengthen the Sense of Responsibility on Accounting Work

  20. 传统文化与青年责任意识教育

    Traditional Culture and the Youth 's Responsibility Consciousness Education

  21. 公共性、社会公平、责任意识与服务理念&重塑公共行政的精神

    Public Spirit , Social Fair , Sense of Responsibility and Public Service Conception

  22. 高职生的职业价值观功利意识浓重,社会责任意识淡薄;

    Some of them are short of the sense of responsibility for society .

  23. 责任意识是现代公民的基本素质。

    Responsibility is the basic quality of modern citizens .

  24. 提出了当代大学生责任意识薄弱这一观点。

    Currently , the contemporary college students ' sense of responsibility are weak .

  25. 组织公民行为包括帮助行为和责任意识。

    Organizational citizenship behaviors included helping behavior and conscientious .

  26. 高校青年教师责任意识的探析

    Analysis of the young college teachers ' responsibilities

  27. 论大学生责任意识的培养

    On Cultivation of College Students ' Responsibility Consciousness

  28. 强化责任意识是制止虚假新闻的关键

    Prohibiting False News , Preventing Dishonest Reports Must Strengthen Journalists ' Sense of Responsibility

  29. 另外,一部分企业缺乏参与职业教育的观念和责任意识。

    In addition , some enterprises lack the consciousness of participation in vocational education .

  30. 责任意识是每个公民应具备的思想道德素质。

    The sense of responsibility is the social morality that a citizen should have .