
zī běn zhǔ yì jīnɡ jì
  • capitalist economy
  1. 这些差异在构思资本主义经济的国家角色中,有多大的关系?

    How might the differences matter for conceiving the role of the state in a capitalist economy ?

  2. 澳大利亚拥有让人羡慕的西式资本主义经济,其个人平均GDP等同于西欧四大经济强国。

    Australia has an enviable Western-style capitalist economy , with a per capita GDP on par with the four dominant West European economies .

  3. 20世纪美国经济学家海曼•明斯基(HymanMinsky)提出了金融不稳定假说。这一假说长期被人们遗忘,最近又被重新拾起。该假说认为,资本主义经济在经历长期繁荣之后,最终会陷入金融投机的恶性循环。

    Hyman Minsky , the 20th century US economist , formulated the long forgotten , and recently rediscovered , financial instability hypothesis , according to which capitalist economies , after a long period of prosperity , end up in a vicious circle of financial speculation .

  4. 当代资本主义经济同经济全球化趋势并非完全相融。

    Contemporary capitalist economy isn 't completely combined with economic globalization .

  5. 资本主义经济代替传统的小农经济的过程,也就是中国近代经济变迁的过程。

    This course is a process of modern Chinese economic changes .

  6. 西方资本主义经济新发展探析

    Approach on the New Economy Development in Wester Capitalist Countries

  7. 对社会主义内部资本主义经济成分发展历程的认识

    On the Recognition of Developing Course of Capitalist Economic Sectors within Socialism

  8. 浅析当代资本主义经济持续发展原因

    On the Causes for the Lasting Growing of Capitalist Economy

  9. 发现新大陆的航海与资本主义经济之出现同时发生。

    The voyages of discovery synchronized with the emergence of capitalist economy .

  10. 那么为什么资本主义经济能比其它经济制度受益更多呢?

    Why then did capitalist economies benefit more than others ?

  11. 帝国主义时期资本主义经济政治发展不平衡规律

    Law of uneven economic and political development of capitalism in imperialist period

  12. 资本主义经济是商品经济充分发展的产物。

    Capitalist economy is an outcome of full ? Developed commodity economy .

  13. 必须重视马克思运用科学技术对资本主义经济运行的分析

    An Analysis on Capitalist Economy with Scientific Technology of Marx

  14. 当代资本主义经济周期再认识

    A further understanding on the contemporary capitalist business cycle

  15. 八十年代资本主义经济危机与周期的特点

    On capitalist economic crises & periodicity in 1980 's

  16. 论社会主义初级阶段资本主义经济成分的双重性

    On the Dualism of the Capitalist Components during the Primary Stage of Socialism

  17. 新技术革命与现代资本主义经济的新特点

    The New Revolution of Technology and The New Characteristics of Modern Capitalist Economy

  18. 它动摇了资本主义经济制度的基础。

    It destroyed the base of capitalist economic system .

  19. 对私有制和资本主义经济范畴的批判分析;

    Made critical analysis on the private ownership and economic category of capitalism ;

  20. 资本主义经济在中国的历史地位

    The Historical Position of Capitalist Economy in China

  21. 现代资本主义经济机制比较研究刍议

    Comparative Study of the Modern Capitalist Economic System

  22. 资本主义经济是资本主义市场经济。

    Capitalist economy is capitalistic market economy .

  23. 论当代资本主义经济的新变化

    On present capitalism economy 's new change

  24. 但资本主义经济也经历了深刻改变。

    But capitalist economies changed profoundly too .

  25. 对它的深入研究,对我们科学认识当代资本主义经济关系具有重要意义。

    Its further study will greatly benefit our recognition of the contemporary capitalist economic relation .

  26. 社会主义初级阶段资本主义经济成分的发展趋势

    On the Developing Trend of the Capitalist Economic Components at the Primary Stage of Socialism

  27. 战后世界资本主义经济的新变化

    Postwar changes in the world capitalist economy

  28. 有效需求问题是市场经济或现代资本主义经济的核心问题。

    The problem of effective demand is the core of market economy or modern capitalist economy .

  29. 资本主义经济繁荣和崩溃循环的趋势与这种失败密切相关。

    The tendency of capitalist economies to boom and bust is intimately connected with that failure .

  30. 社会主义经济制度正义是对资本主义经济制度正义的扬弃。

    The justice of the socialist economic system abandonment of the justice of capitalist economic system .