
  • 网络capital prices
  1. 因此,对证券市场资本价格进行科学的预测有着重要的理论与现实意义。

    Therefore , to forecast capital prices in stock market have important theoretical and practical significance .

  2. 本文根据马克思主义经济学有关实体经济因素决定虚拟资本价格的基本原理,分析和评价了CAPM与B-S模型;

    According to the basic principle of the real economy factors deciding the prices of fictitious capitals on Marxism Economics , this article analyses and evaluates CAPM Model and B-S Model .

  3. 货币政策利率传导效应主要有流动性效应,新古典综合派的利率投资和消费效应,托宾Q效应,莫迪里安尼的恒久收入效应,利率真实资本价格效应和资产调整效应等。

    Conduct effect of interest rate of monetary policy mainly concludes the mobile effect , interest rate investment and consumption effect , Tobin 's Q effect , Annie 's permanent long income effect , assets adjusting effect and true capital price effect of interest rate etc.

  4. 高校教师人力资本价格实现形式的多样性。

    The university teachers human capital price formulating style is multiple .

  5. 职业运动员不同运动寿命阶段人力资本价格测度模式的研究

    Research on Human Capital Price Accounting Model of Professional Sportsman in Different Sport-time

  6. 然后,具体定义了该函数模型的三个投入变量,即;劳动价格、资本价格、物料价格以及两个产出变量,即:人寿保险保费收入、意外险和健康险保费收入的含义。

    Defines three inputs , that is , labor price , capital price , and materials price .

  7. 而人力资本价格则由市场确定,这个价格的外在表现就是工资。

    The price of human capital is decided by market , with wage as its monetary manifestation .

  8. 第二,公共部门人力资本价格中体制外收益需要由体制内的制度运行作保障,不断维持、扩大既得利益。

    Second , the outside interests are based on the implement of the inside system , and maintain and increase the vested interests .

  9. 经济学或经济理论的发展轨迹是沿着商品价格资本价格资产价格这样的轴心前进的。

    The researching focus of economics and economic theory has been developing according to the order of commodity price , capital price and asset price .

  10. 尚未有一种理论在人力资本价格形成领域占主导地位,也尚未形成一套完整的横跨经济、管理、会计等领域的价格形成理论体系。

    There is no dominant theory in this field . The theory system has not shaped which absorbs the research product of economics , management and accounting .

  11. 土地等效价值决定土地物质价格,土地劳动价值决定土地资本价格。

    The equivalent value of the land determines the price of the land material . The labour value of the land determines the price of the land capital .

  12. 中国银行业应确定合理的资本价格,明确存款人的风险承担主体,加强对外资入股行为的监管。

    Chinese banking should establish reasonable capital price , define the risk bearer of the depositors , and strengthening the supervision of the behavior of the foreign investing activities .

  13. 经济结构的需求与供给两方面相互影响,通过人力资本价格激励或倒逼挤压各种形式的教育投资。

    Both of the demand side and supply side of the economic structure act on each other , and encourage or inversely squeeze all forms of education investment through the pricing of human capital .

  14. 文章通过建立模型,从而分析了金融衍生商品与资本价格形成机制和资本规模之间的关系,并据此对我国发展金融衍生商品市场提出了一些建议。

    T his article analyses the relationship of financial derivative security and price mechanism and scale of capital formation with a model . Some proposals are made on the development of Chinese derivative security market .

  15. 价格理论是经济学的核心理论,贯穿着经济学理论的整个发展过程,经济理论的发展轨迹就是沿着商品价格资本价格资产价格这样的轴心前进的。

    Price Theory is the core theory of economics and it impenetrates the whole develop-ment process of economics . The development track of economics and economic theory goes along with the axes of product price-capital price-assets price .

  16. 第三,人民币汇率机制之所以重要,与其说是因为人民币的具体低估程度,倒不如说是因为它所支撑的经济体与资本价格低估、信贷过度增长和人为压低利率紧密相连。

    Third , the renminbi regime matters not so much because of any particular degree of undervaluation , but because it sustains an economy wedded to underpriced capital , excessive credit growth and artificially low interest rates .

  17. 而人才这部分劳动者的工资是劳动力资本价格的转化形式,其量受劳动力市场供求关系的影响。

    On the other hand , the wage of knowledge workers is the transforming form of the price of labor force capital , whose amount is affected by the relationship of supply and demand in labor force market .

  18. 相反,价格因素其实是企业合约的内生变量,市场里的企业其实是一个随价格变化的动态合约序列,确切地讲,企业是一主要由人力资本价格变化所决定的动态合约序列。

    In contrast , price factor is an endogenous variable enterprise 's contract in a market . Enterprises are actually dynamic contract serials with the prices-which are decided mainly by the variety of the prices of labor force , to be exact .

  19. 表面原因是我国人力资本价格上涨过快,其实质是我国企业缺少自主技术,技术资产薄弱,企业技术进步缓慢,生产方式落后。

    The surface reason is that the price of human capital in China has risen too fast . Primarily , Chinese enterprises lack of own independent technology and technological assets . So it slows their technological progress and the improvement of production mode .

  20. 同时还发现,利息率是虚拟资本价格决定中与实体经济连接的重要桥梁,但在虚拟资本价格决定中,仅有利息率一个指标并不能充分反映实体经济的决定作用;

    Contemporarily , this article points out that the interest rate fact is an important bridge connecting the real economy with fictitious capitals pricing , but it 's not enough to reflect completely the deciding effect on assets pricing from the real economy factors ;

  21. 资本资产价格模型及其在投资项目评价中的应用

    The Capital Assets Price Model and Its Application in Appraising Investment Item

  22. 此供求状况决定了企业家人力资本的价格将远远偏离其价值。

    This demand and supply situation determined that the price of entrepreneur human capital deviated far away from its value .

  23. 第三部分深入论述了机构投资者的行为特征。在次基础上从正反两个方面分析了其对资本市场价格的影响。

    The third part discusses in depth the behavior characteristics of the institutional investors and the resulting impact on the capital market .

  24. 而薪酬作为人力资本的价格符号,对人才的流动有着相当的导向作用。

    As the price mark of the human capital , the salary has the suitable guidance function to the talented person 's flow .

  25. 本文运用实证分析、比较分析的研究方法,分析我国虚拟资本市场价格波动与货币政策之间的关系。

    This dissertation analyses the relationship between price fluctuation on the virtual capital market and monetary policy by applying empirical analysis and comparative analysis .

  26. 交易商们注意到,随着资本在价格进一步上涨的预期下涌入市场,未平仓头寸(主动头寸)明显上升。

    Dealers note that open interest ( active positions ) has risen strongly as capital flows into the market in anticipation of further price gains .

  27. 利率作为资本的价格指标,其市场化将会对宏观经济的各个方面产生重大的影响。

    In particular , as the price target of Capital , Interest Rate Marketization must have great influences on each aspect of Chinese Macroeconomic Environment .

  28. 这种特征产生的悖论,是资本的价格信息失真,交易行为严重扭曲;

    This feature produces that the price information of the capital does not go well with the truth , and the transaction behavior is seriously off the side ;

  29. 这意味着通过提高目前定价过低的工业投入品譬如土地、能源、水、电、环境和资本的价格,取消对工业的补贴;

    This means removing the subsidies to industry by raising currently underpriced prices of inputs into industry such as land , energy , water , electricity , the environment , and capital .

  30. 知识经济时代,企业竞争归根结底是人才的竞争,而薪酬作为人力资本的价格符号,对人才的流动有着相当的导向作用。

    In the knowledge - economy times , HR competition is the real core competition between the enterprises . As the price-signal of human capital , salary is important in directing the moving of HR .