
  • 网络bourgeois economics
  1. 资产阶级经济学的要素价值论、效用价值论等是错误的。

    The factor theory and utility theory of value of the capitalist economics are mistaken .

  2. 这种理论是对社会财富或其价值增进的主要动力和基本条件的认识的科学成果,最初是由西方资产阶级经济学提出来的,现在已经成为人类的共同思想财富。

    This theory has become the common treasure of human beings , although it was created by bourgeois economists originally .

  3. 这正是马克思的劳动价值论与资产阶级经济学的各种价值理论的根本区别。

    That is just the essential difference between Marx 's and the capitalist classical economy 's labor theory of value .

  4. 重商主义自形成以来,对世界经济产生了巨大的影响,直接催化了资产阶级政治经济学的诞生,并构成了发展经济学的基础。

    Mercantilism has greatly influenced the world economy since it was formed .

  5. 三是资产阶级国民经济学的道德缺损;

    Thirdly , the moral defects of capitalist national economics ;

  6. 巴塔耶认为,资产阶级古典经济学和黑格尔辩证法是功利主义经济的理论基础。

    According to George Bataille , the bourgeoisie classical economics and Hegelian dialectics are the theoretical foundation of utilitarian economy .

  7. 作为美国社会保障的重要门类,教育保障制度深受西方伦理思想、资产阶级福利经济学、过早死亡论等社会保障指导思想的影响,尤其与其中的公共教育思想有着极深的渊源;

    As the important category , ESS was deeply affected by the Western Ethic , Bourgeoisie Welfare Economics and the Theory of Early Death , particularly by the Theory of Public Schooling .

  8. 弗朗索瓦·魁奈(FrancoisQuesnay,1694&1774)是法国启蒙思想家之一,资产阶级古典政治经济学奠基人之一,法国重农学派的创始人和重要代表。

    Francois Quesnay ( 1694-1774 ) was a French thinker of the Enlightenment , a founder of bourgeoisie classical plutonomy , a founder and representative of French physiocrats .

  9. 它的提出是马克思以其实践唯物主义的精神特质吸收、整合、批判、改造德国古典哲学特别是黑格尔哲学和费尔巴哈哲学以及资产阶级古典政治经济学优秀成果的必然结果。

    It was inevitable outcome of Karl Marx 's critical adoption and integration to German Classical Philosophy especially to Hegel 's philosophy , Feuerbach 's philosophy and the outstanding achievements of Classical Politics Economics with his characteristic of Practice Materialism .

  10. 资产阶级古典政治经济学的劳动价值论从产生、发展到终结,其对象、方法和内容是与商品经济的历史发展相适应的,其前后递嬗形成了一个经济思想的历史发展序列。

    In the classical political economics of bourgeoisie , labour theory of value adapted its object , method and content to the historical development of commodity economy . From its creation and development to its finality , its evolution took shape as a historical development succession of economic thoughts .