
  • 网络capital equipment
  1. 以销售额计算,菲亚特工业与cnh合在一起,是全球第三大资本设备制造商。

    Together , FI and CNH comprise the third-largest maker of capital equipment by sales worldwide .

  2. 石油密集型资本设备可能不得不废弃:例如,所有SUV、农业机械及燃气电站的使用寿命都可能会缩短。

    Oil-intensive capital equipment may have to be scrapped : the useful life of all of sports utility vehicles , farm equipment and gas-fired power stations , for example , may be shortened .

  3. 通过整合造粒和干燥到一个单位,资本设备投资和GMP地面空间能力较低与其他替代方案。

    By integrating granulating and drying capabilities into a single unit , capital investment in equipment and GMP floor space is lower compared with other alternatives .

  4. 卡米勒称,自信的一个原因是,trumpf向很多资本设备领域的公司出售产品,而这些公司又把产品出口给中国这类成长中的经济体。

    One reason for being confident , she said , was that TRUMPF sold to many companies in the field of capital equipment that exported goods to growing economies such as China .

  5. 扩大规模可以提高效率,但这需要资本设备。

    Scaling up would be more efficient , but requires capital equipment .

  6. 这些将会鼓励企业进行资本设备升级。

    This should encourage firms to upgrade their capital equipment .

  7. 士兵们准备投入战斗。对新资本设备的投资

    The soldiers girt themselves up for battle . investment in new capital equipment

  8. 社会将很大一部分收入储蓄起来用于投资资本设备。

    Society saved a large part of its income to invest in capital equipment .

  9. 我们计划将我们这小生意的大部分利润再投资到资本设备上。

    We plan to reinvest most of the profits from our small business into capital equipment .

  10. 对新资本设备的投资

    Investment in new capital equipment

  11. 协调项目发起所需资本设备的采购及规范,工具,量规及人员。

    Coordinate the specification and procurement of capital equipment , tooling , gauging and personnel for new launches .

  12. 这些国家的企业可用国开行发放给它们的贷款,来向中国的出口商订购资本设备。

    Firms in these countries could pay for orders to Chinese exporters of capital equipment with CDB loans .

  13. 经济学家表示,资本设备和处方药品批发价格的大幅上涨尤其令他们吃惊。

    Economists said they were particularly troubled by jumps in wholesale prices of capital equipment and prescription drugs .

  14. 在衰退时期比繁荣时期劳动力和资本设备方面出现更多失业或就业不足的现象。

    There is more unemployment or underemployment of labour and capital equipment in the slump than in the boom .

  15. 过去预期之尚未充分展开其影响者,已定形于今日资本设备中。

    Past expectations , which have not yet worked themselves out , are embodied in the to-day 's capital equipment .

  16. 上世纪90年代同样在国家指令下出现的信贷潮,曾令企业背负了大量基本不需要的资本设备,出现了过高负债。

    Similar state-directed lending splurges in the 1990s left companies laden with capital equipment they barely needed , and too much debt .

  17. 随着西方消费者推迟了消费,大量亚洲内部贸易大量组成部分、投入和资本设备也随之缩水。

    As Western consumers postpone purchases , a lot of intra-Asian trade much of it components , inputs and capital equipment has also evaporated .

  18. 昨日公布的一系列数据显示,在日本,尽管企业开始雇用更多员工,购买更多资本设备,但消费依然疲软。

    Japan 's consumption remains weak even though businesses are employing more people and buying more capital equipment , a series of data released yesterday shows .

  19. 请记住,德国是与日本在第三方市场展开直接竞争,不管是就资本设备(大多数制造商自身的生产都需要这类设备)还是就豪华汽车而言。

    Remember that Germany competes directly with Japan in third markets , whether for the capital equipment that most manufacturers need for their own production or for luxury cars .

  20. 他表示,资本设备支出是芯片制造厂的最大一笔开支,并补充称,这就是“我们在中国获得的政策支持”所具备的价值。

    Paying for capital equipment was the biggest burden for a fab , he said , adding that this was where " the level of support we are getting in China " came in .

  21. 6年前,当该项目首次被提出时,中国急需铁矿石,用以炼成钢铁,而钢铁是众多商品的重要原材料,从汽车到资本设备,从住宅楼到铁轨。

    When the project was first envisioned six years ago , China was desperate for iron ore to turn into steel , the innards of everything from cars to capital equipment , from residential towers to railway tracks .

  22. 许多国家听任经济停滞,土地休耕,资本设备不增,大批人口不给工作而由国家救济,保持半死半活。

    The economy of many countries was allowed to stagnate , land went out of cultivation , capital equipment was not added to , great blocks of the population were prevented from working and kept half alive by state charity .

  23. 在短期内,可供选择的策略通常有扩大进口(特别是战略资源和资本设备进口)和对外投资,转变外资的增长方式,积极发展境外加工贸易,提高出口效益。

    The growth method can be provided as the strategy of choice include extension import ( especially strategic resources and capital equipment import ) and invested outward in the short date , changed foreign capital , develop offshore processing trade actively , raise export performance .

  24. 像汽车、电子产品、资本机械设备等产业周期性强。

    Industries such as cars , electronic goods and capital machinery are highly cyclical .

  25. 这一合资企业不只是把中国资本和设备带到了白俄罗斯,还带来了培训机会。

    The joint venture brought Chinese capital and equipment to Belarus as well as training opportunities .

  26. 人类进入二十一世纪后,知识逐渐取代土地、资本和设备等生产要素成为企业的核心资源。

    As the human enters the twenty-first century , knowledge which gradually replaced land , capital , equipment and other factors of production has become the core of resources .

  27. 现代市场竞争已从资本、设备、技术竞争转向了人力资源的竞争,高技能蓝领人才是经济发展不可或缺的人力资源。

    The stress of modern market competition has already transformed from capital , equipment and technology into human resources . Blue-collar workers with high skill are the necessary human resources in the development economy .

  28. 提出了融资租赁是连接资本市场、设备制造业、设备使用市场的纽带和平台。

    It is suggested that financial lease is the linkage of capital market , manufactory and the enduser market of equipments . 5 .

  29. 国际工程承包项目作为带动资本、技术、设备和劳务输出的一个综合载体,在我国对外经贸活动中占据着很重要的地位。

    International contracting project as a comprehensive carrier giving an impetus to capital , technology , equipment and export of labor services has occupied a very import position in the activities of foreign trade in China .