
  • 网络special part
  1. 专用零件测具检测方法的改进与管理

    Improvement of Verification Method of Special Part Measuring Tool

  2. 卷烟包装设备专用零件参数化CAD系统开发

    Development of a parametric designing CAD system for parts special for cigarette packing equipment

  3. 阀门专用零件可调式通用夹具

    The adjustable general purpose fixture of valve

  4. 对于一些从事专门设备设计和生产的企业来说,开发适合用户自身需求的专用零件库非常必要。

    For the special equipment design and the production enterprise , it is extremely essential to explore the appropriative parts library to suit the user own demand .

  5. 而专业的CAD/CAM软件没有标准零件库,更没有针对粉末冶金模具的专用零件库,若每次设计时对每一零件均从头开始建模,则要做许多重复性的工作,效率低,设计繁琐。

    But the professional software of CAD / CAM has no standard parts library for powder metallurgy die . It is complicated and low-efficient if the structure designing must be carried out in a basic routine each time .

  6. 斯泰尔斯的公司雇佣了80名员工,为中外企业制造专用零件。尽管全球经济低迷,但利用斯泰尔斯所说的中国制造业蓬勃发展的有利条件,他的公司发展迅速。

    Mr Styles 's company , employing 80 people , makes specialised parts for a mixture of Chinese and foreign businesses and it has grown quickly , taking advantage of what he says are boom conditions in Chinese manufacturing , in spite of the global downturn .

  7. 将日积月累的经验技术活用至最大极限,对顾客提供最佳的专用设备及精密零件加工服务,以扩大事业版图。

    We aim to expand our business by providing the special purpose machine and precision parts processing service best suited to our customers while maximizing our accumulated expertise .