
  • 网络Peter Drucker;Peter F. Drucker;Peter Drunker
  1. 彼得·德鲁克创新能力研究

    Study on Peter F. Drucker ′ s Innovative Ability

  2. 再次感谢彼得·德鲁克管理学院及光华对我的厚爱,我由衷地感谢们。

    Again I would like to thank the Peter F. Drucker Academy and Bright China for this tremendous honor . I am truly grateful .

  3. MBA是彼得·德鲁克最初意义上的知识型员工,职业发展方向是从事管理工作。

    Namely the initial definition of knowledge worker given by Peter Drucker , the professional development orientation of MBA education is the management field .

  4. 管理学大师彼得·德鲁克(PeterDrucker)认为,知识管理是全球企业管理的第二次革命。

    Peter Drucker , a great master of management study , thinks that knowledge management is the second revolution for global business management .

  5. 彼得·德鲁克是现代组织模式领域的专家。

    Peter Drucker was an expert on the ways of modern organizations .

  6. 问:彼得·德鲁克的经典问题之一:你们从事的是什么行业?

    Q : the Peter Drucker question : what business are you in ?

  7. 彼得·德鲁克的著作对理解当前的情况提供了一些启示。

    The writings of Peter Drucker offer some insight into the contemporary situation .

  8. 彼得·德鲁克是享誉世界的管理学大师。

    Peter Drucker was a management master which enjoys a good reputation the world .

  9. 彼得·德鲁克作为投资银行的咨询师在英国工作了4年。

    Peter Drucker spent four years in Britain as an adviser to investment banks .

  10. 彼得·德鲁克出生在奥地利。

    Peter Drucker was born in Austria .

  11. 以上资讯仅用于彼得·德鲁克管理学院学员注册,绝对保密。

    All the above information will be kept confidential , and used for enrollment only .

  12. 正如彼得·德鲁克说:创新和市场营销。

    As Peter Drucker said : " innovation and marketing " is the key to survival .

  13. 管理大师彼得·德鲁克曾说:不创新,就死亡。

    Peter Drucker , the management master , once said , " Innovate or Die " .

  14. 彼得·德鲁克谈未来的管理

    Management In The Future

  15. 彼得·德鲁克可能称得上是美国最伟大的管理理论家,他认为作为一个经理得有两大目标。

    Peter Drucker , probably America 's greatest management theorist , says a manager has two broad goals .

  16. 经营理论这一概念及相应的理论体系由彼得·德鲁克于1994年首次提出,它与以往的经营管理理论并不相同。

    The concept of management theory and its corresponding theoretical system were first put forward by Bede Deruk in1994 .

  17. 管理学之父彼得·德鲁克曾说:企业只有一项真正的资源&人。

    The father of management Peter F.Ducker once said : there was only one real resource of enterprise & people .

  18. 管理学大师彼得·德鲁克说未来的工作者大部分将会是知识工作者。

    Peter Drucker , the master of management , said that the majority of future staffs will be knowledge staffs .

  19. 彼得·德鲁克提出在21世纪管理最大的挑战之一是使组织成为变革的领导者。

    Peter Drucker suggests it is a central 21st century challenge for management that its organization become a change leader .

  20. 彼得·德鲁克说过,公司都是擅长于某一方面,他们在这方面会比其他人都做得好。

    And Peter Drucker talked about the idea that businesses are good for some things , they do that better than anyone else .

  21. 随着现代管理学之父彼得·德鲁克的逝世,全世界立即刮起了对德鲁克的管理思想进行研究的狂潮。

    As Peter F · Drucker , the father of modern management died , the world blew up immediately the researching frenzy about his managing thought .

  22. 彼得·德鲁克先生一直对我有莫大的影响,当时我并没有意识到,但是我却是在彼得·德鲁克先生的影响下成长起来的。

    Peter Drucker continues to be a great influence on me . I did not realize it at the time but I grow up with Peter .

  23. 有如现代管理学之父彼得·德鲁克所提出的:不创新的风险,比创新高很多。

    As the study proposed by Peter · Drucker who is the father of modern management : The risk of non-innovative is much higher than the innovation .

  24. 著名的管理学大师彼得·德鲁克在《管理的实践》一书中写道,任何企业有且只有两个职能:营销和创新。

    The famous management scholar Peter Drucker once said in his book named The Practice of Management that any firm has and only has two functions : marketing and innovation .

  25. 在此十分感激香港和北京的彼得·德鲁克管理学院。我非常高兴能成为首批彼得·德鲁克管理学院的荣誉院士。

    And I would like to extend my deepest thanks to the Peter F. Drucker Academy in Hong Kong and Beijing for being chosen among the first Honoary Drucker Fellows .

  26. 自上世纪60年代初,管理学大师彼得·德鲁克首次提出了人力资源这一概念以来,人力资源管理作为一门全新的学科,得以迅速发展。

    Human resources management has been developed in a rapid speed since the concept of " human resource " was first proposed by the famous management master Peter Drucker in 1960 .

  27. 在此我谨以此封简短的电子邮件向您表达我诚挚的谢意,感谢您在百忙之中抽出时间向我们介绍了彼得·德鲁克、他留给我们的宝贵财富以及彼得·德鲁克管理学院所做的工作。

    This was just a short email to express my sincere appreciation for your time in hosting and talking to us about Peter Drucker , his legacy and the work of the Drucker Academy .

  28. 早在40年前,美国著名管理学家彼得·德鲁克就认识到企业的目的只有一种适当的定义:创造顾客。

    As early as 40 years ago , in the United States a well-known management experts Peter F. Drucker recognized that the purpose of the enterprise had only one appropriate definition : to create customer value .

  29. 本文是采用经验学派代表人物彼得·德鲁克的个案分析的研究方法,以个案为背景,提出针对工程勘察设计单位如何增强核心竞争力的一些可行措施。

    This thesis adoption the study method of Peter F. Drucker stand for experience , and summation rudimental theory and measures about how to raise the core competitive capacity of the Engineering Survey & Design department .

  30. 最早提出知识型员工这一概念的是管理大师彼得·德鲁克,他认为,知识型员工就是掌握和运用符号和概念,利用知识或信息工作的人。

    First proposed the concept of knowledge workers is the management guru Peter F · Drucker . He believed that knowledge workers are the master and the use of symbols and concepts , the use of knowledge or information workers .