
  • 网络Management scientists
  1. 由海洋生态学家与渔业管理学家进行的一项非同寻常的合作项目表明,这一答案也许是肯定的。

    An unusual collaboration of marine ecologists and fisheries management scientists says the answer may be yes .

  2. 经济与管理学家曾在不同的历史时代,从不同的角度对企业竞争优势的来源进行了深入地探讨。

    Economist and management scientists have ever explored the sources of competitive advantages of enterprises from different angles and in different ages .

  3. 作为商学院世界的一个叛逆者,著名管理学家亨利明兹柏格(henrymintzberg)教授将最新的矛头对准了自己的职业,公开批评商学院的一个最新趋势领导力教学。

    Professor Henry Mintzberg , scourge of the business school world , has launched his latest attack on his own profession of management scholars by denouncing the teaching of leadership , the latest business school trend .

  4. 国际合资企业(IJV)的创建被各国战略管理学家认为是过去二十五年来企业管理中一个最重要的发展趋势。

    The strategic management and IJV literatures assert that the creation of international joint ventures has been one of the most important trends in business management of the past quarter century .

  5. 职业高原于1977年被Ference提出之后,便引起了国外心理学家和管理学家的普遍关注,可是我国学者和专家对这一问题的研究还刚刚起步,尤其是实证研究更是少见。

    Since advanced by Ference in 1977 , career plateau has attracted attention of western psychologist and managerialist . However , in our country the research on career plateau is in its prime and the empirical study is fewer .

  6. 彼得·圣吉是美国著名的管理学家。

    Peter M.Senge is one of the most famous management experts in America .

  7. 伟大的管理学家克拉克曾说过不创新,则死亡。

    The great manager Clark said " no innovation , then death " .

  8. 产业集群理论是由美国著名战略管理学家,哈佛大学的波特教授提出的。

    Theory of Industrial clusters was put forward by Professor Michael E Porter , a famous strategy administrator .

  9. 在动态环境下,企业战略变革、战略转型研究已经成为企业家和管理学家关注的重点。

    Entrepreneur and experts of management science focus on enterprise strategic transformation and strategic reforming under dynamic environment .

  10. 这些现象吸引了国内外许多经济学家、管理学家和社会学家的关注和重视。

    These phenomena have concerned many domestic and foreign economists , sociologists to conduct research on these areas .

  11. 我的收件箱里塞满了管理学家们发来的邮件,里面净是教公司如何向运动员们学习的陈词滥调。

    My inbox is filled with messages from management thinkers offering platitudinous lessons that business can learn from athletes .

  12. 本文采用美国著名管理学家迈克尔·波特的五种竞争作用力理论,结合中国保险业的实际情况,分析中国保险产业的利润空间。

    The article analyses the profit space of Chinese insurance industry according to porter 's theory combined the practice .

  13. 各国的企业家和管理学家、经济学家一直在不断的研究企业的核心竞争力。

    Entrepreneurs , management experts and economists from various countries have been in constant research core competitiveness of the enterprise .

  14. 一些管理学家、经济学家分别从各自的领域提出了管理决策和公司战略规划的一般原理,但没有将决策理论、战略管理和公司财务管理有机结合。

    Some experts on management , economists provided the general principal of management decision-making and strategic planning from their own standpoints .

  15. 西方管理学家对委托人目标和代理人效用函数的不一致性进行了研究,提出了委托&代理理论。

    West management scientists have researched on the difference between utility functions of principal and agent . They suggested the theory of principal agent .

  16. 经过长时期的实践和经验总结,管理学家们将目光聚焦到了领导理论的身上。

    After a long period of practice and conclusion of lessons , management scientists will be focusing their attention on the theory of leadership .

  17. 19世纪末20世纪初,美国著名管理学家弗雷德里克·温斯洛·泰勒率先将标准化引入管理活动中。

    In late 19th and early 20th century , American management expert Frederick Winslow Taylor pioneered the introduction of management standardization into actual activities .

  18. 人才是众多被管理学家们滥用的词汇之一。那位心理学家用浅显的词语解释了我的问题。

    Talent is one of those irritating words that has been hijacked by management gurus . The psychologist explained my problem in homely terms .

  19. 自从美国管理学家库尔特·卢因1947年提出来组织变革理论以来,组织变革的研究也经历了六十多年,这六十多年有无数的研究者从各种不同的方面、不同的视角来研究组织变革。

    Since the American management scientist Kurt Lewin in 1947 has made organizational change theory , organizational change research has developed more than 60 years .

  20. 如何对现有供应链绩效进行度量以及如何构建成功的供应链成为许多物流与供应链管理学家关注的问题。

    How to measure the existing supply chain performance and how to bring up a successful supply chain are interesting problems to management scholars concerned .

  21. 美国著名管理学家德鲁克认为,国际企业中的经营管理问题基本上就是一个把政治上、文化上的多样性结合起来而进行统一管理的问题。

    The famous expert Peter F. Drucker thinks that the business management in multi-cultural enterprises is the unification of the diversification of their politics and cultures .

  22. 近些年来许多管理学家和企业的管理者,越来越重视对企业竞争优势的可持续性的问题进行探索和研究。

    Recently , many managers and the management scholar pay more and more attention to the researching of sustainable competitive advantage ( SCA ) of an enterprise .

  23. 如何组建团队并且充分发挥团队多样化的积极作用,已经成为管理学家和心理学家共同关注的重要问题。

    How to build groups and make the most of their positive impact has been an important issue , which has paid attention by managers and psychologists .

  24. 许多经济学家和管理学家,还把组织看作是除了劳动者、劳动资料和劳动对象之外的第四大生产要素。

    A lot of economists and managers , regard organization as the fourth largest production factors besides labor force , means of labor and subject of labor even .

  25. 企业组织的扁平化是管理学家为解决组织效率低下,社会经济衰退所提出的新的管理战略。

    In order to improve the low efficency of enter prise organise and the decline of social economy , many management scientists proposed enterprise organization flatness as a new management stragety .

  26. 近年来,利益相关者理论的发展和完善逐渐引起管理学家和企业家的高度重视,成为人们认识现实企业的工具。

    In recent years , the development and perfection gradually cause great attention of management experts and entrepreneurs , and become the tool that people know " the reality of the enterprise " .

  27. 美国管理学家杜洛克认为,管理是促成社会经济发展的最基本的关键因素,发展中国家落后是由于管理落后,并非发展落后。

    American management theorist Drucker advocated that : Management is the most fundamental and critical factor for promoting socioeconomic development , and the developing countries are backward in management rather than in development .

  28. 公司治理结构与绩效的关系是金融经济学十多年来关注的热点问题,国内外许多经济学者和管理学家都给予了极大的关注。

    The relationship between corporate governance structure and corporate performance has been the10years ' hot issue in financial economics , domestic and foreign economists and management theorists have given the considerable attention to it .

  29. 本文共分三个部分,首先概述了国内外管理学家对危机和危机管理的论述,并提出了保险企业自身危机的特点和表现形式;

    This article is divided into three parts , first outline the theory of domestic and foreign scholars on crisis and crisis management , and proposed the insurance enterprise own crisis characteristic and manifestation ;

  30. 早在40年前,美国著名管理学家彼得·德鲁克就认识到企业的目的只有一种适当的定义:创造顾客。

    As early as 40 years ago , in the United States a well-known management experts Peter F. Drucker recognized that the purpose of the enterprise had only one appropriate definition : to create customer value .