
ɡuǎnɡ ɡào hé tónɡ
  • advertising contract
  1. 本文试对广告合同的基本问题,包括广告合同的概念、特征、分类及各种类型的广告合同进行初步的探讨,以期抛砖引玉,引起更多学者关注,促进广告合同在未来立法中成为典型合同。

    This thesis discusses elementarily on the basic questions on advertising contract , including the concepts , characters and classifications on advertisement contract , which is to arouse more scholars ' attention so that turning advertisement contract into typical contract in future legislation .

  2. 广播全台网广告管理子系统,完成对广告的编排管理工作,包括广告合同的录入,广告文件的预听,查询,修改,广告播出编排等,主要用于全台制播网络中的广告管理业务。

    Advertising Management Subsystem of The Radio Broadcasting Network , is scheduled to complete ad management , including advertising contract entry , advertising pre-hearing document , query , modify and broadcast design . So advertising is mainly used in broadcast network to produce advertising business .

  3. 去年,她从广告合同中赚了100多万元。

    Last year , she pocketed over $ 1 million in advertising contracts .

  4. Aereo吸引了越来越多的观众,广告合同也随之纷至沓来。过去,人们想要收看当地节目和直播节目,又想省去安装天线的麻烦,因此使用有线电视服务。有了Aereo,有线电视服务就贬值了。

    Aereo draws more viewers to the programming , and hence to the ads. But it devalues the cable subscriptions that people buy largely in order to access local and live programming without having to fuss with an antenna .

  5. 另外他还有至少2千万美元的广告合同。

    He also has endorsement deal worth at least $ 20 million .

  6. 后来,他们开始在广告合同中增加一些小型装备。

    They started adding little accoutrements to the advertising contracts and eventually they started throwing in bike-sharing systems .

  7. 自去年11月份爆出私生活丑闻以来,老虎。伍兹已经损失了数百万美元的广告合同。

    Since November the stories about his private life have cost him millions of dollars in product deals .

  8. 例如,当跳水运动员郭晶晶在雅典奥运会之后开始自行签订广告合同时,她被国家队除名。

    When diver Guo Jingjing started sealing her own advertising deals after the Athens Games , for example , she was kicked out of the national team .

  9. 研究人员在耶鲁大学路德食品政策和肥胖中心发布的一份报告中研究了100名专业运动员及其广告合同。

    In a report published by the Rudd Center for Food Policy and Obesity at Yale University , researchers studied 100 professional athletes and their endorsement contracts .

  10. 从其签订的目的而言,体育冠名权合同类似于广告合同,是具有物权效力的名称许可使用合同。

    From the view of signing , such a contract is similar to advertisement contract granted with effect of real right of the permission of the name right .

  11. 在大多数孩子还在向父母乞求多一点零用钱的年龄,阿杜已经与耐克签了一个100万美元的广告合同,而且与百事可乐公司也有广告合约。

    And at an age where most kids are begging their parents for a higher allowance , he 'd got a million dollar contract with Nike and another endorsement deal with Pepsi .

  12. 对梅西父子的指控要追溯到2013年。当时,一名公诉人开始正式调查两人是否曾偷逃400万欧元左右(约合2900万元人民币)的税款,方式是通过伯利兹等国的离岸公司来避免向西班牙缴纳广告合同税款。

    The accusations against Messi and his father date to 2013 , when a state prosecutor opened an investigation into whether the two had defrauded the state of about 4 million euros ( about $ 4.5 million ) by using offshore companies in countries like Belize to avoid paying Spanish taxes on advertising contracts .

  13. 调查还将涉及google与广告主的合同关系,尤其将关注这样一些指控:google强迫广告主接受排他性义务,并限制广告主将自己的数据转移至竞争平台。

    It will also probe the contractual relationship which Google has with advertisers . In particular , it will explore allegations that Google imposes exclusivity obligations and restricts advertisers from moving their data to competing platforms .

  14. 设立外商投资广告企业的合同、章程;

    The contract for establishing a foreign-funded advertising enterprise and articles of association ;

  15. 《Heat》杂志进行财富排行已经进入了第八个年头,主要是根据名人的收入,广告收入、电视合同和唱片收入的公开信息的几个方面整理得出。

    Now in its eighth year , Heat 's Rich List is compiled by combining public information regarding a celebrity 's accounts , endorsement deals , TV contracts and record deals .