
  • 网络click fraud;Fraud clicks
  1. 作为对广告主要求其开放点击欺诈检测模式的回应,Google将向AdWords的广告主公布无效点击的数据。

    In response to advertisers'call for more openness about its click fraud detection methods , Google will begin sharing invalid clicks data with AdWords advertisers .

  2. 因此,对点击欺诈识别问题,SKM算法更有针对性,适用性更强。

    Therefore , SKM algorithm is more targeted to click fraud problem .

  3. 鉴于CPC广告是现今在线网络广告的最主要形式,本文提出了基于预防点击欺诈的算法,设计并实现了该系统,接着对该系统进行了测试,达到了预期效果。

    According to that the current CPC advertising is the main form of online advertising network , this paper proposes an algorithm based on click fraud prevention , and then designed and implemented the software , and finally tested the software to achieve the desired effect .

  4. “点击欺诈”问题因此就会迎刃而解吗?

    Might this put an end to click fraud ?

  5. 对点击欺诈的担心在近几个月里不断升级,这可能会有损于这个行业。

    Concern has been growing in recent months that click fraud might undermine the industry .

  6. 网络广告中,点击欺诈愈演愈烈,使得搜索引擎企业以及点击付费模式遭到质疑。

    The search engine companies and pay-per-click model have been questioned because of click fraud intensified in online advertising .

  7. 点击欺诈还可用于一个公司阴另一个公司:不停地点击对手公司的广告可以让它破大财。

    Click fraud can also be used by one company against another : clicking on a rival firm 's advertisements can saddle it with a huge bill .

  8. 去年的百度是麻烦重重,祸不单行,先后有裁员门,点击欺诈门和导航门。

    Last year , Baidu encountered so many embarrassments , for example the issue of " staff firing ", the issue of " click cheating " and the issue of " navigation " .

  9. 今年8月,一项由一家移动广告分析公司发布的研究发现,大约40%的移动广告点击都“毫无价值”,因为它们要么是误点,要么是点击欺诈。

    Astudy released in augustby a mobile-ad analytics firm found that about 40 % of mobile-ad clicks were " worthless " because of erroneous clicks and click fraud .

  10. 不过,随着“点击付费”广告发展成为一个庞大的产业,人们越来越担心所谓的“点击欺诈”&也就是并非出自真正消费者之手的虚假点击。

    But as pay-per-click advertising has grown into a huge industry , concern has mounted over so-called " click fraud " - bogus [ 3 ] clicks that do not come from genuinely interested customers .