
  • 网络point card;wow;time card
  1. 此外,它也可以成为家里书桌上一个美丽的点缀,带给主人一点卡里格兰特(carygrants)的味道。

    And it would make a handsome addition to any desk at home , lending the owner a touch of the Cary grants .

  2. 最近几周与美国的谈判集中于不到10个产品类别,包括下一代半导体、加工中使用的先进测量工具,以及用于下载电子游戏等软件的POS机点卡。

    The discussions with the US in recent weeks focused on fewer than 10 product categories including next-generation semiconductors , sophisticated measurement tools used in manufacturing and point-of-sale cards for downloading electronic games and other software .

  3. 介绍了Spring的核心技术控制反转(IoC)和面向切面编程(AOP),最后结合一个销售游戏点卡的B2C电子商务系统介绍了如何实施该轻量级解决方案。

    The emphasis is about the core technology of Spring IoC ( Inversion of Control ) and AOP ( Aspect Oriented Programming ) . At last , introduce how to implement this lightweight solution via combination with the B2C e-business system that sells game card .

  4. 在国外,高尔夫业余球员不管是平时打球还是参加业余比赛都会使用USGA差点系统,而且大多数的球场也使用USGA差点系统,球员必须出示差点卡才会被允许下场打球。

    Generally , Amateur golfers use USGA handicap system both in competition and non-competition , and golfers are allowed playing only when they show their handicap cards in most of golf courses overseas .

  5. 我可以用餐点卡,不是吗?

    I can use Diners Card , can 't I ?

  6. 生产的各种金手指点卡板很具特色,受到客户的一致好评。

    Production of boards Goldfinger Dianka very unique , by the client 's praise .

  7. 有人可以给我的绑架集点卡盖章吗?

    Could someone stamp my frequent kidnapping card ?

  8. 各课长必须检查及核对存货盘点清单及盘点卡之流水号码。

    Department heads must check the sequential number of inventory checking list and inventory cards .

  9. 我已经整了一张积点卡。

    I already have my hole-punch card .

  10. 摇镜头还是有一丁点卡但是已经提高了很多。

    There is still a tiny bit of lag when panning but it 's much improved .

  11. 秘书须根据盘点卡第二联键入存货数量。

    2 secretaries key quantities in computer based on the quantities noted on inventory cards second copy .

  12. 温彻斯特磁盘机,硬盘机列印盘点控制表,盘点清单及盘点卡一式二联。

    Winchester disk drive 8 print out control sheet inventory checking list , and two-ply inventory cards .

  13. 盘点卡第二联于盘点当日须立即排序。

    1 inventory cards second copy should be arranged in sequential order on the day of inventory taking .

  14. 当你完成了一到二十的点卡时,就应该进入第二步了。

    When you have completed one to twenty with the dot cards it is time to begin the second step .

  15. 通过遍布街头巷尾的点卡销售点,将极大地推进瑞星杀毒软件的销售。

    Dianka around the streets and lanes through the point of sale , will greatly promote the rising sales of antivirus software .

  16. 在此基础上,进行移动支付系统的功能分析,讨论业务处理系统的手机缴费、数字点卡购买、电子邮箱付费具体业务的主要流程。

    Based on it , the functions of mobile payment system are analyzed , and the mainly processes of mobile payment , digit point-card purchase and e-mail payment are discussed .

  17. 通过分析,认为可把机构运动输出值视作正态分布随机变量,进而提出计算机构避免死点卡住的可靠性分析方法。

    Based on the theoretic analysis , the kinetic output quantity of mechanism can be considered as the normal distribution random , and the reliability analysis method of dead-point seizure of mechanism is presented .

  18. 延长玩家每天的在线时间,增加玩家的道具消耗(改名,换种族点卡消耗),诱导玩家重新练号等等。

    Prolong each day online time of players , add the property consumption ( the recharge cards consume because of changing name and race ), induce players to train a new role , and so on .

  19. 在巴黎郊区工薪阶层聚居地博比格尼的投票点卡尔。马克思小学,投票显示那儿没有任何迹象表明欧洲的前途同这部宪法联系在一起。

    At the polling place at the Karl Marx primary school in downtown Bobigny , a working-class suburb of Paris , by contrast , there was no sense that Europe 's future hinged on the constitution .

  20. 它仍然像是在那点卡住了,但是我们还是会再展示一次,紫外光源的效应,事实上,我们也会引入一个新的技巧。

    It 'll still likely get stuck in that spot , but we 'll just show you one more time the effects of the UV light , and actually we 'll throw in an extra trick here , too .

  21. 列印盘点控制表,盘点清单及盘点卡一式二联。对车床卡盘体铁铸件铸型进行充填说明流动形态沿型面背压上升比较快。

    Print out control sheet inventory checking list , and two-ply inventory cards . A case study on the lathe chuck plate casting has proved that the resulting flow pattern turns out to be the back drop along the back wall , occurring in a faster fashion .