
  • 网络Platformer;Platform game
  1. 进入这个哥特式的冒险,掌握你的剑技和魔法去营救你的爱:在这最迷人的平台游戏里面对吸血鬼和更多的怪。

    Enter this gothic adventure and master your sword and magic to save your beloved : face vampires and more in the most fascinating platform game .

  2. 基于3G手机平台网络游戏的设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of Wireless Network Mobile Game-Added Service Based on 3G

  3. 基于VB平台的游戏控制器端口数据通信

    To Achieve Communications of the Game Controller Based on VB

  4. Canvas2D上下文提供了一个广泛的图形API,让您可以在平台视频游戏中实现文本编辑器中的一切。

    The Canvas 2D context provides an extensive graphics API that lets you implement everything from text editors to platform video games .

  5. 我们承诺今年会发布一定量的PC平台的游戏,但是我们也不得不从我们的游戏中放弃一些。

    We are committed to shipping a limited number of our games on the PC this year , but we 've also had to cut a few of our games from the platform .

  6. HBO也找到RiotGames公司,利用《英雄联盟》这个平台向游戏玩家们推广第四季《权力的游戏》。

    HBO reached out to Riot Games and used the League of Legends online audience to promote the launch of the fourth season of Game of Thrones .

  7. 在Android平台,游戏的每日下载量约为9000次,而iOS平台上,这一数量仅为3000至4000次。

    On Android , the game is downloaded about 9,000 times a day , according to spacetime ; on IOS , daily downloads are in the 3,000 to 4,000 range .

  8. 今年秋季,随着谷歌携其安卓电视(AndroidTV)挺进这一领域,游戏开发者们将能够创造跨平台的游戏体验,从而与传统游戏机厂商开始更直接地交锋。

    With Google 's GOOG - 1.04 % entry into this space this fall with Android TV , game developers will be able to create cross-platform experiences that will begin to compete more directly with the traditional console manufacturers .

  9. 位于比什凯克的格里姆伍德团队专注于电子游戏研发,他们的游戏《一个人的世界》成为吉尔吉斯斯坦首款登陆Steam和Xbox等平台的游戏。

    Bishkek based Grimwood Team has been focusing on video game development , and their game World of One has become the first game from Kyrgyzstan to enter platforms such as Steam and Xbox .

  10. 塔玛斯是跨平台休闲游戏在全球迅速发展的早期见证者之一,她曾经在自由媒体公司FUNTechnologies担任产品规划业务副总裁,并帮助OberonMedia公司创建了西雅图工作室。

    Tams saw the worldwide growth of casual games across all platforms early on , having worked as vice president of product planning at FUN Technologies , a Liberty Media ( LMCA ) company , and helping to create Oberon Media 's Seattle Studio .

  11. 7月25日开盘数小时之后,基于Facebook平台的游戏公司Zynga公布了其糟糕的季度业绩,Facebook的股价下跌8%。而第二天,Facebook自己的数据公开之后,股价更是再跌10%。

    It dropped by 8 % after hours on July 25th when Zynga , a games company that uses Facebook as a base , reported poor quarterly results , and by another 10 % after Facebook 's own figures came out the next day .

  12. 对开发商而言,它意味着制作PS4平台的游戏会简单不少,同时也让他们相信会有更多大作,让PS4成为玩家不可或缺的产品。

    For developers , that means making games for the Playstation 4 should be a smoother process , with the hopes that there will be more hit games that make the Playstation 4 a must-have item .

  13. 而相反的,还有许多其他平台的游戏你要准备。

    Obviously , there 's other games-you 've got additional platforms .

  14. 那么谁会成为这些平台的游戏供应商?

    Who do you think is going to be providing the games for this platform ?

  15. 基于SDLOpenGL的跨平台三维游戏中的关键技术研究

    Research on the key technology in the trans-platform three-dimensional games based on SDL open GL

  16. 跨平台三维游戏的开发技术及其优化技术引起了关注和讨论。

    The cross-platform3D game development technology , especially the concerned optimization technology , is widely regarded .

  17. 虚幻引擎4这样的技术会如何给跨设备及跨平台的游戏体验带来新机遇?

    How does technology like Unreal Engine 4 open up new opportunities for cross-device and cross-platform gaming experiences ?

  18. 目前安卓平台的游戏开发者面临的主要挑战之一是不同设备的数量问题。

    One of the current challenges facing game developers on Android is the sheer number of different devices .

  19. 功能太复杂的教育游戏开发平台要求游戏开发人员具有较高的计算机技能,而功能太简单的教育游戏开发平台往往缺乏灵活性。

    The complex game development platform requires the game developer mastering high computer skills , and the simple is lack of flexibility .

  20. 由于游戏产业进入该领域的时间较短,基于嵌入式平台的游戏软件多为产品生产厂商自己研发生产。

    Because game industry enters this field relatively early , based on embedded platform game softwares research and develop by production firm themselves .

  21. 本文的应用成果,对移动平台上游戏开发者有重要的参考价值和实际意义。

    The research in this paper provides a great reference value and practical meaning to developers of games and applications on mobile platforms .

  22. 随后章节重点介绍了本系统客户端的两大功能模块:广告平台和游戏推广中心的设计和实现。

    Then section key introduced the system client two big function module : advertising platform and the game the design and implementation of the extension center .

  23. 然而平台类游戏招式最多,玩家经常可以跑,跳,以多种方式攻击等。

    Platform games typically have the most moves , with the player being able to often run , jump , attack in many different ways and more .

  24. 这使得最激动人心的具有丰富图像的互动游戏无法实现,而这类游戏是其他(非无线)手持平台中游戏内容的主流应用。

    This makes the most exciting , graphic-rich interactive games impossible – and these games represent the bulk of gaming activity on other ( non-wireless ) h and held platforms .

  25. 三维游戏正处在蓬勃发展的时期,跨平台三维游戏开发技术中涉及的优化技术仍然是值得关注和难于掌握的。

    The three-dimensional games are in their flourishing stage , and the development technology , especially the optimizing technology , in the trans-platform three-dimensional games remains worthy of being explored and difficult to master .

  26. 游戏中的引擎是一个操作的平台,游戏的开发人员用到引擎提供的接口来研发游戏,这样不仅提高了开发时游戏的效率,又节省了时间。

    Game engine is the game to deal with the underlying technology platform for game developers to directly use the game engine to provide the interface required for the development of the game , so not only improved the efficiency of the development of the game and save time .

  27. 当前,欧美和日本游戏的设计发展迅猛,各大游戏公司都在研发新的技术和游戏风格,跨平台的游戏不断涌现,网络游戏异军突起。

    Presently , Europe and America and Japan play the artistic design development is swift and violent , each big game company all is researching and developing the new technology and the game style , the cross platform game emerges unceasingly , network game sudden appearance of a new force .

  28. 基于JavaME平台2D手机游戏引擎设计与实现

    Design and Implement 2D Mobile Game Engine Based on Java ME Platform

  29. 基于IPTV平台的CS游戏开发研究

    Research on C / S Game Development Based on IPTV Platform

  30. 而且,虽然PC销售低迷,但在这个平台上玩游戏看来在某种程度上已进入了一个复兴期。

    And though PC sales have been dim , gaming on that platform seems to haveentered a renaissance of sorts .