
  • 网络WebGame;web game;flash;browser game;GAME
  1. 网页游戏是近年的新兴产业,而网页游戏的联合运营模式也是2008年才出现的。

    Webgame is a new industry in recent years and the cooperation manage mode of webgame arises in 2008 .

  2. 基于Flex的网页游戏的研究与设计

    The Study and Design of Web Game Based on Flex

  3. 这个破解版解决的问题是Flash应用比如网页游戏等的正常运行。

    What this hack DOES fix , is most other Flash applications , such as web games etc.

  4. 提出了一种基于RIA模式的一个音乐类的休闲网页游戏服务器的设计方案。

    Proposed a casual web game server design based on RIA mode by music class .

  5. 网页游戏(WebGame)与传统的网络游戏不同,无需下载和安装客户端,是伴随着互联网技术的成熟而高速发展起来的新型游戏。

    Web Game is different from traditional online game . It does not need to be download and setup . It is a new type of game that grows rapidly due to the maturity of internet technology .

  6. 随着互联网的发展和Flash软件功能的不断增强,Flash已成为制作网络动画、小游戏和网页游戏的一种重要工具。

    With the development of Internet and the continued enhancement of Flash software , Flash has become an important tool of producing web animation , games and web games .

  7. 另外,公司倾力打造的SNS社区《经典世界》,结合网页游戏与社区养成的双重特性,为玩家带来最新的互动娱乐体验!

    In addition , the SNS community Classical World of this company , combined with dual characteristics of web games and community brings new interactive entertainment experience for players !

  8. 牌类游戏等休闲类游戏在10大热门游戏中占据了三席,仅次于大型多人在线角色扮演游戏;而腾迅QQ游戏等网页游戏正逐渐成为一个新的增长领域。

    Casual games -- simple games such as card games -- take second place with three ranked among the top 10 game list , while Web page games -- such as Tencents ' QQ games -- are emerging as a new growth area .

  9. 分别对网页游戏资源管理机制做深入的研究。

    Respectively , on the Web game resource management mechanism to doin-depth study .

  10. 互联网上已经有了专门属于儿童的领地&儿童网页游戏。

    There already exists a specialized area in internet for children-the child web game .

  11. 网页游戏提供了良好的人际交往平台,为玩家娱乐身心、学习知识提供了便利的条件。

    Web game provides a good socializing platform for people , it also provides convenient conditions for the players to entertain and study .

  12. 《天地纵横》之所以在战争策略类网页游戏里占有一席之地,是因为其过硬的游戏品质。

    " China Heaven and Earth " was the war strategy game category pages in place because of its excellent quality of the game .

  13. 对于6-15岁的少年儿童而言,儿童网页游戏既要有童年的快乐体验,又要关注游戏的教育价值。

    For those kids who are 6 to 15 years old , the child web games not only give experience of joy but also provide education value .

  14. 随着现代互联网技术的快速发展,流媒体技术应运而生,并已被广泛应用于视频点播、远程教学、视频会议以及网页游戏等诸多领域。

    With the rapid development of modern Internet technology , streaming media technology has come into being , and is being widely used in video-on-demand , distance learning , video conferencing , web games and other fields .

  15. 报告说,截至2009年10月底,排名前5位的网页游戏玩家总数达到154万人,玩家平均在线时长为30分钟。

    According to the report , by the end of Octover 2009 , there were 1.54 million users playing the top five Web page games , with each user playing for an average of 30 minutes a day .

  16. 同时结合网页游戏开发过程中所涉及的关键技术,如客户端与服务端通信、寻路算法、资源加载及管理等,加以分析说明,并于实际项目开发中加以实现。

    The paper also analyze the key technologies of Web Game , such as the communication between client and server , path finding algorithm , resource loading and management , scene rendering etc. Also implement these key points in actual project .

  17. 随着Internet的发展,例如大量影院网站的出现和网页网络游戏的出台,网络用户对Web服务质量提出了更高的要求。

    With development of Internet , For example , a large number of high definition cinema sites and web pages online computer games appear , Internet users need higher quality of services .

  18. 数据来自CNZZ:根据CNZZ的数据来看,国内的网民们在网页网络游戏上花费的时间最多,而在单人社交游戏上花费的时间最少。

    Data from CNZZ : According to the data from CNZZ , domestic netizens now spend most time on web online games while the fewest on single social network game .

  19. 动画,是一种会动的图画,广泛被运用在网页设计,电脑游戏,多媒体动画,结婚纪念动画等等,用途实在繁多。

    Animation , is the moving images , it is being widely used in web design , computer games development , multimedia animation presentation , wedding gallery animation and more .

  20. 提供互动多媒体制作服务,包括网上课程、网页设计、网上游戏、光碟、编写程式、教学资源、桌面排版、配音。

    Provides custom production services , including e-learning courseware , website design , web game , CD-ROM , programming , educational resources , desktop publishing , voice over recording , video shooting .

  21. 然而,随着用户新鲜感的降低,以及对游戏结果本身的过多关注和投入,使得这种基于网页形式的社交游戏的社交功能被逐渐弱化。

    However , the decreasing of consumers ' curiosity , as well as the inordinate pursuit and concentration to the results of games themselves , weakens the social function of such games based on Web page .

  22. 目前已有超过160万人在Facebook的网页上安装了这款游戏,不过大部分玩家都是从其他网站上下载的,就连哥伦比亚广播公司(CBSCorp.)的“惊险大挑战”(TheAmazingRace)节目网页也提供这款游戏的下载。

    More than 1.6 million people have installed the game on their Web pages on Facebook . Most of the players of the game now come through other sites that have the program on their pages , including the CBS show ' The Amazing Race . '