
  • 网络Indie game;Independent Game;Game
  1. 《独立游戏杂志》(IndieGameMag)对这些讨论做了一个很好的综述。

    Indie game MAG has a good overview of the arguments .

  2. 阮哈东说自己是一个非常热情的独立游戏开发者,他在推特上也表示自己不会出售flappybird,但以后还会继续做游戏。

    Mr Nguyen , who describes himself as a passionate indie game maker , also said on the micro-blogging site that he will not sell Flappy Bird but that he will still make games .

  3. 《时空幻境》是一款极佳的独立游戏,在它所发布于的所有平台上都得到了很大的成功,能够最终登陆Linux平台真是玩家们的荣幸。

    Braid is a fabulous Indie which has been very successful on every platform it has been released on , and it is a great honor that it is finally on Linux .

  4. 2012年6月,腾讯出资近3.3亿美元,买入了美国纽约的独立游戏开发商EpicGames48.4%的少数股东股份。

    In June 2012 , Tencent purchased a 48.4 % minority stake in Cary , N.C. - based independent developer Epic Games for approximately $ 330 million .

  5. 史蒂芬尼巴里斯推动独立游戏开发领域目前最伟大的头脑汇聚一堂,成为世人关注的焦点——她执掌的IndieCade公司不仅与西雅图游戏展(PennyArcadeExpo)和游戏开发者大会(GameDevelopersConference)等游戏业盛事合作,还举办自己的游戏节。

    Stephanie Barish has helped spotlight the greatest minds in independent game development today through IndieCade , which has partnered with established gaming events like Penny Arcade Expo ( PAX ) and Game Developers Conference and also held its own festivities .

  6. 如果《非洲》的销量不俗,那还会有助于说服那些独立游戏发行商开发出能够更充分利用PS3先进技术能力的新游戏。

    If the game sells well , Afrika could also help persuade independent publishers to develop newer games that take advantage of the PS3 's technological capabilities more fully , says Sony .

  7. 阮哈东说自己是一个“非常热情的独立游戏开发者”,他在推特上也表示自己不会出售FlappyBird,但以后还会继续做游戏。

    Mr Nguyen , who describes himself as a " passionate indie game maker , " also said on the micro-blogging site that he will not sell Flappy Bird but that he will still make games .

  8. 第二款游戏包去年12月推出。最近一款游戏包是上周推出的,由芬兰游戏开发商Frozenbyte的5款独立游戏组成。

    A second package launched last December , while the most recent one came out last week featuring five offers from a Finnish game developer called Frozenbyte .

  9. 小型独立游戏公司将是视频游戏产业的未来。

    Small independent studios are the future of the video game industry .

  10. 能在独立游戏中看到不同的艺术风格向来让人感到很爽。

    It is always nice to see different art styles come through from Indie games .

  11. 游戏包中含有五款独立游戏,而且你又一次能够按照自己的定价来购买了!

    Five Indie games were in the bundle , and again you could pay what you wanted !

  12. 审查不久前收紧之际,正值试图进军海外市场的中国小型独立游戏开发商大量涌现。

    Recent tightening comes amid a boom in small independent Chinese developers attempting to make inroads overseas .

  13. 棒透了的独立游戏也总是不断出现。然而,那些系列性的游戏却能使我们成为永久的“回头客”。

    There will always be great individual games , but certain franchises keep us coming back for more .

  14. 随着手机游戏的加速普及,世界各地如雨后春笋般涌现出了许多独立游戏开发商。

    With the proliferation of mobile gaming , there 's been a boom in independent game developers around the world .

  15. 面对这种残酷的竞争,独立游戏公司纷纷被更大的公司收购。这些大公司拥有足够财力,可以压倒对手。

    Faced with such cutthroat rivalries , independent gaming studios are being taken over by larger companies that can outspend the competition .

  16. 与这份傲人业绩一道发布的还有一组令人印象深刻的统计数据,比如该公司在第二季度美国和英国独立游戏发行商排行榜中都位列榜首。

    That success accompanied a host of impressive statistics , including news of its standing as the top independent game publisher in the U.S. and U.K. during the second quarter .

  17. 腾讯先是获得了这款游戏在中国大陆地区的代理权,几年之后,又在2011年2月,以4亿美元的价格收购了这家位于美国加利福尼亚州圣莫妮卡的独立游戏开发商。

    Tencent first licensed the game for China and then a few years later acquired the Santa Monica , Calif. - based independent developer in February 2011 for $ 400 million .

  18. 一旦摆脱了在大企业工作那些有形无形的束缚,独立游戏开发业就变成一个创意不断、快速发展,当然还有滚滚财源的热闹领域。

    Freed of the constraints , perceived or otherwise , of working in big business , indie game development has become a hive of creativity , development and , yes , profit .

  19. 现在,梅奈率领独立视频游戏开发商Mojang公司的25位员工,全身心地致力于这款游戏的开发工作。

    Now , Manneh runs mojang , the 25-person team behind the game .

  20. 目前的解决方法有两种:一、在不同的地区设立互相独立的游戏服务器;二、把MMORPG中较为独立的功能模块分离出来,放在独立的服务器上运行,以此减轻主逻辑服务器的负担。

    At present , there are two solutions : First , establish independent game server in different areas ; Second , separate independent functional modules in MMORPG from another , put it on a separate server running , thus alleviating the burden on the main logic server .

  21. 该公司还计划推出独立的游戏服务应用。

    It is also planning to launch the gaming service as a standalone app , the person said .

  22. 关于这个已经说明很多次了,这叁个游戏为各自独立的游戏。

    As it has been stated many times , the three games will be independent from each other .

  23. 离开电子艺界后,我花了3年时间经营独立的游戏开发商,而电子艺界则掌控着一个全球性的一元式工作室组织。

    I spent three years outside EA managing independent developers , while EA ran a global monolithic studio organisation .

  24. 后来佩尔松从JAlbum辞职,跟同为游戏开发者的波尔塞一起创办了一家独立的游戏制作公司。

    Eventually Mr Persson quit JAlbum to found an independent games studio with Mr Porser , a fellow game developer .

  25. 你是一个很强的工程师吗?你想为一个独立的游戏公司工作,并且在这个公司里面实现你自己的想法吗?还是在一家外包公司受人摆布?

    Are you a good engineer ? Do you want to work for an independent game company creating your OWN vision instead of outsourcing someone else 's ?

  26. 这是一个独立的RPG游戏,其所有部件装进锡。

    It 's a self-contained RPG game whose parts all fit inside the tin .

  27. 但是,如此众多的游戏却依然是客户独立的单机游戏,并没有互动成分。

    But , the so multitudinous game actually still is the customer independent single plane game , certainly has not interacted the ingredient .

  28. 尽管本作和月球计画一样式可以独立执行的游戏,但还是被多数人视为资料片,因为本作在游戏上并没有很大的改良,只有增加新的任务和武器。

    While the game is in fact a stand-alone game , many consider it the second expansion pack because it does little more than provide new missions , and weapons .

  29. 预留不同类型游戏的接口,对独立的手机游戏并入本平台提供通道,并对未来手机网络游戏的发展进行了展望。

    Reserves the different type game the connection , merges this platform to the independent handset game to provide the channel , and has carried on the forecast to the future handset network game development .

  30. 并且,游戏行业正开展着一个很大的运动来扩大个人与小公司独立制造和销售游戏的能力。

    Still , a large movement is afoot in the game industry to expand the capability for individuals and small companies to make independent games and get them sold .