
dú lì zé rèn
  • independent liability;independent responsibility
  1. 机关法人的独立责任探讨

    On the Independent Liability of Legal Person of Government Units

  2. 法人独立责任辨析&从语境论的研究进路出发论法人代表制

    On the Independent Liability of Juristic Person Studies of Representative System of Juristic Person

  3. 自罗马法以来,侵权责任和契约责任一直是民事法律责任制度的两大独立责任。

    Since Roman law , tort liability and contractual liability have been two independent liabilities in civil liability system .

  4. 法人独立责任是我国民法上独有的概念,其实质为公司法上股东有限责任制度的一种投影和扩张。

    And the sole responsibilities or shared responsibilities must be dependent on the number of the parties in the legal relationship .

  5. 撇弃了合同责任说与独立责任说,并得出结论:虚假陈述行为是一种特殊侵权行为。

    Abandoning the Contract Liability Theory and the Independent Liability Theory , a conclusion is drawn : the misrepresentation act is a special tort .

  6. 评析关于责任性质的不同观点即缔约过失责任说,侵权责任说以及独立责任说的特点,指出三种学说的差异,阐明赞同侵权责任说的依据。

    This sector analyzes the difference about the three views on the nature of responsibility : fault liability , tort liability and impendent liability .

  7. 随着社会经济的发展和个人投资的需要,大多数国家都承认了一人公司的独立责任能力。

    With the development of economy , most countries have acknowledged the independent liability of one-member company to meet the demands of individual investment .

  8. 对法人涵义和其特征的考察发现法人与独立责任间必然联系的观点值得怀疑。

    The opinion insisting on the necessary connection between legal person and independent liability is questioned when we examine the connotation and characteristics of the legal person .

  9. 文章通过比较研究,对国内外关于董事对第三人的独立责任的立法及实践方面进行了分析。

    The article has been analysed about the domestic and international legislation about " director independent responsibility to the third person " and respect of practising through relatively studying .

  10. 法人独立责任,一直以来被视为法人独立人格的必然附随产物,这的确制约了我国法人制度的发展步伐。

    The independent corporate liability has been regarded as the inevitable collateral outcome of the independent corporate personality , which certainly constrains the development of the corporate system in our country .

  11. 本文在对法人制度中有限责任、无限责任以及独立责任进行理论的廓清后,对《公司法》第12条关于公司转投资限制的规定给予评价,并提出修改建议。

    This paper illustrates the concepts of limited liabilities , unlimited liabilities and independent liabilities , as well as comments on and proposes changes for Article 12 of Corporate Law concerning company investment .

  12. 理论界关于违反强制缔约所要承担责任性质主要有三种学说:缔约过失责任说、侵权责任说、独立责任说。

    There are mainly three kinds of theories regarding to the nature of liability bore in the violation of compulsory contracting : the theory of contracting fault liability , tort liability and independent liabilities .

  13. 根据笔者的考察,团体的独立责任、团体成员的有限责任是近代特许公司发展的产物,而不是历史上团体模式的必然条件。

    According to the exploration of the writer , the independent and limited liability is not the necessary condition for group modes in history but an outcome of the development of chartered companies in modern times .

  14. 事实上,在独立责任、有限责任作为公司法人的成立要件之后,我们仍可以看到诸如两合公司,无限公司作为主体对待的情形。

    Actually , we can still see admission of the subject status of other company modes after the independent and limited liability has become essence of the foundation of companies , for instance the limited partnership and unlimited companies .

  15. 然后又根据学校承担责任的性质、份额的不同,分别论述了学校的独立责任和补充责任,结合相关法律法规,对学校责任的承担做出了全面、具体的分析。

    Then the nature of responsibility according to the school , share the different schools were discussed and additional responsibilities of independent responsibilities , with relevant laws and regulations , accountability of schools to make a comprehensive , detailed analysis .

  16. 缔约过失责任产生以来,经过判例学说的不断完善,已经形成了完整的理论体系,成为与违约责任、侵权责任并行的独立责任制度。

    Since the initiation of the liability of the contracting party , it has been developed into an integrated theoretic system after the perfection of the doctrine of precedents . It is juxtaposed with liability of the breach of contract and that of tort .

  17. 目前学界对于违反强制缔约义务应承担的私法责任主要有缔约过失责任说、违约责任说、独立责任说、综合说、侵权责任说等观点。

    Now , there are some theory points of views about the legal liability of violation of forced contracting obligation in the academic circles such as contracting fault liability , liability for breach of contract , independent liability , general liability , tort liability .

  18. 会计师内部责任理论不能充分体现民事责任制度的惩罚与教育功能,应当予以摈弃,会计师应当也可能单独成为过失侵害第三人民事权利的独立责任主体。

    The theory of the certified public accountant 's internal liability can 't embody the functions of punishment and instruction of civil liability and it should be abandoned . The certified public accountant should also be a person independent when he infringes upon the third party 's civil rights .

  19. 股东有限责任主体关系的变化,必然导致责任内容也随之改变,股东对债权人承担有限责任的理念在公司法律规范中表现为股东对公司承担出资义务的责任,公司对债权人承担独立责任。

    The change in relationship among limited liability subjects leads to the change of the limited liability itself . In the provision of corporation law , the idea that shareholders undertake limited liability to the creditors is expressed as shareholders undertaking the responsibility to provide funds to the corporation ;

  20. 人民想要的是一个能为他们提供安逸生活的政府;而政府将此作为首要目标后,自由、独立和责任的观念就被忽视了,甚至即将就此消失。

    What the people wanted was a government which would provide a comfortable life for them ; and with this as the primary object , ideas of freedom and self-reliance and responsibility were neglected to the point of disappearing .

  21. 第四章探讨了独立董事责任的限制和免除问题。

    The fourth chapter discusses the limitation and elimination of directorial liability .

  22. 由法人独立承担责任的立法已经无法满足我国实践的需要,有过错的法人机关成员也应当向受害人承担赔偿责任。

    Organ members with fault should bear liability to the aggrieved person too .

  23. 本文指出责任能力是独立的责任要素。

    The dissertation thinks that the criminal responsibility should be an independent factor of culpability .

  24. 同时,我国也应建立和完善独立董事责任保险制度。

    Meanwhile , China should establish and perfect the system of liability insurance of the independent director .

  25. 来自于一个很大的州立大学的学生参加了一个调查“独立对责任认知的影响”。

    Studentsfrom a large state university participated in a survey on the effect ofindependence on perceptions of obligation .

  26. 投诉服务中心具有法人资格,对其行为依法独立承担责任。

    The Complaint Service Center shall have a legal person qualification , and assume independent liability for its acts .

  27. 设立独立董事责任保险是转嫁独立董事风险的有效途径。

    So setting up the liability insurance of the the independent director is an effective way to transfer risks of the independent director .

  28. 任何一种责任形态都有其适用范围、适用规则及责任承担模式,侵权补充责任作为一种独立的责任形态,当然也有其独立的适用范围、适用规则及责任承担模式。

    As an independent liability form , the supplement of the impingement liability has its own application scope , application rules and liability mode .

  29. 公司享有法人财产权,具有独立承担责任的能力,公司捐赠法律责任的承担主体是公司。

    Companies have corporate property rights and have an independent ability to assume responsibility , so the company is the main legal responsibility of corporate donation .

  30. 推行独立董事责任保险可以分散和降低独立董事的职位风险,借以平衡独立董事的义务与利益之间的冲突。

    The liability insurance for independent directors can disperse and reduce the risk of position , thus balancing the conflict between duties and interests of independent directors .