
dà lù fǎ xì
  • continental law system;system of civil law;Romano-Germanic family
  1. 本文对SPT参与资产证券化资制度运行进行了系统研究,结合英美法系与大陆法系资产证券化立法模式与信托相关法律制度,对我国SPT参与资产证券化的立法现状进行分析探讨。

    This article has conducted the system research to the SPT participating in asset-securitization capital system , unifying Anglo-American law system and continental law system 's legislative model of asset-securitization and the trust law system , discusses our country 's legal circumstances of SPT participating in asset-securitization .

  2. 非洲大陆法系国家法律特征初探

    Primarily Probing into African Continental Law System Countries Legal Features

  3. 英美法系和大陆法系主要国家都规定了雇主替代责任制度。

    A lot of countries have stipulate employer vicarious liability system .

  4. 因此,大陆法系采纳惩罚性赔偿并不存在理论障碍。

    So there are not real theoretical obstacles for punitive damages .

  5. 论体育运动中的正当行为&以大陆法系刑法为文本

    Discussion on the Justified Acts in the Field of Sports Competition

  6. 但大陆法系国家并未普遍接受这一制度。

    However , such system is seldom accepted by continental law countries .

  7. 大陆法系的合同解除制度;

    The system of rescission right of contract in Civil Law System ;

  8. 在此,笔者称之为当事人型技术顾问,它们主要存在于大陆法系国家。

    They are most in Anglo - American law nations .

  9. 大陆法系国家的监事会制度;

    The supervisory board system in the countries of civil law tradition ;

  10. 鉴于此,大陆法系国家的民法都对所有人抵押权作了规定。

    Whereas , all the Civil Law countries make provision concerning Eigentumerhypothek .

  11. 徒刑的内容&行刑视角的思考大陆法系共犯种类之比较

    Content of Imprisonment-From the Perspective of the Forms of Punishment

  12. 法国是一个典型的大陆法系国家。

    France is a'typical country , which belongs to the continental law system .

  13. 虽然在大陆法系国家在总体上对惩罚性赔偿制度持反对态度,但英美法系的惩罚性赔偿制度还是对大陆法系国家的学说、判例产生了影响。

    The system has influenced the doctrines and cases of civil law countries .

  14. 大陆法系不承认保险利益原则在人身保险上的适用,而采用所谓的同意主义。

    China has adopted the principle of insurable interest in its insurance law .

  15. 大陆法系国家中法国越权之诉、德国团体诉讼与日本民众之诉发展也比较完善。

    It developed in the Continental law system and common law system countries .

  16. 严格责任自从产生之初就是饱受争议的理论,尤其是在大陆法系国家。

    Strict liability is a highly controversial theory , especially in civil law system .

  17. 大陆法系的法律传统,以三段论推理为法律推理的基本形式。

    Traditionally , syllogism is the basic form of legal reasoning in continental countries .

  18. 后来也对很多大陆法系国家产生深远影响。

    Later also have a profound impact on many countries of continental law system .

  19. 居住权制度是一项大陆法系国家的传统制度,最早可以追溯到罗马法。

    The legal system of habitatio is a traditional one for civil law countries .

  20. 行政判例制度不仅仅是英美法系的专利,大陆法系国家也都建立起了符合本国国情的判例制度。

    The system of administrative precedent is not owned by common legal family only .

  21. 考察的范围包括大陆法系、英美法系以及前苏联等社会主义法系,并从中得出了具有一般性意义的结论:(1)检察机关提起民事诉讼是世界上大多数国家的做法;

    Inspection ranges from common law nations , civil law nations to socialist legal systems .

  22. 诉之利益起源于大陆法系国家民事诉讼理论。

    Interest of litigation originated from the theory of civil action in continental law system .

  23. 中国刑法与大陆法系刑法共同犯罪人类型比较

    Comparison between the criminals of joint offence in Chinese law or continental law legal system

  24. 目前我国审判推理普遍采用的三段论演绎模式,作为传统大陆法系的判决方式,虽然保证了形式的公正,却忽视了价值的实现并具有其自身难以克服的弱点。

    In current , our country is put to use the syllogism for judicial reasoning pattern .

  25. 在大陆法系国家,审前羁押属于强制措施的一种,其目的是为了有利于侦查和审判,保证实现国家刑罚权,并防止嫌疑人再犯。

    However in Civil law countries , pretrial custody belongs to one of the coercive measures .

  26. 其次,介绍了侵权责任在传统大陆法系立法中的定位。

    Secondly , it introduces the position that tort liability stands on the traditional civil law .

  27. 行为保全制度内含于大陆法系国家的假处分制度中。

    Einstwelivergung ( conservatory measures in litigation ) of the continental law system including act preservation .

  28. 比较研究表明,大陆法系国家立法上赋予了停止条件不同的法律意义。

    As the comparative study shows , conditions precedent has different meaning in different legal systems .

  29. 大陆法系、英美法系刑事审前程序构造之比较

    A Comparison of the Pre-trial Penal Procedures Structure between Continental Law System and Anglo-American Law System

  30. 至今,附随义务已是大陆法系合同法上重要的法律制度。

    Today , contractual incidental obligation has become an important legal mechanism in continental legal system .