
  • 网络independence referendum
  1. 2007年苏格兰民族党(ScottishNationalParty,简称SNP)入主苏格兰议会后,宪法问题成了苏格兰政治的中心,最终带来独立公投。

    Since 2007 , when the Scottish National party took charge of the devolved parliament , constitutional questions - culminating in the independence referendum - have defined politics north of the border .

  2. 加泰罗尼亚自治区主席阿图尔•马斯(ArturMas)将于明日签署一项法令,要求在西班牙的这个地区举行独立公投,此举可能令位于巴塞罗那的自治区政府与马德里走向冲突。

    Artur Mas , the Catalan president , will tomorrow sign a decree calling an independence referendum in the Spanish region , in a move that sets the government in Barcelona on a collision course with Madrid .

  3. 在独立公投的过程中,苏格兰顶尖大学的教授们分为了两个阵营:支持独立的独派学者(AcademicsforYes)和反对独立的统派学者(AcademicsTogether)。

    In the run up to the referendum , Scotlands top university professors had split into two groups : the pro-independence Academics for Yes versus the anti-independence Academics Together .

  4. 因此,这次独立公投正在迫使snp对联合王国让步,同时推动统派政党进一步放权。

    So the referendum is forcing the SNP to make concessions to the union , while pushing unionists towards further devolution .

  5. 该自治区主席阿图尔•马斯(ArturMas)因举行独立公投面临刑事调查。

    Artur Mas , the Catalan president , is under criminal investigation for holding the poll .

  6. 经合组织(OECD)昨日表示,对苏格兰独立公投以及中东和乌克兰冲突的担忧损害了世界经济前景。

    Fears of disruption following a Scottish vote for independence and conflicts in the Middle East and Ukraine have damaged prospects for the world economy , the OECD said yesterday .

  7. 如今,距苏格兰独立公投只剩几天时间了。

    A poll on Scottish independence is only days away .

  8. 9月18日,苏格兰将举行独立公投。

    On September 18 , Scotland will vote on independence .

  9. 苏格兰独立公投是企业变哑巴的另一个例子。

    The referendum on Scottish independence is another example of corporate reticence .

  10. 英国首相鲍里斯·约翰逊排除了苏格兰进行新的独立公投的可能性。

    British Prime Minister Boris Johnson has a new independence vote for Scotland .

  11. 苏格兰首席部长妮古拉·斯特金宣布了第二次独立公投的计划。

    Scottish First Minister Nicola Sturgeon has announced plans for a second independence referendum .

  12. 一直到不久前,我都认为自己不太关心苏格兰独立公投的事。

    Until recently , I thought I did not much care if Scotland voted for independence .

  13. 苏格兰民族党于2011年在苏格兰获选,并誓言独立公投。

    The Scottish National Party was elected in Scotland in 2011 and promised a referendum on independence .

  14. 我们举行了真正的独立公投,而即使是被击败的党派,最后也成为了赢家。

    We have real referendums on independence , where even the defeated parties end up as winners .

  15. 依据英国现行法律,独立公投需要得到英国议会的同意。

    Under current British law , an independence referendum would need the consent of the Westminster parliament .

  16. 日前,英国女王表示希望苏格兰独立公投的选民们一定要认真考虑之后,再决定是否愿意与在一起联合了300多年的英格兰分开。

    The Queen has pleaded with voters in Scotland to think carefully before breaking apart the 300-year-old union with England .

  17. 苏格兰历史性的独立公投引起了全世界人的关注,许多国家密切关注其结果。

    Scotland 's historic referendum on independence has resonated across the world , with many countries watching its outcome closely .

  18. 独立公投的结果暗示,只有在苏格兰人觉得自己留在联盟内更划算的情况下,联盟才会存续。

    The referendum suggests that the union will survive so long as Scots feel they are better off within it .

  19. 爱丁堡表示,如果独立公投获得通过,苏格兰将于2016年3月24日脱离英国。

    Edinburgh has proposed that if people vote for independence , Scotland would split from the UK on March 24 2016 .

  20. 最近,在加泰罗尼亚的独立公投上,五分之四的选民赞成脱离西班牙。

    This month , in a plebiscite on Catalan independence , four out of five voters opted to secede from Spain .

  21. 如果到时候英国选择离开欧盟,苏格兰很可能会要求举行第二次独立公投。

    If Britain were then to choose to leave the EU , Scotland would probably demand the right to a second independence vote .

  22. 美国说,一旦南苏丹独立公投的结果得到认证,它将同苏丹建立正常的外交关系。

    The United States says it will normalize diplomatic ties with Sudan once the results of south Sudan 's independence referendum are certified .

  23. 在七月,石油富足的南苏丹成功分裂之后,中国迅速承认了它的政权,并派人密切关注南苏丹的独立公投。

    It was quick to recognise oil-rich South Sudan when it seceded in July , having sent observers to monitor its referendum on independence .

  24. 这标志着一家国际机构首次警告苏格兰独立公投对全球经济造成的整体后果。

    This marks the first time an international body has warned of the wider consequences to the global economy of a Scottish Yes vote .

  25. 非洲联盟首席外交官警告,苏丹南部含油区明年举行的独立公投可能是灾难性的。

    A vote for independence in oil-rich Southern Sudan 's referendum next year could be catastrophic , the African Union 's top diplomat has warned .

  26. 苏格兰民族党又用了40年的时间,赢得了举行独立公投的机会&推动独立是该党长期以来的承诺。

    It has taken another 40 years for the SNP to win the chance to hold the referendum on independence that it has long pledged .

  27. 但在去年9月独立公投前的几个月里,举国上下都在谈论这个话题。

    But in the months leading up to the nation 's vote on independence from England last September , there was talk of it everywhere .

  28. 现在就举行独立公投,会过早地让苏格兰在伦敦丧失影响力、让英国在世界丧失影响力。

    But to vote for independence from the UK now would be to prematurely surrender Scottish leverage in London , and Britain 's leverage in the world .

  29. 市长计划也与建立直接选举警察署长的方案相冲突&这将使公众在明年秋天的独立公投时难以抉择。

    Plans for mayors have also clashed with schemes to create directly elected police commissioners & which will be put to the public in a separate referendum next autumn .

  30. 预计它将引发西班牙中央政府的法律挑战;中央政府主张,西班牙宪法是不允许独立公投的。

    It is expected to trigger a legal challenge from Spain 's central government , which argues that a plebiscite on secession is not allowed under the Spanish constitution .