
  1. 随着Internet的迅速发展,视频会议、网络游戏、在线交易等多媒体通信业务迅速增长,带宽消耗和网络拥塞问题日益显著。

    With the rapid development of Internet , a variety of multimedia applications , such as audio conferencing , online games , online trading , are increasing rapidly , leading to much more intensive bandwidth consumption and network congestion .

  2. 目前,网络游戏虚拟物交易是最具代表性的网络虚拟物交易,其市场规模已经日渐庞大。

    At present , the online game fictitious res trade is the most representative of the Internet fictitious res trade , of which market scale is increasing largely .

  3. 但是立法的滞后,使得网络游戏虚拟物交易中存在的大量问题迫切需要解决。

    However , as the lag of legislation , there are many problems , which need to be solved urgently , about the online game fictitious res trade .

  4. 政府应该对网络游戏虚拟物交易进行规制,这是由私力的不能、主体经济力失衡以及政府的职能所决定的。

    Due to incapableness of private force , unfair economic status of subjects and the function of the government , the government should regulate the online game fictitious res trade .

  5. 其主要的干预方式有:对网络游戏虚拟物交易法律关系主体的规制,税收规制,定价机制的规制,其他影响交易市场的行为的规制。

    The main regulate ways of government include : the regulation for the subjects in the law relation of the online game fictitious res trade , the revenue administration system , the system of pricing and other behaviors which influence on the trade market .

  6. 网络游戏中虚拟资产交易平台的构建

    Conceiving and Building up the Virtual Capitals Exchange Platform in Internet Game

  7. 网络游戏虚拟产品的交易是网络游戏运营商一种独特的赢利模式。

    Trading of online games virtual products is a unique profit model for online game operator .

  8. 这就是为什么中国网民更多地使用即时聊天工具而不是发邮件,更多地玩游戏而不是网上交易,更多地发博文而不是做搜索。

    That is why Chinese users tend to use less email and more IM , less e-commerce and more games , less search and more blogging .

  9. 游戏玩家开始沉迷于坐在沙发上,将电视连上强大的机顶游戏机后玩游戏、而不是坐在电脑屏幕前,而动视追随着游戏玩家,交易越做越大。

    Gamers started gravitating towards the couch , playing games on televisions hooked up to powerful set-top consoles instead of sitting at computer screens , and the company followed them , doing ever-larger deals .