
  • 网络Game Developer Conference;gdc;CGDC
  1. 美国动视(Activision)在上周于旧金山举办的一年一度的游戏开发者大会(GameDeveloper'sConference)上展示了他们的最新技术成果。

    Activision ( ATVI ) is showing off new technology at the annual Game Developer 's Conference , taking place in San Francisco this week .

  2. 但是如果你去参加一个游戏开发者大会

    But if you were to go to a game developers conference ,

  3. 她还是游戏开发者大会之本地化峰会的主办方之一。

    She co-organized the Game Developer Conference 's Localization Summit .

  4. 在今年的旧金山“游戏开发者大会”上,索尼电脑娱乐公司展示了自己的解决方案。

    At this year 's Game Developers Conference in San Francisco , Sony Computer Entertainment , the tech giant 's video game division , showed off its solution .

  5. 史蒂芬尼巴里斯推动独立游戏开发领域目前最伟大的头脑汇聚一堂,成为世人关注的焦点——她执掌的IndieCade公司不仅与西雅图游戏展(PennyArcadeExpo)和游戏开发者大会(GameDevelopersConference)等游戏业盛事合作,还举办自己的游戏节。

    Stephanie Barish has helped spotlight the greatest minds in independent game development today through IndieCade , which has partnered with established gaming events like Penny Arcade Expo ( PAX ) and Game Developers Conference and also held its own festivities .