
  • 网络gamification;Game
  1. 从谷歌到欧莱雅,到IBM再到富国银行等公司都在他们的工作中不同程度的运用游戏化思维。

    Companies from Google to L'Oreal to IBM to Wells Fargo are known to use some degree of gamification in their workplaces .

  2. 许多公司纷纷涌现—GamEffective,Punchball和Badgeville,仅举几例——它们近几年来为企业提供游戏化平台。

    A number of companies have sprung up — GamEffective , Bunchball and Badgeville , to name a few — in recent years offering gamification platforms for businesses .

  3. 我们有理由相信游戏化会继续发展下去。

    " There is no reason this will go away . "

  4. “游戏化并不是全新的概念,”沃巴赫说。

    The concept of gamification is not entirely new , Werbach says .

  5. 游戏化“不是灵丹妙药,”沃巴赫警告说。

    Gamification is " not a magic bullet , " Werbach warns .

  6. 有些人并不喜欢让工作游戏化,科尔内蒂特说。

    Some people do not take naturally to gamified work environments , Cometti says .

  7. 游戏化不一定需要数字技术。

    Gamification does not have to be digital .

  8. 她最近以追逐风暴为主题为一家销售培训公司设计了一个游戏化战略。

    She recently designed a gamification strategy for a sales training company with a storm-chasing theme .

  9. 沃巴赫所研究的一家公司就运用游戏化来建立集体感以鼓舞员工的士气。

    One company Werbach has studied uses gamification to create a sense of community and boost employees ' morale .

  10. 最近的一份报告显示,全球游戏化市场产值将从2015年的16。5亿美元增长到2020年的111亿美元。

    A recent report suggests that the global gamification market will grow from $ 1.65 billion in 2015 to $ 11.1 billion by 2020 .

  11. 但“游戏化”一词广泛的传播及对其概念有意识的应用仅始于五年前,沃巴赫说。

    But the word " gamification " and the widespread , conscious application of the concept only began in earnest about five years ago , Werbach says .

  12. 越来越多的公司正在通过所谓的“游戏化”逐步实现快乐工作的目标:从本质上讲,是将工作转变成一种游戏。

    Increasingly , companies are tapping into these desires directly through what has come to be known as " gamification " : essentially , turning work into a game .

  13. 对于工人,尤其是急需要工作但又自知很容易被取代的低收入者来说,游戏化可能更像是饥饿游戏。

    For workers , especially low-paid workers , who desperately need their jobs yet know they can be easily replaced , gamification may feel more like the Hunger Games .

  14. 一个未经深思熟虑或者不适合员工的游戏化策略可能会激发员工一时的兴趣,却不会长期地刺激员工。

    A gamification strategy that is not sufficiently thought through or well tailored to its players may engage people for a little while , but it will not motivate people in the long term .

  15. 对他们来说,合理的游戏化可能会将他们的推销技巧转化为与其他团队成员之间的竞争,配合使用电子排行榜显示销售冠军。

    For them , the right kind of gamification might be turning their sales pitches into a competition with other team members , complete with a digital leaderboard showing who is winning at all times .

  16. 不过,游戏化开始越来越流行,他说,“随着越来越多的熟悉电子游戏构造和表现形式的人成为劳动力。”

    Still , gamification only stands to become more popular , he says , " as more and more people come into the workforce who are familiar with the structures and expressions of digital games . "

  17. 美国运通公司(AmericanExpress)正在使用一个游戏化平台作为自己商务旅行服务的补充。

    American Express AXP 2.27 % , meanwhile , is creating a platform that complements its business travel services .

  18. 现在越来越多的企业正在利用游戏化战略鼓励某些B2B行为。

    Increasingly , companies are using gamification to encourage certain business-to-business behaviors .

  19. TrueOffice借助的是流行的“游戏化”趋势,将视频游戏的叙事和互动与求职、培训等事务结合起来。

    True office is riding the popular " Gamification " trend , which brings videogame storytelling and interactivity to mundane tasks such as job applications and , yes , training .

  20. 利用BDI智能主体促进学习者在游戏化学习情境中的自主建构

    Use BDI Agent to Promote Learner ′ s Self-construction in the Game-based Learning Environment

  21. 游戏化自2011年成为主流用语以来,迅速成了一个被大肆炒作的噱头。但到了2014年,根据最近的数据来看,游戏化作为一种商业战略可以说基本上已经GameOver了。

    The gamification of digital engagement fiercely rode the hype cycle since the term burst into mainstream usage in 2011 , but according to recent figures , gamification as a business strategy in 2014 is essentially , well , game over .

  22. 咨询公司EnterpriseGamification的创始人马里奥•赫杰(MarioHerger)说:游戏化就是视频游戏与商业结合的产物。

    Gamification is when video games and business have a baby , says Mario Herger , founder of consultancy Enterprise Gamification .

  23. 比如加拿大的西捷航空公司(WestJet)就采用了Badgeville公司的游戏化技术来改造公司的费用管理。

    Canadian airline WestJet uses Badgeville , for example , to shape expense management .

  24. 美国运通对这个问题给出的答案就是GoTime。它是基于Badgeville公司的游戏化技术开发的一项针对企业用户的高级服务。

    For Amex , the answer is GoTime , which it is developing on Badgeville as a premium service for corporate accounts .

  25. 据市调机构高德纳公司(Gartner)估算,像Badgeville和Bunchball等公司开发的游戏化技术的市场渗透率大概只有5%到10%。

    The market research firm Gartner estimates market penetration of gamification technology , exemplified by enterprise developers suchas Badgeville andBunchball , at just 5 % to 10 % .

  26. 更有甚者,Noschese先生还说,Khan学院有意的使学习“游戏化”,这会产生灾难性的后果,比方说所有那些既有趣又让人上瘾的“彗星徽章”会诱使孩子们为了赢得奖励来不断机械重复低水平的练习。

    Worse , says Mr Noschese , KhanAcademy 's deliberate " gamification " of learning - all those cute and addictive " meteorite badges " - may have the " disastrous consequence " of making pupils mechanically repeat lower-level exercises to win awards , rather than formulating questions and applying concepts .

  27. 达根也是游戏化公司Badgeville的联合创始人。与BetteWorks的客户合作期间,他近距离地观察到,哪些措施有助于留住二十多岁的年轻才俊,哪些措施无法做到这一点。

    Both as a co-founder of gamification company Badgeville and from working with BetterWorks clients now , Duggan has seen close up what works , and doesn 't , in inspiring twenty-something talent to stay put .

  28. 我们要使用互动型虚拟实验室和游戏化模式。

    We have to go to interactive virtual laboratories and gamification .

  29. 从网络词语的被游戏化看现代汉语的规范

    From Game of Network Terms to Norms of Modern Chinese

  30. 一些商学院在课堂上使用了游戏化技术。

    Some schools are using Gamification techniques in the classroom .