
  • 网络nomadic;nomadicity;nomadism;nomade
  1. 三百年后,一些小规模的、更具游牧性的部落最终再次涉险来到了北部地区。

    Three hundred years later , smaller and more nomadic groups finally ventured north again .

  2. 它是民族文化和地域文化的融合体,民族性、地域性、游牧性和变异性是其基本特征。

    It is the melting of the national culture and regional culture with melting , national feature , nomadic and changing as its basic feature .

  3. 中亚地区在历史上没有形成发达完善的宗教社会制度,宗教传播受到游牧社会特殊性的制约。

    Historically , well-developed religious regime did not take shape in Central Asian region , religious propagation was constrained by the particularity of nomadic society .

  4. 蒙古族地方性知识的结构极其复杂,但它具有适应于所处环境的禀赋,作为蒙古族游牧文化地方性知识重要组成部分,蒙古族游牧经济地方性知识也有其适应本土的内在规律。

    Mongolian nomadic economy , as an important part of local knowledge of Mongolian nomadic culture , has its inherent laws of existence and development of adaption of the local .

  5. 蒙古族游牧经济具有游动性、均衡性、分散性、脆弱性等特征。

    Nomadic economy of the Mongolian people bears some characteristics , such as mobility , balance , decentralization and frangibility .

  6. 《蒙古秘史》(以下简称《秘史》)是蒙古民族的典范文献,也是古代北方游牧民族具有代表性的历史、文学经典作品。

    The Secret History of Mongolia ( brief as Secret History ) is a model literature of Mongolian as well as in whole ancient nomadic groups lived in north .

  7. 首先阐述了本文选题目的和意义,以及国内外研究现状,研究思路和研究方法。其次,对游牧经济、蒙古族游牧经济、地方性知识、蒙古族地方性知作了初步的概念界定。

    First of all , the paper shows the purpose and significance of the paper , as well as domestic and international researching situation , researching ideas and methods . Secondly , nomadic economy ﹑ Mongolian nomadic economy ﹑ local knowledge and Mongolian local knowledge are defined initially .