
  • 网络Origin of Agriculture
  1. 人种迁徙、语言演变与农业起源的思考

    Relations of Human Migration , Language Evolution with the Origin of Agriculture

  2. 文章呼吁,中国的农业起源研究要摆脱一味寻找最早栽培谷粒来确定农业起源时间和地点的模式,从人地关系的互动来了解农业起源的潜因和具体进程。

    The article appeals that the study of the origin of agriculture in China should free itself from searching for the earliest cultivated rice and shift to understand its mechanism and process in terms of man-and-land relationship .

  3. 中国原始农业起源之背景分析

    Analysis of the Origin of Primitive Agriculture in China

  4. 季节性饥荒条件下农业起源问题研究

    Study on the Problems of Agricultural Origin under the Condition of Seasonal Famine

  5. 青海地区农业起源可追溯到六千年前。

    Agricultural origin in Qinghai area can be traced back before 600 0 years .

  6. 西辽河上游生态环境变迁与中国北方旱作农业起源

    Ecological Environment Changes and Rain Fed Agriculture Origin in Upper Reaches of Liao River Area

  7. 太行山地区是中国粟作农业起源地之一。

    The district of Mount TaiHang is one of the original areas of Chinese millet agriculture .

  8. 原始农业起源后,采集生产一度作为重要的社会经济补充。

    To the origin of primitive agriculture , collecting production was as important social and economic supplement .

  9. 太湖与杭州湾地区原始稻作农业起源初探

    A Preliminary Study on the Origin of the Cultured Rice Agriculture in the Area of Taihu and Hangzhou Bay

  10. 作物种质资源是人类赖以生存的物质基础,是农业起源、跨跃式发展的前提。

    Crop germplasm resources are the material basis for human life and the precusor to the origin and astride development of agriculture .

  11. 农业起源于没有文字记载的远古时代,它发生于原始采集狩猎经济的母体之中。

    Agricultural origins in the absence of written records of ancient times , it occurs in the original acquisition hunting economy into the mother .

  12. 早期中国有东南的水稻和西北的粟黍两个农业起源与发展中心,而且水稻农业不断传播、扩张与发展的势头一直持续不断。

    There are two centers of agricultural origin and develop in early China , and the tendency of rice agriculture broadcasting , expanding and developing still continued .

  13. 中国是世界农业起源地之一,我国古代聪慧的先民在中国这片广袤的土地上创造了极富中国特色的农业文化。

    China is one of the origins of agriculture country , ancestors of the ancient wise create a highly agricultural culture with Chinese characteristics in this vast land .

  14. 本文简述了农业起源以来特别是近50年来我国耕作制度演变的轨迹和7个阶段的特色与成就;论农业社会主义第二,农业耕作因素。

    This paper concisely stated the historic evolution on Chinese farming system since agricultural origination , especially recent 50 years , and both the characteristics of the system and achievements in 7 farming stage ;

  15. “我们所有的农作物最初都是用野生物种培育的&这就是农业的起源,”设在罗马的全球农作物多样性基金会执行主任CaryFowler说。该基金会正在领导着该项目。

    " All our crops were originally developed from wild species & that 's how farming began ," said Cary Fowler , executive director of the Global Crop Diversity Trust , in Rome , which is leading the project .

  16. 河南传统农业作物起源与耕作制度演变

    The Crop Origin and Farming System of Traditional Agriculture in Henan Province

  17. 黄河流域农业的起源:现象和假设

    Origin of Agri culture of Huanghe River Valley : Phenomenon and Hypothesis

  18. 太行山地区与粟作农业的起源

    District of Mount Taihang and origin of millet agriculture

  19. 中国稻作农业的起源和传播

    Origin and spread of paddy rice cultivation in China

  20. 这就是农业的起源。

    Here is where the farming begins .

  21. 长江下游新石器时代水稻田与稻作农业的起源

    The Neolithic Rice Field in the Low region of Changjiang River and the Origin of the Cultured Rice Agriculture

  22. 要了解中国农业的起源,我们就不得不从母系氏族社会讲起。

    To learn more about the origins of agriculture in China , we will have to talk from the matriarchal society .

  23. 介绍了有机农业的起源与内涵,比较了有机农业与中国传统农业的联系与区别,并提出了促进我国有机农业发展的建。

    The origin and connotation of organic agriculture and the relations and differences between organic agriculture and Chinese traditional agriculture are introduced .

  24. 人们普遍认为,农业独立起源于少数几个关键地区,然后传播到世界其他地方。

    Eastern North America is one of at least six regions of the world where agriculture is thought to have arisen wholly independently .

  25. 俄国农业资本主义关系起源的特点

    The Characteristics of the Origin of Agricultural Capitalist Relation in Russia

  26. 从彝文古籍探索西南农业文明的起源

    Agricultural Civilization Origin of the Southwest from Ancient Books of Yi Group

  27. 以洛阳为中心的黄河南北地区是中国黄河流域农业文明的起源地。

    Centering on Luoyang , the southern and northern areas along Yellow River are the origin of agriculture culture of Yellow River drainage area .

  28. 包括农业考古、人类起源与现代人起源等的专题研究。

    Studying of special archaeological fields , such as the agricultural archaeology , the origin of human , and so on .

  29. 联合国粮食及农业组织预测,起源于非洲的沙漠蝗灾可能会持续到6月。

    The UN Food and Agriculture Organization predicted that the desert locust plague , which originated in Africa , may last until June .

  30. 以湖北农业专业镇建设为例,对农业专业镇的起源、类型、内涵和功能进行了阐述。

    This paper illustrated the origin , new connotation and new functions of specialized agricultural townships as well as their types by taking Hubei for example .